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I love wednesday

What Is Wellness Wednesday? Wellness Wednesday is a weekly observance or event focused on promoting and encouraging habits and practices that contribute to overall health and wellbeing. The goal of Wellness Wednesday is to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of one's mind, body, and soul, and to...

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We spend a significant chunk of our lives at work, so why shouldn't it be a place of Happiness? Employee happiness is not just about a smiley face at the office—it's about creating a fulfilling, balanced, and engaging work life. It's a win-win situation that benefits both employees and businesses....

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Gen Z is the latest generation to enter the workforce and with the advantage of growing up in the digital age with internet access, new technology, and digital tools, there is no doubt they have lots to offer within the workplace. However, Genz is not like other generations. Growing up...

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Attracting the best talent to work in your organisation is not always easy. The best talent and smartest minds come with high expectations for workplace culture, aligning values, competitive salaries, benefit packages, and more! But research has shown that a healthy workplace and employee wellbeing initiatives are becoming increasingly more...

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In this blog we'll be talking about all things BMI. You'll be able to check your Body Mass Index (BMI) with our FREE BMI Calculator. We'll discuss who is best suited to using a BMI Calculator, as well as some actionable tips to help if you're not in the ideal...

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The 7-Day Wellness Challenge

  Posted February 19, 2024     Health and Wellbeing

Challenges are a great way to get us to take action, stay consistent, and give us a kickstart towards the things we want to achieve. That’s why we've decided to create the 7-day wellness challenge to inspire, encourage, and motivate you to take care of your health and wellbeing. Check...

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