Engaging Employee Wellbeing Seminars to Support Employee Health
What Is an Employee Wellbeing Seminar?
Employee wellbeing seminars are types of training that are delivered to educate employees on supporting and looking after their health and wellbeing.
Seminars can be delivered as wellbeing workshops or wellbeing webinars depending on the needs of the company or organisation.
Seminars can include a vast range of health and wellbeing topics and a company may pick a particular session depending on the time of year.
For example, in January, a company may opt for a webinar on “Kickstarting with Motivation and Realistic Goals” to help encourage and motivate employees to get their year off to the best start possible.
Different times of the year may call for other seminar topics.
Why Are Wellbeing Seminars Important?
Supporting employee wellbeing is essential in the modern working environment.
According to the charity “Mind”, 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem of some kind in England each year.
Offering wellbeing seminars, workshops, or webinars can help to support the mental and physical wellbeing of a company’s employees.
A happy and supported workforce is a productive and loyal workforce.
Benefits of Employee Wellbeing Seminars
It is becoming more and more clear that supporting employee health is advantageous for both employers and employees.
Educating employees on various topics can provide a vast range of benefits, including:
- Reduced Stress
- Increased Confidence
- Increased Motivation
- Better Habits
- Improved Health
- Decreased Injuries
- Increased Happiness
- Increased Awareness
- And more!
The benefits to employers can include:
- Increased Staff Retention
- Decreased Sick Days
- Increased Productivity
- Better Employee Morale
- Increased Employee Engagement
- Increased Loyalty
- Attract Top Talent
- Increase Company Reputation
- And more!

5 Employee Wellbeing Seminars to Support Employees
1. Coping With Stress Wellbeing Webinar
In the UK, stress is responsible for a large percentage of working days lost. According to HSE figures, stress, depression, and anxiety caused 50% of all work-related illnesses in 2020–21.
Educating employees on simple and effective ways to manage their stress can prove to be an effective way to help support them.
Employees who can manage their stress are more productive and happier.

2. Improve Your Physical Wellbeing Webinar
Physical wellbeing is extremely important when it comes to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
As the saying goes, a healthy body allows for a healthy mind.
Educating employees on ways to improve their physical wellbeing can help to improve their health, increase productivity, improve mood and reduce many health risks.
A large number of individuals suffer from aches pains and discomforts and having a seminar on ways to reduce these physical discomforts can aid in helping employees to reduce their pain and improve their health.
3. Building Unstoppable Confidence
In society today, many individuals struggle with building their confidence, and employees who don’t feel confident can second guess themselves and slow down their progress.
A confident employee can allow for creativity, productivity, and team motivation.
Confidence in the workplace allows employees to communicate more effectively, which can have a positive impact on the company.
Delivering a workshop or webinar on confidence can provide employees with the tips and framework to increase their confidence and help them to thrive in the workplace.

4. Create Positive Habits
We all have habits whether we are consciously aware of them or not.
Some of these habits hinder our progress and prevent us from progressing in life.
Positive habits can have a profound impact on an employee’s health and wellbeing.
Those who adopt healthy habits often live a happier, healthier, and longer life.
Providing training on how employees can quit bad habits and adopt new positive habits is a fantastic way to improve their wellbeing.
According to a study by University College London, it takes anywhere between 18 – 254 days to form a habit.
There is a range of tips, tricks, and processes that can make this process easier, and a seminar or workshop teaching this can support employees to create life-changing habits.

5. Diabetes awareness
Type 2 Diabetes is the fastest growing health condition in the world!
It is predicted by Diabetes UK that if nothing changes, 5.5 million people in the UK will have Diabetes.
Diabetes can be dangerous and, in some cases, can lead to leg, toe, or foot amputations.
Educating employees on serious health conditions like diabetes is important for their health and wellbeing.
Highlighting serious health conditions can encourage employees to implement positive lifestyle changes to keep them fit, healthy and active.

Providers of Employee Wellbeing Seminars
At Loving Life, we provide a range of wellbeing seminars delivered in webinar or workshops format.
See the links below for more information.
Below are a few other providers who we’ve heard good things about.
Author –
Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker
BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation