What I’ve Noticed After 6 Months of Cold Showers
At the start of 2023 I decided to get started on my cold shower journey and haven’t looked back since. I’ve now reached just over 6 months of cold showers.
Cold showers have become extremely popular over the last few years and I though I’d jump on the bandwagon.
I start with a normal warm shower to clean myself properly, then at the end, switch it to cold for 2 or 3 minutes. I have been doing this every single day for the last 6months.
Recently, I’ve started trying straight cold showers but I’ll save that for another blog.
Why Did I Start Taking Cold Showers?
Has My Initial Reaction to Cold Showers Changed After 6 Months?
Have I noticed Any Difference in My Skin or Hair?
Have I Noticed Any Difference in My Immune System?
How Have I Motivated Myself to Stay Consistent?
What Advice Do You Have for Someone Who Wants to Get Started with Cold Showers?
Have I Experimented with Cold Showering at Different Times of the Day?
How Did the Habit of Cold Showering Affect Other Areas of Your Life, Like Discipline or Resilience?
What Potential Drawbacks Have You Noticed From 6 Months of Cold Showers?
Will You Continue to Take Cold Showers?

Why Did I Start Taking Cold Showers?
I started taking cold showers after reading Wim Hof’s book “The Wim Hof Method”
When I initially started reading this book, I had no intention of ever taking cold showers.
Throughout the book, Wim subtly prompts and encourages you to get started. “15 seconds to change your life” is something he often says. (Or similar)
By the time I finished the book, I was convinced to give it a go. I wanted to see if cold showering for 30 days would increase my productivity.
After completing 30 days, I decided the benefits were too good to quit. So, here I am just over 6 months later.

Has My Initial Reaction to Cold Showers Changed After 6 Months?
My initial reaction to cold showers has definitely changed over 6months.
When I first started, I had to breathe deeply for at least 30 seconds to get over the initial shock. Even after the 30 seconds, I was still breathing carefully to help me relax.
Now, the initial shock seems to last about 5-10 seconds.
After that, I can pretty much endure the cold without feeling like I’m freezing myself.
My body has seemed to get used to the cold. I don’t find it as challenging anymore, I just get it done.

Have I noticed Any Difference in My Skin or Hair?
After 6 months of cold showers, I feel like my skin has got clearer.
I’m not someone who felt like they had particularly bad skin in the first instance, however, I feel like my skin is smoother and less oily.
There are many articles that suggest the benefits for both skin and hair health.
I haven’t noticed any specific difference in my hair quality, although I don’t pay too much attention to my hair, so even if there are benefits, I’m not sure I would notice.
For more information on this, check out this blog on “Exploring the Skin and Hair Benefits of Cold Showers”

Have I Noticed Any Difference in My Immune System?
I can’t say I have noticed any specific Immune benefits.
However, I have not been sick or felt like I’ve had a cold.
Often, throughout the year I may gain mild colds, but since taking cold showers, I have not had any.
I’m not sure if this is coincidence or as a result of taking the cold showers.
I don’t get sick often, so I find it hard to know if my immune system has benefited.
If I’m able to keep this going for the next few years I’ll be better equipped to answer this question.

How Have I Motivated Myself to Stay Consistent?
Taking cold showers doesn’t take much time at all so I find it hard to make excuses not to do it.
When it comes to going to the gym, or for a jog, there are a million excuses you can use.
However, when contemplating if to finish my shower with a couple of minutes of cold water, all I have to do is turn the tap to get started.
This turning of the tap requires very little effort and I tell myself every day, “All you have to do is turn the tap”.
I also love the benefits. I’m always more awake and alert and ready to tackle my day after experiencing the cold. The thought of this helps to motivate me to continue.

What Advice Do You Have for Someone Who Wants to Get Started with Cold Showers?
Less thinking, more doing!
The benefits really do outweigh the cons and all you have to do is get started.
If you’d like help getting started, the eBook below will guide you towards your first 30 days of cold showers.
A Guide to 30 Days of Cold Showers

Have I Experimented with Cold Showering at Different Times of the Day?
Yes, and I’m going to stick with only doing it in the morning or during the day.
Every time I do it in the evening it wakes me up and I find it a little more difficult to get to sleep because I feel too alert.
Others have reported having a better night’s sleep if doing it in the evening, but this was not my experience.
Having my cold shower in the morning wakes me up.
If I shower in the late morning or early afternoon it gives me a boost of endorphins helping me to be productive in whatever I have to do.

How Did the Habit of Cold Showering Affect Other Areas of Your Life, Like Discipline or Resilience?
Cold showering has definitely made me more productive in the morning.
Once I shower, I’m ready to tackle my day.
Prior to taking cold showers, there may be days where I take really long to get my day started, procrastinate and be lazy.
Since doing these cold showers I can’t think of a time where I’ve had an unproductive morning.
One of the other benefits is getting a mental win at the start of the day.
Just like making your bed, once you’ve done your cold shower, you know you’ve achieved something and the day has only just begun.

What Potential Drawbacks Have You Noticed From 6 Months of Cold Showers?
Because I start with a warm shower to wash myself, it takes me longer to get ready and to complete my shower.
After my warm shower, I do the additional 2 or 3 minutes of pure cold water which takes up extra time, not to mention extra water!
At the time of writing this, I’ve been experimenting with pure cold showers because it’s summer and It makes getting ready super quick.
I’m not sure I’ll continue this in the winter, we’ll see.
It’s one thing having a cold shower when you’re already warm, but having a cold shower in winter when you’re already cold sounds brutal.
Will You Continue to Take Cold Showers?
I aim to have cold showers as part of my routine indefinitely.
It’s about taking it day by day, but my next aim is to get to one year of cold showers.
Ending my shower any other way is not something I can see changing anytime soon.

Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. Please understand that I have experienced all of these products. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful. Not because of the small commission I may make if you decide to buy something.
Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker
BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation