Can I Run With A Calf Strain?
So should you train with a calf strain?
The straight answer to this question is NO please do not run if you have a calf strain!
The calf muscle is said to be one of the most critical areas of an athlete’s body.
However, people tend to neglect this area therefore a wide range of conditions may emerge; from mild stretching and pain to a torn muscle. This may constrain your performance, especially at the start of a new training season.
What you should do to help your injury!

The best thing you could do for your calf is rest!
If you continue to run you will not give the calf muscles a chance to repair themselves. If the pain is severe you may not even be able to run at all.
If you can walk, walking around may help with recovery. It is important to walk pain-free before performing calf-stretches.
If you go back to running too early, the injury may reoccur.
It can also be beneficial to ice the affected area for about 20 minutes of every hour for the first 24 hours of noticing the pain.
Compression can also be helpful and can be achieved with compression socks or calf tights. These could be worn at night for hours of recovery time.
Once you can walk again with no pain, you can try some gentle stretches. You should start with some seated calf raises, then progress to standing calf raises.
Eventually, when you have let your calf rest and you can walk and stretch pain-free, you could try light jogging. Start slowly and assess how your calf muscles feel, if you feel okay you could start
running faster and longer. Just remember to take it slow!
Physical therapy can also be beneficial to rebuild the muscle’s strength. A physical therapist will help to identify the issues and provide a treatment plan to help get you back in action.
Can you prevent a calf strain?

Yes, the following methods may help reduce your chances of enduring a calf muscle strain injury:
– Try to warm up for at least 20 minutes before running to improve extension and flexibility.
– Make sure to perform the cool-down stretches. This recovery helps the muscles distribute
and get rid of any waste products.
– Strength training is also crucial. Try incorporating it into your work out routine. Improving
your muscle strength can allow you to exercise with more control. As a result, decreasing the
poor form and avoiding injury.
– Make sure to eat foods that will maximize your energy and contribute to your muscle health,
such as eggs, salmon or Greek yoghurt. If your body is short on healthy fuel, fatigue can set
and predispose an injury.
Once you’ve overcome your injury, remember that prevention is better than cure. It’s always best to maintain healthy muscles and joints especially if you’re training a lot. A sports massage once a month can help to manage your muscles, as well as regular stretching, foam rolling and yoga.