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27 Corporate Lunch and Learn Ideas

  Posted December 18, 2023     corporate

Finding enjoyable activities for your corporate lunch and learn isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve decided to put together a list of 25 ideas that will help you create your perfect lunch and learn. Whether it’s for a small group or large group, these ideas will help to cater to...

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Leadership wellbeing is something that can be overlooked in the corporate world. It’s a leaders job to inspire motivate and support the wellbeing of their workforce but who supports the leader? As businesses evolve and challenges mount, the health and wellbeing of those at the helm become paramount. As a...

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Client meetings are an important part of building business  relationships. These interactions are more than just routine check-ins or negotiations. They serve as vital platforms to foster trust, understand client needs, and set the stage for mutual growth. Scheduling meetings with clients can not only drive results but also enhance...

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The Power of Corporate Development Teams

  Posted August 31, 2023     corporate

Corporate development teams stand as the unsung architects in the dynamic world of business. Behind every strategic move, every merger, and every growth plan, there's a dedicated team charting the course. These individuals not only navigate the complexities of business expansion but also lay the groundwork for a company's future...

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