10 Staff Treats That Will Make Your Team Love You
When it comes to treating your staff there is a range of staff treats that will often make your colleagues, employees, and teams appreciate you a lot.
In this article, we’re going to look at 10 staff treats that will make your teams love you.
10 Staff Treats Employees Will Love
3. Wellbeing Workshops or Webinars
10 Staff Treats Employees Will Love
1. On-Site Massage
When it comes to massage, who doesn’t love one?
With stress being one of the biggest contributing factors to time off work, hiring an on-site massage therapist is just one of the fantastic ways you can help to treat your staff
If staff are less stressed, they can perform better, are better to be around, and help to drive the business forward.
Massage has been shown to:
Reduce stress
Improve movement
Reduce muscular tension
Improve flexibility
Improve mood
Boost endorphins
Soothe anxiety
Reduce depression
And much more!

A workplace massage service can be super convenient for any business.
Foreword thinking providers offer online booking links, making it super easy for staff to book on and for event organisers to organise.
All the event organiser has to do is, book out a suitable room/space in the office, organise dates with the massage company and make the payment.
A great staff treat and something easily organised.
2. Go Ape
Go ape is one of the most popular employee treats in the UK.
With 35 locations to choose from it should be easy for you to find a location that works well for your company.
For those that aren’t sure, Go Ape is a fun, interactive, outdoor adventure playground you can treat staff to. It’s also great for employee engagement.
Go ape provide a range of staff treats, including:
Forest Segway
Ground Games
Axe throwing
Treetop challenge
And more

3. Wellbeing Workshops or Webinars
Staff wellbeing has never been so important.
With statistics like stress, depression, and anxiety being responsible for 50% of all work-related ill health, employers must be looking after the health and wellbeing of their staff.
Wellbeing workshops and webinars are a convenient and cost-efficient way of getting important messages to staff about their wellbeing
Whether it’s a workshop on coping with stress, improving your physical wellbeing, or working from home best practice, employees will be grateful for the support to take their health seriously.
Sessions can be performed as part of a working day, or over the lunch period as part of a lunch and learn.
Regardless of when it is, this is another fantastic experience your employees will thank you for!
4. Donate to Employee Causes
Donating to employee causes can provide a real sense of fulfilment for your team, colleagues, or employees.
Although this may not seem like the typical staff treat, supporting an employee cause can help staff feel that you care about what’s important to them.
Non-for-profit companies like Fit For Life Youth CIC do amazing things in their community and this is a great cause that your company can get behind and support.
Other employee causes may consist of charities like:
And more!
5. Free Staff Lunch
What’s better than lunch? Free lunch!
With the continuous rise in living costs, individuals are having to make cutbacks in life wherever they can.
For some employees, this may mean bringing a prepared lunch to the office to save on buying something in the local area.
To others, this may mean cutting back on lunch altogether. The reality of each employee will be different.
Providing Lunch for staff, whether it’s regular or a one-off, is a great perk for those working in the office.
Employers could make this a weekly thing, e.g free lunch every Friday, or it could be part of a celebration for hitting a target.

6. Time Off Work
As much as employers may want their staff to work as hard and often as possible, this isn’t great for employee health or wellbeing.
Giving employees time off as a staff treat is a great way to show recognition for their hard work.
Employee recognition has many benefits, including:
Reducing turnover
Improving engagement
Improving morale
Fostering loyalty
Boosting productivity
Improving wellbeing
Creating a positive working environment.
And more!
Approximately 44% of employees change jobs due to a lack of recognition for their efforts.
Although giving a staff member time off work may initially feel counterproductive, in the long term it has shown to have many benefits.
A happy workforce is a productive workforce!
7. Gift Cards
Gift cards are one of the most convenient and easy to give staff treats.
As much as we like to think we know our team members, getting them a gift may be risky and wasteful. If they don’t like the gift we get them, our effort and money could have been wasted.
Providing a gift card gives staff more flexibility to buy what they need or want.
Staff will feel more appreciated if they can put their gift card to good use, rather than receive a gift they may not like.
Websites like Amazon offer a wide range of products making an Amazon gift card pretty convenient.
However, if you know your colleagues well then a more specific gift card may be appreciated more. For example, if you know your colleague has had a baby recently, then a gift card for a local baby store may be more meaningful and appropriate.
Whatever gift card you decide to gift your staff, this is a great staff treat to show them that you care.
8. Go-Karting
If you’ve been go-karting then you know how fun it can be. Go-karting not only provides some friendly competition but is extremely fun to do.
According to Capital Karts, go-karting can improve your concentration levels, teach you to have a responsible attitude, strengthen your reflexes, sharpen your senses, build confidence, and give you that feel-good factor.
A team day out on the race track may just be the staff treat your team needs to help boost their morale and provide a sense of unity and belongingness.
If you’re based in the UK, there are a range of go-karting providers.
For your convenience we’ve listed a few below:

9. Upgrade Office Essentials
When it comes to working in the office, there are a few office essentials that make working there that little bit better.
We all yearn for a creative and comfortable working environment and there are some office essentials that could mean the difference between enjoying our time in the office, or not.
Essentials like coffee machines can be great for increasing energy levels, stimulating productivity and reducing stress.
According to the British Coffee Association in the UK, we drink approximately 95 million cups of coffee every day. That’s A lot!
With statistics like these, it’s more than likely that many of your staff, employees or colleagues like to drink coffee throughout their working day.
Providing a state-of-the-art coffee machine may just be the staff treat you need to help keep your employees motivated.
Depending on your companies working culture, office essentials might look different. Having space for an office gym could be great for those companies with an exercise culture, whereas providing a place to have after work beverages may be better for other companies.
Working out what’s best for your companies culture will help you in your quest to providing staff treats that your team love.

10. Guest Speakers
Having a guest speaker can have many benefits for your staff. Guest speakers can bring in a fresh perspective, improve morale and offer some valuable insight and wisdom.
Employees often love hearing from experts in topics they’re interested in and a guest speaker is a perfect way to do this.
Speakers can also provide inspiration, whether it’s through a motivational or inspiring story, or whether it’s through a motivation workshop or webinar.
Either way, providing a guest speaker that leaves a positive impact on employees will be a great staff treat that your teams will love you for.
Hiring a guest speaker can also make the organiser look good. If you’ve organised a speaker that has had a positive impact on employees, then they will thank you for it. After all, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Author –
Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker
BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation