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When it comes to our physical wellbeing it can often be confusing as to what it actually is. In this article, we will explain what it is, why it’s important and the things you can do to improve it! Contents What is Physical Wellbeing? Why is Physical Wellbeing Important? How...

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National Fitness Day

  Posted January 17, 2022     Health and Wellbeing
national fitness day

National Fitness Day is a day to recognise the vital role that physical activity plays in helping us all live healthier lives. Whilst eating a balanced diet and getting your five a day is essential for optimal health and fitness; exercise and physical activity are just as important. It is...

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Blue monday

Within this blog, we'll take a closer look at the original Blue Monday concept. Then lastly, we’ll highlight 5 tips to help cope with the doldrums that Blue Monday may cause. Academics have labelled the Blue Monday notion "pseudoscience" in recent years. Whether it's superstitious nonsense or not, there's no doubting that...

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