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People Manager

  Posted November 18, 2021     Health and Wellbeing
People manager

So, you want to know what it takes to become a people manager? Well, you’ve come to the right place! To put it simply…you can't manage if you can't manage people. Being a manager is difficult because what works for one team or one person seldom applies to everyone. What...

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wellbeing workshops

Organising a variety of wellbeing workshops is one method a company may assist with its employees' wellbeing. This is because feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual. The workshops should provide a variety of tools and methods for everyone (staff, leaders and managers, HR, etc.) This would...

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employee productivity

When it comes to employee productivity, we think it's important to understand these 5 factors to help benefit your staff. This is because it contributes to a more positive working culture and morale. In turn, this will result in a much greater corporate environment. According to the ONS, productivity fell...

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Staff wellbeing

In this article, we are going to cover a range of aspects when it comes to staff wellbeing and its importance in the workplace. Staff wellbeing has become increasingly talked about due to the impact of the pandemic and we’re here to give you a guide on not only supporting...

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How To Sleep With A Headache

  Posted September 20, 2021     Health and Wellbeing
How to sleep with a headache

Is your headache disrupting your sleep? Well, you’ve come to the right place! According to WHO, in 2016, half to three-quarters of adults aged 18–65 years worldwide have had a headache at least once. Unfortunately, when compared to the general population, headache sufferers are 2 to 8 times more likely...

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Let’s Talk About Mental Health

  Posted September 6, 2021     Health and Wellbeing
Let's talk about mental health

So why should we talk about mental health? All of us should look after our mental health and well-being the same way we look after our physical health. According to Mind, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. Discussing mental...

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how to look and feel less tired

Do you often look and feel tired? Well, you are not alone! According to Aviva, as many as 16 million UK adults are suffering from sleepless nights. Also, a third (31%) say they have insomnia and almost half (48%) agree they don’t get the right amount of sleep. The obvious...

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Understanding Pain

  Posted August 23, 2021     Health and Wellbeing
Understanding Pain

Understanding pain can be difficult since it is a highly subjective experience, meaning that what you feel is not always the same as what another person feels. What is pain? According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, pain is an unpleasant sensation that indicates that something is amiss. It can be described...

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Stress busters for work

These stress busters were designed to help you get through the week, but first we must understand what stress is! What is stress? According to the NHS, stress is the body's reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. A minimal amount of stress could actually motivate you to complete your...

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Can I Run With A Calf Strain?

  Posted August 12, 2021     Health and Wellbeing
Can I run with a calf strain

So should you train with a calf strain? The straight answer to this question is NO please do not run if you have a calf strain!The calf muscle is said to be one of the most critical areas of an athlete’s body. However, people tend to neglect this area therefore...

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