Health and Wellbeing Archives - Loving Life Incorporating Employee Wellbeing Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:59:13 +0000 en hourly 1 Health and Wellbeing Archives - Loving Life 32 32 5 Ways to Feel Less Worn Out! Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Feeling constantly drained and unable to recharge? You’re not alone. Many of us experience the state of being “worn out”—a deep exhaustion that simple rest can’t fix. This blog delves into what it means to be truly worn out and offers practical, easy-to-implement strategies to help you regain your energy. Discover how to reclaim your....

The post 5 Ways to Feel Less Worn Out! appeared first on Loving Life.

Feeling constantly drained and unable to recharge?

You’re not alone.

Many of us experience the state of being “worn out”—a deep exhaustion that simple rest can’t fix.

This blog delves into what it means to be truly worn out and offers practical, easy-to-implement strategies to help you regain your energy.

Discover how to reclaim your vitality with these 5 methods.

Let’s explore these steps to help you feel less worn out and more rejuvenated.


What Does Worn Out Mean?

What Is The Difference Between Worn Out And Tired?

Why Do People Get Worn Out?

5 Tips to Reduce Feeling Worn Out

What Does Worn Out Mean?

Worn out is an expression used to describe someone who is exhausted due to over exerting themselves.

People are often heard saying things like, “that has worn me out” or “I’m worn out now”.

To understand the saying, it’s easiest to look at the analogy below.

Imagine a bike tyre. When you first use it, it’s fresh, fully pumped, and ready to go.

Once you’ve ridden the bike several hundred miles, the tyres begin to wear out. The rubber starts to crack, the grip starts to go. The tyres are beginning to become “worn out”.

If the tyres were new but unused for a long time, they wouldn’t be worn out.

It’s the repetitive use of the tyre that causes them to be worn out.

This is just like a human. When we do too much, we often become worn out.

What Is The Difference Between Worn Out And Tired?


Someone who is tired, is not necessarily worn out.

A tired person may just be tired because it’s approaching bedtime.

They may not have done much to exert themselves that day at all.

Someone who is tired needs sleep, whereas someone who is worn out, may have just exerted a lot of their energy and may not be “tired” and ready to sleep.

Imagine an individual who’s had a great sleep and then the first thing they do is go for a run.

Imagine this person hasn’t run for 5 years.

The run may cause them to feel “worn out” but it won’t necessarily make them tired as they’ve not long woken up.

They won’t be wanting to go to sleep, but they may not want to do anything other than relax on the sofa.

Why Do People Get Worn Out?

Mostly, people get worn out by simply doing too much.

Not all of this is by choice, and individuals can get consistently worn out due to their living situation, lifestyle, family commitments, or high pressure job roles.

Imagine a single parent of 4 children having to prepare breakfast, do the school run, go to work, maintain house chores, do the afternoon school run, prepare dinner, wash up, do homework with the kids, etc.

I bet you’re worn out just reading that.

An individual like this may only have a few options to reduce feeling worn out.

On the other hand, some of us can prevent feeling worn out much easier.

We may be committing to too many duties, taking on too much responsibility, and adding pressure to ourselves unnecessarily.

If you’re feeling worn out, below are 5 tips that can help.

5 Tips to Reduce Feeling Worn Out

1. Learn To Say No


Some of us get worn out because we do too much.

We may fear saying no to people because we don’t want to let them down, or we want to show we care.

However, if we don’t look after ourselves, eventually we may not be in a healthy position to help others.

Those who don’t make time to look after themselves, will eventually be forced to make time for sickness.

Saying no can be difficult, especially to loved ones.

However, those that care about you will hopefully understand.

2. Learn To Delegate

Delegation is not always easy.

Trusting someone else to do a task we normally do can be daunting or worrying, but how can we expect someone to learn, if we don’t give them the opportunity.

Whether it’s asking a colleague to help you with a specific piece of work, or it’s asking your children to put a wash on, we must learn to delegate.

Delegating can eventually give us some of our time and energy back.

If we don’t have to spend time or energy doing a particular task, this can reduce the chance of feeling worn out.

Initially, this may be a struggle, but it’s something to learn to overcome and work towards.

If someone doesn’t do a job as well as you, help them to improve so that you can eventually hand that task over to them.

The first wash I ever put on ended up turning the white washing pink. (Yes, I stupidly put something red in there)

However, this allowed me to learn and then eventually take over some of the washing responsibilities from my mother.

I’m now competent when it comes to sorting out the laundry and if it wasn’t for delegation, I may never have learned.

3. Do Less

In theory, it’s very simple.

If you’re doing too much and feeling worn out, do less!

In reality, this is much easier said than done.

Many of us often put unnecessary pressure on ourselves.

Some of us overload our days with non-urgent tasks, causing us to do too much.

To do less, it’s important to prioritise tasks.

Put tasks in order of priority and urgency and stick to them.

A great book by Brian Tracy called “Eat That Frog” helps you to prioritise the most important tasks.

Prioritising so that you can do less is another great step towards feeling less worn out.

4. Ask For Help


Asking for help can be daunting for some of us.

We know we need it, but for some reason, we hesitate to ask for it.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

When we ask for help, the worst outcome is that someone says no.

But asking for help means there is a possibility of actually getting help.

Asking for help when we’re feeling overloaded can help us work towards feeling less worn out.

By nature, people generally like to help.

Some people even feel privileged if you ask for their help.

Some of the benefits of helping include; feeling happier, having a sense of purpose, and even lowering blood pressure.

If we’re getting worn out because of work, we can ask our employer or manager for help.

They may provide training to help, such as “Goal setting webinars” or other wellbeing webinars that may support us.

Managers may even put together corporate health initiatives to support the way you’re feeling.

However, for any of these to start happening, you need to make the first move and ask for help.

It all starts from there!

5. Dedicate Time For Yourself

Who doesn’t love a bit of “me” time?

The problem is, that most of us don’t make this an essential part of our week.

We’re too busy catering to the needs of others that we continuously neglect ourselves.

Dedicating time to yourself can look different for everyone but it’s important when it comes to reducing the chances of feeling worn out.

Whether it’s going for a mind-clearing walk, having a hot bath, reading a book, or booking a deep tissue massage, dedicating time for your wellbeing is a must.

The majority of people say they don’t have time to look after themselves, but having delivered wellbeing workshops on this to hundreds of people, most individuals don’t prioritise themselves.

Some will still find time to watch tv, scroll through social media, procrastinate or gossip with others, but complain they have no time.

The key is to prioritise “me” time.

It will do wonders to reduce feeling worn out.

At Loving Life, we help companies to support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

If your workplace want free resources to help support employees, join the free mailing list below!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

The post 5 Ways to Feel Less Worn Out! appeared first on Loving Life.

15 Fun Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings Mon, 17 Jun 2024 14:10:00 +0000 Why settle for snooze-worthy meetings when you can spice things up with some fun wellbeing activities? Adding a dash of fun to your team gatherings not only keeps everyone awake and alert, but also boosts morale, creativity, and collaboration. In this blog, we give examples of fun wellbeing activities you can use to create an....

The post 15 Fun Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings appeared first on Loving Life.

Why settle for snooze-worthy meetings when you can spice things up with some fun wellbeing activities?

Adding a dash of fun to your team gatherings not only keeps everyone awake and alert, but also boosts morale, creativity, and collaboration.

In this blog, we give examples of fun wellbeing activities you can use to create an engaging, enjoyable, and interactive team meeting.

Trust us, your team (and your boss) will thank you for it!”


What are Wellbeing Activities in Team Meetings?

What are the Benefits of Wellbeing Activities in Team Meetings?

Video on 15 Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

5 In Person Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

5 Virtual Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

5 Quick Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

Happy Staff during employee wellbeing workshop

What are Wellbeing Activities in Team Meetings?

Wellbeing activities in team meetings are a fun and interactive way to promote physical, mental, and emotional health during a meeting.

These activities can range from simple stretching exercises and mindfulness meditation to team-building games and creative brainstorming sessions.

The goal of these activities is to create a positive and supportive work environment where team members can feel energised, engaged, and inspired.

Incorporating wellbeing activities into your team meetings can boost morale, improve communication and collaboration, and reduce stress and burnout among team members.

So, whether you’re looking to improve team morale, increase productivity, or simply add a touch of fun to your meetings, incorporating wellbeing activities is a great place to start!

Motivated employees

What are the Benefits of Wellbeing Activities in Team Meetings?

Incorporating wellbeing activities into your team meetings has so many benefits, it’s like hitting the jackpot of workplace happiness!

Let me break it down for you:

Boosts Morale

When team members feel good, they work better. It’s as simple as that!

Incorporating wellbeing activities into your meetings can help create a positive and supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Reduces Stress

Team meetings can sometimes feel like just another task on the to-do list.

By adding a touch of fun and relaxation to the mix, you can help your team unwind and de-stress.

Improves Communication and Collaboration

Wellbeing activities can encourage team members to work together, talk openly, and get to know one another on a personal level.

This can lead to better understanding and stronger working relationships.


Increases Productivity

When team members feel energized, engaged, and inspired, they are more likely to be productive and motivated to get things done.

Provides a Mental Break

Taking a few minutes during a meeting to focus on wellbeing can help refresh the mind and provide a much-needed break from work tasks.

Incorporating wellbeing activities into your team meetings is like adding a sprinkle of sunshine to your workday.

It’s a win-win situation.

Team members get to have fun and improve their overall wellbeing, and companies benefit from a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce!

Video on 15 Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

5 In Person Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

Here are five in-person wellbeing activities for team meetings that are guaranteed to bring some fun and playfulness to your workday:

Hire A Wellbeing Speaker

Listen up, team players! Tired of the same old team meetings?

It’s time to shake things up with a guest star – a wellbeing speaker!

Imagine learning all sorts of fun, creative and impactful ways to boost your happiness, reduce stress and improve employee wellbeing!

And, the best part? It’s all done in a playful, engaging, interactive and educational way.

So, let’s ditch the dry presentations and bring in the smiles, laughter, and feel-good vibes! Your team (and your brain) will thank you for it!”

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of wellbeing workshops that can help bring some joy and fun to any team meeting.

Take a Stretch Break

Sitting down in lengthy meetings can cause us all to feel stiff, sluggish, and tired.

The solution is as simple as reaching for the sky, touching your toes, or even doing a little dance!

Yes, you guessed it – stretching!

Stretching can act as a great pick-me-up that gets your blood flowing and your mind feeling refreshed.

Stretching can help to prevent you from feeling like a plank of wood and more like an elastic and flexible gymnast.

Taking 20 minutes to incorporate a stretching routing in a team meeting will get meeting attendees feeling great and ready to contribute further to the session.

So ditch the sedentary meeting style and add a little stretch and bend to the mix.

All of the team’s bodies will be so grateful for it!

Loosening neck muscles by stretching

Mindful Meditation

Incorporating mindful meditation into team meetings can be a real game changer!

Think of it as a little mental workout for your team’s brain – like a break from the usual work-out routine.

It helps everyone hit the reset button, recharge and refocus, so they can dive back into work with a clear head and open heart.

It’s like a group hug for the mind!

The positive energy generated from a group mindfulness session can build stronger connections and boost team morale.

Why not see how it uplifts the mood and productivity of your team meetings?

Nature Walk

Nature walks are the ultimate team-bonding experience!

Fresh air, stunning scenery, and a change of pace from the usual conference room provide the perfect backdrop for building relationships and promoting mental wellness.

Plus, there’s nothing like a good ol’ stretch of the legs to get those creative juices flowing.

If your office is in a city with few outdoor options, simply taking a walk to the local park will suffice.

If you’re lucky enough to be located near nature, then take part of your team meeting there.

So, grab your colleagues, and hit the great outdoors to break up your team meeting.

Your mind, body, and spirit deserve it!”

ladies walking

Improvisation Games

Improv games are the laughter-filled prescription for team building and boosting morale!

They help break down barriers, foster communication, and promote creativity in a playful and supportive environment.

Whether you’re acting out scenes, telling silly stories, or just having a good time, these games are guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone’s face and inject some much-needed fun into your workday.

Why not try storytelling through sound effects?

Here’s how it works:

Get into teams of two or three.

One person starts by telling a story using only sound effects, no words allowed!

The next person in the team continues the story using sound effects.

The team continues to take turns, building upon the story through sound effects.

It’s all about using your imagination and listening skills to create a silly and entertaining story. The more creative and over-the-top sound effects, the better!

It’s a fun challenge that will have you and your team laughing and bonding in no time.

5 Virtual Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

Here are five virtual wellbeing activities for team meetings that are guaranteed to bring some fun and playfulness to any meeting:

Hire a Virtual Wellbeing Speaker

Bringing in a Virtual Wellbeing Speaker brings a virtual buzz for your team!

This fun and educational experience gives employees a chance to sit back, relax, and learn about ways to boost their mental and physical health.

Plus, it’s a great opportunity to hear from experts and ask questions in a supportive and engaging environment.

Whether it’s health tips, coping with stress techniques, or healthy lifestyle habits, your team will walk away with new ideas and inspiration to make their days a little brighter.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of fun, interactive and engaging wellbeing webinars to boost any virtual team meeting.

employee engagement webinars

Share Some Gratitude

Gratitude is like a virtual high five for the soul!

Sharing what we’re grateful for is a powerful way to boost our mood, build stronger relationships, and create a positive work environment.

It’s a great way to get to know your colleagues on a deeper level and show appreciation for each other.

Take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for, whether it’s a good cup of coffee, a supportive colleague, or just getting through another day.

Sharing gratitude will leave the team feeling lighter, brighter, and ready to tackle whatever the rest of the team meeting has to offer.

Virtual Meditation

Virtual meditation can offer a moment of stillness for employee minds.

This peaceful practice helps employees to reduce stress, improve focus, and promote relaxation, all from the comfort of their own computers.

Meditation allows a great opportunity for teams to unwind, connect with their breath, and set a positive tone for the rest of the meeting.

Whether you’re a meditation pro or a beginner, this is a fun and accessible way to bring some mindfulness to the workday.

Employee Story Time

Employee Story Time is like taking a trip down memory lane with your colleagues!

Allowing staff to share personal stories and experiences they’re comfortable sharing, is a great way to build relationships, foster a sense of community, and promote emotional wellbeing.

Sharing stories can be a fun and entertaining break from any online team meeting.

Whether it’s a funny childhood tale, a heart-warming moment, or a poignant lesson learned, your team will have the chance to connect on a deeper level and celebrate each other’s unique experiences.

So don’t be shy, share a story, and let the good vibes roll!

Black man standing up talking to his colleagues

Virtual Trivia

Virtual Trivia is like a virtual brain workout with bonus laughs!

This fun and educational game is a great way to boost employee knowledge and bring some friendly competition to the meeting.

It’s also a chance to show off employees’ general knowledge skills as well as learn something new.

Whether it’s general knowledge, pop culture, or specific industry topics, virtual trivia is a fun and engaging way to connect with colleagues and give your brain a workout.

Get colleagues to bring their A-game and get ready to have some virtual fun!

5 Quick Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings

Here are five quick wellbeing activities for team meetings that an be performed speedily to enhance any team meeting:

Power Poses

Take a quick break during your team meeting and do some power poses together.

The power pose is a fun and simple way to boost employee confidence and energy levels in just a few seconds!

By standing tall, with your chest out and arms stretched wide, you trick your body into feeling powerful and ready to tackle any challenge.

It’s a great way to get your team laughing and bonding, and who doesn’t love a good laugh and bonding session during a meeting?

Give it a try, add the power pose to your next team meeting, and feel the positive vibes flow!

Employees standing confidently

Breath Work

Breathing exercises are the ultimate quick-fix for stress and anxiety!

By taking just a few minutes to focus on your breath, you can instantly calm your mind and body.

Breath work is a fun and easy way to get your team in sync, as you all take a deep breath together. It can help relax anyone taking part in the team meeting!

Why not add a little breath work to your next team meeting and see how it transforms the room.

It’s a great relaxer for stressed minds and bodies which are common in the workplace.

Movement Break

Movement breaks are a blast! They’re the perfect way to get your team out of their seats, stretching their legs and shaking off any cobwebs.

It’s like a mini dance party, but without the disco ball.

Just a few minutes of moving your body can boost energy levels, improve focus, and leave employees feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the meeting.

And, It’s a fun way to bond and bring some playfulness to the day.

Let’s get our grooves on and get those bodies moving!

Happy after loosening muscles

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are like little love notes to yourself!

By repeating positive statements, employees can shift their mindset and focus on the good. When this is performed as a team, it’s like sending bundles of positivity and support to each other.

Just a few minutes of repeating positive affirmations can help boost confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, and leave staff feeling more empowered and motivated.

Why not add a little self-love to the next team meeting with some positive affirmations?

Let’s spread the good vibes and remind each other of our awesomeness!

Word Association

Word association is the ultimate brain workout! It’s a fun and fast-paced way to get employee creativity flowing and spark new ideas.

It’s also another great way to bond with your team as you build on each other’s words and see where the conversation takes you.

It’s like a game of mental ping-pong, but with words instead of balls.

Just a few minutes of word association can help boost employee creativity, improve focus, and bring some light-heartedness to the day.

Give it a go in your next team meeting and see where the conversation takes you!

employees in a team meeting talking

At Loving Life we deliver services to help companies support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

For more information check out or employee wellbeing services page.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post 15 Fun Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings appeared first on Loving Life.

Is Confidence a Skill? Thu, 06 Jun 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Most of us know or have seen somebody who seems effortlessly confident in whatever they do and it can often leave us wondering if this is a skill they have learnt, or part of their natural genetics. In this blog we are going to look a little deeper into the concept of confidence. A skill....

The post Is Confidence a Skill? appeared first on Loving Life.

Most of us know or have seen somebody who seems effortlessly confident in whatever they do and it can often leave us wondering if this is a skill they have learnt, or part of their natural genetics.

In this blog we are going to look a little deeper into the concept of confidence.

A skill is defined as “The ability to do something well; expertise

However, is confidence learnt or are we born with it?

Let’s look deeper!


What is Confidence?

Can You Learn to be Confident?

4 Ways to Build Confidence

How to be More Confident at Work

5 Ways to Feel More Confident at Work

Boost Employee Confidence with These Methods (Video)

What is Confidence?

Confidence is defined as being “sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one’s own abilities, correctness, successfulness, etc.”

Below are a few examples of when we can use confident in a sentence,

“They are a confident speaker”

“He was a confident swimmer”

“She is a confident business owner”

“He is a confident massage therapist

“They are confident drivers”

Being confident demonstrates the ability to feel comfortable and proficient in taking part in certain actions and those that are confident are okay with doing the thing they’re confident in.

Not all individuals were born this way, for some, it took time and effort to learn this as a skill.

Showing confidence

Can You Learn to be Confident?

Confidence is a skill that can be learnt over time.

It won’t necessarily be easy, but those with a growth mindset are more likely to be able to develop confidence in the areas they want to be confident in.

When I first started delivering wellbeing webinars, I was not confident at all.

This was completely new to me!

My palms were sweaty right before each session and my heart was always beating faster than normal.

I was confident in everything I was saying, because of years of practice, but I was not confident in the technology and the use of software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

I was not familiar with these types of software and hadn’t used them much which gave me low confidence.

After two years of delivering online sessions, I can now say that I am extremely confident in delivering webinars and workshops virtually.

In fact, once I got to grips with the technology It was smooth sailing from there.

So how did I get there?

Let’s look at 4 ways to build confidence

4 Ways to Build Confidence

There are lots of ways to build confidence but here are four suggestions that should help.

  1. Practice

The more you do something, the more you gain confidence in it.

Practicing not only helps us to get better at whatever it is we’re trying to improve, but it also helps us to build confidence.

When we are good at things, we are naturally more inclined to be confident.

If you want to be more confident in talking with others, then practice talking with others. Use any opportunity you can.

Start with friends, family or those that you are close with, then try and have a conversation with the cashier the next time you go shopping.

Practice, practice, practice!

practice being confident
  1. Get encouraging feedback

Whenever we learn a new skill feedback is always beneficial. Feedback helps us to learn from our mistakes so we can improve on them.

However, if feedback is presented to us in the wrong way, this can have a negative impact on our confidence and research has shown that negative feedback can have a detrimental impact on an individuals self-efficacy.

On the other hand, positive feedback has been shown to improve self-efficacy.

This has a direct impact on our confidence. If we are not feeling sure of ourself, positive feedback can help us to reassure ourselves giving us those feelings of confidence.

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been hesitant to do something, but someone has positively encouraged you to do it, which has then resulted in you feeling more confident?

In order to build confidence, we should aim to get positive feedback to encourage us and help us grow.

  1. Set achievable goals

When we practice skills to be confident, it’s beneficial to set achievable and realistic goals.

Reaching our goals can help us to strengthen our confidence. Goal setting is a great way to work towards achieving the things we want to achieve.

When we set realistic goals and achieve them, this can often spur us on to do more, which helps us to build confidence.

At Loving Life we deliver a “Realistic Goals & Motivation” webinar helping individuals to achieve their goals and ambitions. Companies hire us to deliver this to support their employees.

Goals and objectives
  1. Rephrase negative thoughts and words into positive ones

The way we think can impact how confident we are in the things we choose to do.

If we are constantly thinking negatively and telling ourselves “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t”, “What if I fail”, or other negative phrases, this can make us believe it.

If we change our words to “I can”, “I should”, “What if I succeed”, this can help us to see each situation in a more optimistic light.

Our vocabulary is extremely important when it comes to our confidence. Our words can impact our emotions, accomplishments and motivation.

How to be More Confident at Work

Our working environments can occasionally be a daunting place.

We may not feel confident to speak up, talk with colleagues, share recommendations, challenge ourselves, or something else.

Feeling confident within our job role can often take some time, especially if we’ve just moved companies or taken on a new and more challenging duty.

Fear not, we’ve collated some top information to help you feel more confident at work.

5 Ways to Feel More Confident at Work

  1. Ask questions

Not knowing things about our job role can damage our confidence. If we’re unsure of how to do something we should ask someone who knows how to do it.

Asking questions allows us to gather further knowledge which can help us feel more confident in our job roll.

Each and every one of us are continuously learning and there’s no shame in asking questions to help us learn and if you’re feeling uncertain about something within your job role, ask the relevant person.

  1. Find supportive colleagues

It’s always nice to have work friends. Some of us have more than others but we should all be trying to find supportive colleagues.

Colleagues are there to do their job but buddying up with someone as a support partner or an accountability partner can help you to feel more confident.

Accountability partners can also help you achieve your goals, giving you even more sense of satisfaction, allowing you to feel even more confident in your job role.

  1. Dress for confidence

What we wear can have a direct impact on our confidence. When we wear clothes, we’re not comfortable in or don’t feel good in, it can negatively impact in our confidence.

If a colleague of ours mentions that we look nice in particular attire, we often get a little boost in self-esteem and confidence.

Our choice of clothing can empower us, motivate us and help us to believe in ourselves and we also feel great when we’re comfortable in what we wear.

Personal Stylist Sian Clarke says “Style is a way to show the world who you are without having to say a word”

Dressing confidently allows you to feel confident. Give it a try!

confident attire
  1. Ask for feedback

If you’re not feeling confident in a particular area at work, ask for feedback.

Getting feedback is a great way to improve on things we’re not so good at, and get reassurance on things we are good at.

Rather than sit there and worry if you’re doing things right, or if your colleagues or boss are happy with your work, ask them!

When we get feedback at work it can help us to make adjustments where necessary. When we feel we’re doing our job well, we feel more empowered, more fulfilled and more confident.

  1. Remember you’re human

We all make mistake from time to time, as does every human on this planet. It’s completely okay to make mistakes here and there as long as we are learning from them.

If we constantly feel we can’t make any mistakes and have to be perfect 100% of the time, this can have a negative impact on our confidence when we make a mistake.

When you make a mistake, remember you’re human, think about how you can learn from it, and try not to make the same mistake again.

We are all human and it’s important we remember this.

Boost Employee Confidence with These Methods (Video)

At Loving Life, we deliver a “Build unstoppable confidence” webinar to help companies build and support employees with their confidence.

Get in contact for more info!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post Is Confidence a Skill? appeared first on Loving Life.

World Wellbeing Week 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:38:00 +0000 This global celebration is dedicated to the many facets of wellbeing, including physical, mental, and emotional health.World Wellbeing Week offers an opportunity to reflect on what wellbeing means to us and share our journeys and experiences.Whether through mindfulness practices, healthy eating, education, physical activities, or other things, World Wellbeing Week encourages us to embrace a....

The post World Wellbeing Week 2024 appeared first on Loving Life.

This global celebration is dedicated to the many facets of wellbeing, including physical, mental, and emotional health.
World Wellbeing Week offers an opportunity to reflect on what wellbeing means to us and share our journeys and experiences.
Whether through mindfulness practices, healthy eating, education, physical activities, or other things, World Wellbeing Week encourages us to embrace a holistic approach to living our best lives.
In this blog, we look at what this week involves and what companies can do to support it.


What is World Wellbeing Week?

When is World Wellbeing Week?

Why Do We Celebrate World Wellbeing Week?

7 Initiatives Companies Can Offer During World Wellbeing Week?

  1. Invite a Wellbeing Speaker
  2. Provide Office Massages
  3. Organise Fun Wellbeing Activities
  4. Provide Wellbeing Workshops
  5. Start a Book Club
  6. Yoga
  7. Mindfulness Session

What is World Wellbeing Week?

Wellbeing World organises World Wellbeing Week every year. It provides us with the chance to raise general knowledge of the various components of wellbeing.

This comprises social, physical, emotional, and financial, professional, community, and environmental wellbeing.

World Wellbeing Week also serves as a platform for the world’s major organisations to host their own events.

It demonstrates their appreciation for their valued workers, consumers, partners, and suppliers while highlighting their wellbeing strategies and activities.

When is World Wellbeing Week?

World Wellbeing Week takes place every year during the last week of June and is now in its sixth year.

The 2024 World Wellbeing Week takes place from June 24th to June 28th.

The 2025 campaign is due to take place from June 23rd to June 27th.

Why Do We Celebrate World Wellbeing Week?

World Wellbeing Week is an excellent chance to discuss all things wellbeing.

Whether it comes to our mental or physical wellbeing, having a dedicated week to highlight this can help improve lives across the world.

The week provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the diverse aspects of wellbeing.

It helps to give individuals confidence to share personal journeys and promotes awareness on practices that can enhance our quality of life.

The goal of the week is to increase the general knowledge of the many aspects of wellbeing.

World wellbeing week acts as a reminder that without our health we are unable to do the things that are meaningful to us.

It is often only in sickness that we appreciate our health and the week offers a reminder about this.

Although wellbeing should be taken seriously all year round, this week helps to remind us all, why our wellbeing matters.

employee wellbeing

7 Initiatives Companies Can Offer During World Wellbeing Week?

1. Invite a Wellbeing Speaker

A wellbeing speaker can help to highlight the importance of our wellbeing.

Through engaging storytelling and passionate delivery they inspire audiences to prioritise their health and happiness.

Speakers often share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and evidence based strategies to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Companies who empower their workforce to support their wellbeing can expect increased loyalty, productivity and morale.

By addressing various aspects of wellbeing, such as stress, healthy living, and mindset, a speaker can empower employees to make positive changes in their lives.


2. Provide Office Massages

Hiring a massage therapist to come to the workplace and give massages is a lovely initiative for world wellbeing week.

Massage can help to relax, rejuvenate and de-stress employees.

On-site massage is given on a specially designed massage chair in a relaxed setting, and is delivered through their clothing.

Massages are delivered on the upper back, head, neck, and shoulders are tailored to each individual client.

Sessions can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes but employees love this initiative.


3. Organise Fun Wellbeing Activities

Wellbeing activities can provide a fun and engaging way to step away from the day to day running of a business.

These activities can be a great way to bring people together, promote health, and encourage healthy employee connections.

Workplace connections are critical in supporting employee wellbeing.

A healthy work environment helps employees to feel safe, valued and appreciated.

Check out our blog on 15 Fun Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings.

Employees stretching as part of their wellbeing activities in their team meeting

4. Provide Wellbeing Workshops

Workshops on employee health are an essential part of supporting employee wellbeing.

Wellbeing workshops are a fun and collaborative method for an organisation to offer practical health support and knowledge to their staff.

Employees are able to learn valuable insights during a workshop setting that provide actionable strategies to support their health.

Wellbeing workshops can also be performed as part of a lunch and learn which is a great workshop-style when it comes to looking after staff wellbeing.

Check out these 27 Corporate Lunch and Learn Ideas.


5. Start a Book Club

Reading is a fantastic way to contribute in supporting our wellbeing.

Many individuals find it relaxing, as it promotes mental stimulation and emotional balance.

Through reading individuals are able to gain new perspectives and improve knowledge.

A book club could inspire people to read the same book and then discuss it at each meeting.

This not only encourages reading but it promotes connection among individuals and creates a culture of continuous learning.

Book clubs are a low-cost, high-return method to build a sense of community among employees.

Whether they all work in the same office or are dispersed across the world.

It promotes positive working connections and provides something for everyone to speak about.

Staff at an employee resource group book club

6. Yoga

Yoga is a great low-intensity exercise that can raise heart rates without exhausting employees before the day starts.

It can be introduced to employees as an excellent fitness option to support their wellbeing

Yoga helps to keep employees physically active, healthy, and flexible.

Employees who participate in yoga may notice less tension and muscular tightness after a few lessons.

It may also increase productivity, focus, and enjoyment at work, as well as enhanced posture and physical wellbeing.

Why not hire a yoga instructor as part of your wellbeing week.


7. Mindfulness Session

Companies can also consider incorporating mindfulness sessions into their World Wellbeing Week initiatives.

This can help to promote mental health and enhance workplace productivity.

Mindfulness practices help employees manage stress, improve focus, and create a sense of calm.

Offering sessions like this can show a company’s commitment to the holistic wellbeing of their staff.

This can create a supportive and healthy work environment.

Encouraging mindfulness not only benefits employees’ mental health but also nurtures a culture of self-care and awareness within a company.

This can lead to a more engaged and resilient workforce.

It’s important to remember that World Wellbeing Week gives us a moment to reflect on the importance of our health and wellbeing.

However, this is important all year round.

Embrace the practices and insights shared throughout this week to enhance you and your colleague’s wellbeing.

Whether it’s through workshops, exercise, or simply taking time for yourself, every little step counts.

Please continue to prioritise health and support those around you in a journey towards a happier, healthier life.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post World Wellbeing Week 2024 appeared first on Loving Life.

Men’s Health Week | What You Need To Know Mon, 20 May 2024 15:21:00 +0000 Men’s Health is something that isn’t always talked about and its time this started to change! Men’s health week provides an opportunity for companies, individuals and establishments to highlight some of the struggles men around the world continue to face as well as showcase support options. In this blog we’ll look at when Men’s health....

The post Men’s Health Week | What You Need To Know appeared first on Loving Life.

Men’s Health is something that isn’t always talked about and its time this started to change!

Men’s health week provides an opportunity for companies, individuals and establishments to highlight some of the struggles men around the world continue to face as well as showcase support options.

In this blog we’ll look at when Men’s health week is celebrated, what it is and how companies can get started to create awareness within their organisation.


When is Men’s Health Week?

What is Men’s Health Week?

5 Facts About Men’s Health

Why is Men’s Health Week Important?

What Are The Most Common Men’s Health issues?

What Can Employers Do To Support Men’s Health?

When is Men’s Health Week?

Men’s Health Week is an annual awareness event that takes place in June in the UK and United States.

This year, Men’s Health week is celebrated on June 10th – 16th 2024

What is Men’s Health Week?

The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to promote awareness and education about health issues that affect men and boys, and to encourage men to take better care of their health.

During Men’s Health Week, various organisations, health care providers, and community groups host events and activities to raise awareness about men’s health issues.

These events may include health fairs, screenings, lectures, and other educational activities.


Some of the health issues that are often highlighted during Men’s Health Week include:

Cardiovascular disease, Prostate cancer, Mental health, Sexual health, Substance abuse and more!

Men’s Health Week is an important opportunity to raise awareness about the health issues that men face, and to encourage men to take better care of their health.

By participating in Men’s Health Week activities and taking steps to improve their own health, men can live longer, healthier lives.

5 Facts About Men’s Health

1. Men have a higher mortality rate than women for many leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries.

2. Men are less likely than women to seek medical attention and are more likely to engage in risky behaviours, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

man struggling with heath smoking on the stairs

3. Men are at higher risk for certain types of cancer, including prostate, colon, and lung cancer.

4. Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are common among men and can have serious impacts on their overall health and wellbeing.

5. Men tend to have less healthy lifestyles than women, with higher rates of obesity, physical inactivity, and unhealthy eating habits.

Overall, men’s health is an important issue, and there are many factors that contribute to the health and wellbeing of men.

By adopting healthy behaviours and seeking medical attention when needed, men can improve their health and live longer, healthier lives.

Why is Men’s Health Week Important?

Men’s Health Week is important for several reasons beyond the specific health issues that are often highlighted during the event.

Some additional things that are important in Men’s health week include:

Encouraging Men To Be Proactive About Their Health

Many men may not prioritise their health or seek medical attention until they are experiencing symptoms or have a serious health issue.

Men’s Health Week promotes proactive healthcare for men.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

Men’s Health Week can help to educate men about healthy behaviors and encourage them to adopt habits such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and not smoking.

These behaviours can help to prevent a wide range of health problems.

healthy man doing yoga

Improving Access To Health Care

Men’s Health Week can help to raise awareness about the importance of access to quality health care and advocate for policies that ensure men have access to the care they need.

Fostering A Sense Of Community

Men’s Health Week can help to bring men together and create a sense of community around issues of health and wellbeing.

This can be especially important for men who may not have strong social connections or support systems.

happy Men laughing and smiling

Overall, Men’s Health Week is an important event that helps to raise awareness about the specific health issues that men face and encourages men to take better care of their health.

It also promotes healthy lifestyles, advocates for access to health care, and fosters a sense of community around men’s health issues.

What Are The Most Common Men’s Health issues?

Some of the most common men’s health issues include:

Cardiovascular Disease

This includes conditions such as heart attacks and stroke, which are leading causes of death in men.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.


Men are at risk for a variety of types of cancer, including prostate, colon, and lung cancer.

Regular screenings and early detection can help to improve the chances of successful treatment.

cancer symbol

Mental Health

Men may be less likely to seek help for mental health issues, but they are still at risk for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, three times as many men die from suicide in comparison to women

Sexual Health

Men should be aware of their sexual health and take steps to prevent STIs and unplanned pregnancies.

Conversations around safe sex are an important reminder for Men all across the world


Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Obesity is something that can be reduced with the right information and guidance.


This is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes glucose (sugar).

Men with diabetes are at increased risk of developing heart disease and other health problems.

Diabetes type 2 is often a result of obesity which we can work towards reducing.



This is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle, and it is more common in women.

However, men are also at risk, especially as they age.

It is important for men to be aware of these health issues and to take steps to prevent or manage them.

This may include adopting a healthy lifestyle, getting regular screenings, and seeking medical attention when needed.

What Can Employers Do To Support Men’s Health?

There are several things that employers can do to support men’s health:

Offer Wellbeing Programs

Employers can offer wellbeing programs that encourage employees to adopt healthy behaviours, such as regular exercise and healthy eating.

These programs may include things like on-site gyms, healthy food options in the workplace, and wellness education and resources.

Educational resources may include things like Men’s Health webinars, workshops or other forms of training.

employee engagement webinars

Encourage Regular Screenings

Employers can encourage employees to get regular screenings for health issues such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

This can help to detect health problems early and improve the chances of successful treatment.

Employers may even hire professionals to provide on-site screening at the office.

Promote a Healthy Work Environment

Employers can create a healthy work environment by promoting good ergonomics, providing clean air and water, and offering resources to help employees manage stress.

Resources may include different types of training around health, like wellbeing workshops or other initiatives to help reduce stress, like employee massage.

chair massage wellbeing activity for the workplace

Support Employees Who Are Struggling With Health Issues

Employers can offer support and accommodations to employees who are struggling with health issues, such as allowing flexible work arrangements or providing access to resources such as counselling or wellness programs.

Things like compassionate leave should be considered as well as additional time off.

Companies who support the health and wellbeing of their employees are often able to attract and maintain top talent.

Advocate For Policies That Support Men’s Health

Employers can advocate for policies that support men’s health, such as paid sick leave and access to affordable health care.

Annual training should be compulsory and men’s health week and international men’s day should be celebrated within the company.

Overall, there are many things that employers can do to support men’s health and wellbeing in the workplace.

By creating a healthy work environment and offering resources and support, employers can help to promote the health and wellbeing of their male employees.

Author –

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

The post Men’s Health Week | What You Need To Know appeared first on Loving Life.

Physical Wellbeing & Why It’s Important Mon, 29 Apr 2024 07:45:00 +0000 When it comes to our physical wellbeing it can often be confusing as to what it actually is. In this article, we will explain what it is, why it’s important and the things you can do to improve it! Contents What is Physical Wellbeing? Why is Physical Wellbeing Important? How Can we Improve Our Physical....

The post Physical Wellbeing & Why It’s Important appeared first on Loving Life.

When it comes to our physical wellbeing it can often be confusing as to what it actually is. In this article, we will explain what it is, why it’s important and the things you can do to improve it!


What is Physical Wellbeing?

Why is Physical Wellbeing Important?

How Can we Improve Our Physical Wellbeing?

How do You Promote Physical Wellbeing at Work?

How Can We Look After Our Physical Wellbeing While Working From Home?

4 Steps to Improve Physical Wellbeing (Video)

Are There Companies That Offer Training On Physical Wellbeing?

What is Physical Wellbeing?

Physical wellbeing is the ability to maintain a healthy and balanced life without physical limitation, physical stress, and excessive fatigue.

Our physical wellbeing refers to the physical state of our body, whether that’s maintaining a healthy weight, good posture, well-functioning organs, or the ability to carry out normal daily tasks without exhaustion or discomfort.

Physical wellbeing can also refer to the absence of disease or infection but these are not the only things to consider.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines physical wellbeing as being a key factor when it comes to our overall health.

Why is Physical Wellbeing Important?

When it comes to our wellbeing, the physical aspect can play a huge part in our mental and social wellbeing.

When we take care of our physical wellbeing, it helps to align our wellbeing overall.

Having positive physical wellbeing can reduce our chances of disease and infection. The NHS shows that many health conditions can e reduce by having positive physical wellbeing.

For example, those that exercise have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, early death, and more!

Those that exercise regularly can reduce their chances of early death by 30%!

Physical wellbeing isn’t just about exercising and doing things that impact your body positively. It’s also about avoiding things that impact your body negatively.

Those that smoke regularly are damaging their physical wellbeing and can increase their chances of health risks in lots of areas.

Smoking reduces physical wellbeing

Approximately 90% of all lung cancer deaths are those that smoke.

According to the CDC, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Diabetes isn’t too far behind and is said to be the fastest-growing health crisis of our time.

Both smoking-related diseases and diabetes are conditions that in most cases can be prevented by looking after our physical wellbeing.

How Can We Improve Our Physical Wellbeing?


One of the easiest ways to improve our physical wellbeing is by maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. If we don’t overeat and eat the right foods it gives us less chance of many of the health concerns that exist today.

There can be lots of conflict when it comes to diet, whether that’s having a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, or following diets like the paleo diet. I’ll leave you to work out what’s best for you but a key message I want you to take, is don’t eat crap.

In most cases, we all know the foods that are not good for us. Sweets, chocolate, sugary drinks, the list goes on, and to maintain good physical wellbeing we need to limit the consumption of this as best as possible.


The benefits of exercise are countless and when it comes to our physical state and wellbeing, exercise can help us massively.

pic of marathon runner after exercise improving her physical wellbeing

Exercise has been shown to have many physical benefits, including improving;

  • Muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Bone health and function
  • Help to maintain a healthy body weight
  • Mental health and mood
  • The body’s ability to manage blood sugar and insulin
  • Sleep
  • Chances of living longer
  • Core strength & balance

The list of benefits to exercising safely and effectively are endless.

If you’re someone who struggles with exercise, why not try joining an exercise class, or starting a couch to 5k running programme.

The couch to 5k programme is designed for people who don’t exercise and are literally starting from a “couch potato” status

There are lots or programmes online but here’s one we found for ease of access.


Staying hydrated is so important when is comes to maintaining a positive physical wellbeing. The human body is approximately 60% water (depending on where you get your sources)

If you’re not staying hydrated, how do you expect your body to function efficiently and carry out the physical tasks that it needs to.

The human brain is approximately 73% water. If you’re not staying hydrated, how can you expect to think clearly, make good decisions and have an optimal functioning brain?

The WHO recommend drinking approximately 2 litres of pure water a day. If you’re exercising, then your water intake should be even higher.

How Do You Promote Physical Wellbeing At Work?

It can often be difficult to promote physical wellbeing within a work environment. You don’t want to isolate individuals or make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it’s something that needs to be taken seriously.

A happy and healthy workforce is often a productive workforce and improving employee physical health can have a positive impact on the business.

Staff training talk on physical wellbeing

To promote physical wellbeing, education is key. Educating employees and individuals on the benefits of taking care of their physical health will help them to get off to a good start.

You can offer Lunch & Learns around different physical wellbeing topics or wellbeing webinars. These are fantastic ways to educate employees.

Other ways to promote physical wellbeing are to set challenges. Fitness challenges or health related challenges are a great way to get people motivated to take their physical health seriously.

Challenges may include a daily step challenge or a weekly exercise challenge. Asking employees to get involved is a great way to increase uptake and another way to focus on improving staff wellbeing

How Can We Look After Our Physical Wellbeing While Working From Home?

Working from home has thrown many of us out of our normal routines.

Whether we were getting in our exercise by commuting to work or the train station, or stopping off at the gym on the way to or from work, working from home has certainly had an impact on many of our routines.

Looking after our physical health at home can be challenging, especially with the fridge within walking distance, and even more so if you’re working from a small apartment.

However, it’s important to look after your physical wellbeing while working from home and these few tips will help you to work towards maintaining a positive physical wellbeing while working at home.

1. Have a good work station set up

Working from a laptop or a poor set up can impact our physical wellbeing massively. If you don’t have a good set up, you’re more likely to suffer with neck pain, back pain and many other physical discomforts.

Employers have an obligation to ensure they are looking after staff wellbeing and should provide training or assessments to reduce the chances of employees experiencing physical discomfort.

Whether that’s providing additional equipment, ergonomic chairs or monitors and laptop stands.

2. Get up and move!

The human body was built to move. It wasn’t built to sit at desks all day. Therefore, throughout our working day we must move.

Working from home means that the majority of our meetings are online and not face to face. Which means, where we would usually get up to walk to our next meeting, we’re losing the movement that would occur in that time.

Individuals should aim to get up every 45 – 60 mins to get blood flowing around the body. Studies have shown that prolonged sitting can impair the function of both the lower and upper limbs.

3. Incorporate a daily stretching routine

Stretching has shown to have many benefits, including:

  • Decrease risk of injury
  • Enabling muscles to work effectively
  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduce muscular tightness and discomfort
  • Improve posture
  • Decrease back pain
  • And more!
Stretching to improve physical wellbeing

There are lots of stretching routines available online and I’d recommend to start by looking at where your muscles are tightest and find stretches for those areas.

We have a few basic stretches on our YouTube channel so don’t hesitate to check that out.

4 Steps to Improve Physical Wellbeing (Video)

Are There Companies That Offer Training On Physical Wellbeing?

At Loving Life, we help companies educate employees and staff on the importance of their health and wellbeing.

Our “Improve Your Physical Health” webinar has been very popular and is a great way to educate employees and encourage them to look after their physical health.

The session involves information on how to reduce muscular related pain and discomfort, how to use tools and equipment to help look after our physical health, as well as simple and effective methods to get started looking after your physical health

A happy and healthy workforce is a productive workforce.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post Physical Wellbeing & Why It’s Important appeared first on Loving Life.

Stress Awareness Month | What You Need To Know Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:52:00 +0000 Stress is a part of many of our lives and stress awareness month provides an opportunity for us to learn more about it, the methods we can use to prevent it and promote awareness. In this blog we’ll dive into when we observe stress awareness month, what it is, why it’s important, and what employers....

The post Stress Awareness Month | What You Need To Know appeared first on Loving Life.

Stress is a part of many of our lives and stress awareness month provides an opportunity for us to learn more about it, the methods we can use to prevent it and promote awareness.

In this blog we’ll dive into when we observe stress awareness month, what it is, why it’s important, and what employers can do to support it.


When is Stress Awareness Month?

What is Stress Awareness Month?

Why is Stress Awareness Month Important?

What Can Employers Do To Support Stress Awareness Month?

10 Company Stress Awareness Activities

When is Stress Awareness Month?

Stress Awareness Month is an annual event that is observed globally in April .

There is also National Stress Awareness day which takes place every first Wednesday of November each year.

What is Stress Awareness Month?

Stress Awareness Month was established in 1992 by the Health Resource Network, a non-profit organisation that promotes health and wellness.

It is a month used to raise awareness about the causes and effects of stress and to encourage people to take steps to manage their stress more effectively.

During this month, various organisations and individuals hold events or campaigns to educate people about stress and stress management techniques.

These may include talks, workshops, and other activities focused on reducing stress and promoting wellbeing.

The goal of Stress Awareness Month is to help people understand the importance of managing stress and to provide them with the resources and support they need to do so.

Stressed man

Why is Stress Awareness Month Important?

Stress Awareness Month is important because stress is a common and significant health concern that can have a negative impact on individuals physical and mental wellbeing.

Chronic stress has been linked to a range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression, and it has also been shown to affect sleep, appetite, and overall quality of life.

By raising awareness about stress and its potential effects, Stress Awareness Month can help people recognise the signs of stress in themselves and others, and take steps to manage it more effectively.

This can include learning about stress management techniques such as relaxation techniques, exercise, and healthy coping mechanisms, as well as seeking support from friends, family, or healthcare professionals when needed.

By addressing stress, individuals and communities can work to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

What Can Employers Do To Support Stress Awareness Month?

There are several things that employers can do to support Stress Awareness Month, some of these are:

Educate Employees About Stress and Stress Management

Employers can provide information to employees about the causes and effects of stress, as well as techniques for managing stress. This could include resources such as flyers, posters, or newsletters.

Encourage Employees To Take Breaks

Employers can encourage employees to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.

This could include encouraging employees to take breaks or leave the office to go for a walk.

Companies may also provide quiet spaces or meditation areas for employees to use.

taking a break

Fostering A Culture Of Work-Life Balance

Employers can promote work-life balance by encouraging employees to take time off when needed, providing flexible work arrangements, and promoting the importance of self-care.

Work-life balance should be commended and not frowned upon.

Offer Stress Management Resources

Employers can provide resources such as counseling services or wellness programs to help employees manage stress.

Stress management resources can also include wellbeing workshops, webinars or other forms of employee training.

Encourage Open Communication

Employers can encourage employees to openly communicate about their stress levels and any challenges they may be facing.

This can help identify potential stressors and find ways to address them.

As an employee you should always feel comfortable to communicate with your boss.

communicating with manager

By taking these steps, employers can support Stress Awareness Month and help create a healthier and more supportive work environment for their employees.

10 Company Stress Awareness Activities

Here are some employee stress awareness activities that employers can consider:

1. On-site Yoga

Yoga can help reduce stress by promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

The physical practice of yoga involves deep breathing, stretching, and movement, which can help reduce tension in the body and mind.

ffice yoga wellbeing activity for the workplace

2. Employee Massage

Massage can help reduce stress by promoting relaxation and improving circulation.

Employee massage is a lovely way to support employee stress and employees genuinely love it.

There are a range of benefits when it comes to massage, including reducing tension, tightness and stress.

chair massage wellbeing activity for the workplace

3. Coping With Stress Webinar

A webinar on coping with stress can provide employees with information about the causes and effects of stress, as well as techniques for managing it. This can help employees better understand stress and find ways to manage it more effectively.

4. Meditation Sessions

Reducing stress and focusing the mind is something that can definitely be achieved by meditating.

Meditation is a relaxation technique that can help reduce stress by focusing the mind and promoting mindfulness.

It’s been shown to improve focus, concentration, and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

5. Coping With Stress Workshop

A workshop on coping with stress can provide employees with in-depth information about stress and stress management techniques. This can help employees learn skills to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

wellbeing workshop

6. Mindfulness Sessions

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

7. Fitness Class

Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve overall health. A fitness class can provide a structured and supportive environment for employees to engage in physical activity and manage stress.

fitness class

8. Boxing Session

Physical activity, such as boxing, can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, which are chemicals that can help improve mood. Boxing can also provide an outlet for frustration and aggression, which can help reduce stress.

9. Live Music show

Listening to live music can be a enjoyable and stress-reducing activity. Music can help improve mood and provide a sense of enjoyment and relaxation.

10. Motivational Speaker

A motivational speaker can provide employees with inspiration and guidance on how to manage stress and achieve personal and professional goals. This can help employees feel motivated and supported in managing stress and improving overall well-being.


By offering these types of activities, employers can help support employees in managing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Author –

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

The post Stress Awareness Month | What You Need To Know appeared first on Loving Life.

20 Loveable Corporate Wellness Wednesday Ideas Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:04:00 +0000 What Is Wellness Wednesday? Wellness Wednesday is a weekly observance or event focused on promoting and encouraging habits and practices that contribute to overall health and wellbeing. The goal of Wellness Wednesday is to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of one’s mind, body, and soul, and to provide practical tips and resources....

The post 20 Loveable Corporate Wellness Wednesday Ideas appeared first on Loving Life.


What Is Wellness Wednesday?

Wellness Wednesday is a weekly observance or event focused on promoting and encouraging habits and practices that contribute to overall health and wellbeing.

The goal of Wellness Wednesday is to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of one’s mind, body, and soul, and to provide practical tips and resources for individuals to do so.

The observance may include activities such as fitness classes, educational workshops, and group discussions, all aimed at fostering a sense of community and support around wellness.

By setting aside a dedicated day of the week to focus on wellness, individuals can make a conscious effort to prioritise their health and wellbeing, leading to a happier and healthier life.


What are The Benefits of Wellness Wednesday Initiatives?

10 FREE Wellness Wednesday ideas (Video)

5 On-site Corporate Wellness Wednesday Ideas

  1. On-site massage
  2. Yoga
  3. Fitness Classes
  4. Mindfulness
  5. Wellbeing Workshops

5 Online Wellness Wednesday Ideas

  1. Wellbeing Webinars
  2. Virtual Yoga
  3. Virtual Meditation
  4. Digital Wellness Meetings
  5. Online Inspiring Wellness Speakers

5 Wellness Wednesday Challenge Ideas

  1. Gratitude Challenge
  2. Make Someone’s Day Challenge
  3. Cold Shower Challenge
  4. Hydration Challenge
  5. Step Counter Challenge

5 Wellness Wednesday Activities

  1. Team Hike
  2. Go-Karting
  3. Forest Segways
  4. Skiing Trip
  5. Team Rock Climbing

25 Positive and Motivational Wellness Wednesday Quotes

Wellness tag with sea shels

What are The Benefits of Wellness Wednesday Initiatives?

There are a range of benefits when it comes to Wellness Wednesday initiatives and some of these include:

  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Improved mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Increased productivity
  • Fostering a positive community/team spirit
  • Increasing health awareness
  • Improving workplace culture
  • And more!

Wellness Wednesday initiatives are all about having a little fun while taking care of ourselves!

By dedicating a day each week to focus on our health and wellbeing, we get the chance to reap some seriously awesome benefits.

For starters, we get to give our bodies a little extra TLC with fun fitness classes, healthy snacks, and stress-busting activities.

And, by joining forces with a community of wellness warriors, we can motivate each other to keep on track and reach our goals.

With Wellness Wednesday initiatives, we get to challenge ourselves and each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

So, let’s put on our game faces and get ready to feel energised, focused, and fabulous with every Wellness Wednesday!

Employees happy and healthy

10 FREE Wellness Wednesday ideas (Video)

20 Wellness Wednesday Ideas Companies Should Consider

With all the possible benefits, companies should consider incorporating wellness Wednesday ideas and initiatives.

To make it easy, we’ve listed 20 different types below in 4 different categories.

5 On-site Corporate Wellness Wednesday Ideas

On-site massage

Massages on Wellness Wednesday? Yes, please!

On-site massages are the ultimate way to show your employees some love and get them feeling their best.

Think about it – instead of just surviving the workweek, they’ll be soaring! With a quick, relaxing massage, they can forget about work stress and feel refreshed and rejuvenated. And the best part? No need to fight for a spot at the local spa – the massage comes to them!

Plus, it’s a great way to have something to look forward to, give employees meaningful talking points as well as some much-needed rest and recovery.

So, why not give your hardworking employees the gift of a little “me” time and make every Wellness Wednesday a massage-filled day of bliss!

chair massage wellbeing activity for the workplace


Midweek Yoga? Why not? If you’re looking for a fun, relaxing, and energising way to get employees over hump day, then yoga is a great option.

This ancient practice is a fantastic way to stretch out all the kinks from the work week and get refreshed and limber with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not to mention, it’s a great way for employees o bond and build a strong, supportive working community.

With yoga, you’ll be saying “namaste” to stress, “peace out” to tension, and “hello” to a more focused, energised, and happy workforce!

ffice yoga wellbeing activity for the workplace

Fitness Classes

Get ready to make your company Wellness Wednesday a day to remember with some sweat-inducing fitness fun!

When it comes to employee wellness, there’s no better way to boost productivity and morale than by encouraging everyone to get active.

By offering fitness classes, wellness challenges, or just a designated time for employees to hit the gym, you’re sending a message that you care about their wellbeing.

Not only will your employees thank you for it, but it’ll also create a positive, supportive work culture where everyone can come together and work towards a common goal.

A fit and healthy workforce, is a productive workforce!

Employee wellbeing fitness class


Wellness Wednesday just got a whole lot zen, folks!

If your company is looking to cultivate a calm and collected work environment, then mindfulness is an option to consider.

This ancient practice can help employees reduce stress, increase focus, and improve overall wellbeing. And the best part?

It can be practiced right at the office, no special gear required!

Encourage your employees to take a mindful moment during Wellness Wednesday with guided meditations, quiet reflection time, or even a group mindfulness session.

The benefits of a more relaxed, centered workforce are immeasurable, so let’s get ready to breathe, focus, and thrive every Wellness Wednesday!

Wellbeing  Workshops

Wellness Wednesday is all about self-care, and what better way to do that than by educating employees on how to live their best life?

That’s where Wellbeing Workshops come in!

By offering educational sessions on topics like stress management, healthy eating, or overall wellbeing, your company is giving employees the tools they need to thrive both in and outside of work.

With interactive activities, group discussions, and expert speakers, Wellbeing Workshops are a fun way for everyone to get involved and learn something new.

So, why not book a professional and give your employees a fun and interactive learning experience?

5 Online Wellness Wednesday Ideas

Wellbeing Webinars

Wellness Wednesday just got a virtual upgrade!

With the rise of remote work, why not bring self-care straight to your employees’ screens with Wellbeing Webinars?

These online sessions offer a convenient way for employees to learn and improve their wellbeing, no matter where they are.

From stress management techniques to physical wellbeing tips, there’s a webinar for everyone.

Wellness webinars can help prevent a range of employee discomforts, including; burnout, muscular pain, stress, diabetes, mental health struggles and more!

Employee engagement wellbeing webinars

Virtual Yoga

Namaste, office dwellers!

Want to bring a little relaxation to your Wellness Wednesday initiatives?

Look no further than Virtual Yoga!

This flexible (literally!) form of exercise allows employees to stretch, breathe, and find their inner peace from the comfort of their own homes or workspace.

With a variety of yoga styles and levels available, there’s something for everyone.

Not to mention, practicing yoga has been proven to reduce stress, improve focus, and boost overall happiness.

Offering this digitally means employees can take part in the comfort of their own home.

This helps those who may feel a little self-conscious get involved, as nobody will be able to see them participating

Virtual yoga

Virtual Meditation

Are most employees working from home?

Well, it’s time to get virtual and meditate!

Meditation is a simple yet powerful way to reduce stress, increase focus, productivity and boost overall employee wellbeing.

With virtual meditation, employees can join in from the comfort of their own homes.

Hiring a guided meditation instructor can help support employees through the session, making it easier for them to participate.

Digital Wellness Meetings

Getting employees together in a digital wellness meeting is another great way to promote employee wellness and get colleagues to connect virtually.

Wellness meetings can be delivered in a range of ways.

From engaging in wellbeing topics, to helping employees create new life-changing habits, wellness meetings can involve whatever employees feel necessary.

Employees can even discuss other wellbeing initiatives during this time.

This helps to ensure ideas are in place when colleagues get together in the office.

Online meeting with happy staff

Online Inspiring Wellness Speakers

Hire an inspiring wellness speaker? You must be kidding! Well, not really.

In fact, this little addition to your Wellness Wednesday initiative can be a real game changer. Picture this – your team is feeling a little worn down, maybe a little lacklustre.

Then a motivational wellness speaker, full of energy and ideas inspires employees through an online talk.

They share their own story of transformation, and suddenly, everyone’s ears perk up.

Suddenly, the whole team is buzzing with excitement, motivation, and inspiration. It’s like a switch has been flipped.

Now, that’s the kind of Wellness Wednesday everyone wants to be a part of.

So, why not bring a little spark to your next Wellness Wednesday with an inspiring speaker?

It’s a great way to show your team that you’re invested in their wellbeing and that you want to help them live their best lives.

5 Wellness Wednesday Challenge Ideas

Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude challenges are the type of challenges employees need to take part in from time to time.

Let’s face it, sometimes the work week can feel like a never-ending to-do list and it’s easy to forget all the good things in life.

That’s where gratitude challenges come in!

By taking just a few minutes to reflect on what we’re thankful for, we can shift our focus from stress to positivity.

Not only does gratitude boost our mood, but it can also have a ripple effect throughout the workplace.

When employees are feeling more positive, it creates a happier, more productive work environment.

Encouraging team members to share what they’re grateful for can bring everyone together and foster a sense of community.

Having a gratitude wall or jar for everyone to write on/in can help remind all of the employees that life can be great.

gratitude is the best attitude post it note

Make Someone’s Day Challenge

Brightening up someone else’s day with a compliment or kind gesture can help boost an individuals mood, self-esteem and happiness in ways we can’t imagine.

Not only will it boost morale and bring a smile to someone’s face, but it also encourages kindness and empathy in the workplace.

Think about it, a simple act of kindness like bringing a colleague their favourite coffee or leaving a thoughtful note on their desk can go a long way in making their day.

And who knows, that positive energy might even inspire employees to pay it forward.

two male employees in an office being kind to each other

Cold Shower Challenge

Are you ready to take the icy plunge? The Cold Shower Challenge might just be the perfect shake-up your team needs on a Wellness Wednesday!

Not only does a cold shower boost circulation and invigorate the senses, but it also requires bravery and a growth mindset.

Why not encourage employees to embrace the chill and see how it impacts their mood and energy levels?

Who knows, they might just surprise themselves with how empowered they feel after taking on this challenge.

Starting a journey to cold showers is not easy, so why not check out our eBook to help.

A Guide to 30 Days of Cold Showers

lady taking a cold shower to improve wellness

Hydration Challenge

Why not make a splash on Wellness Wednesday with a hydration challenge?

It’s a fun and refreshing way for companies to encourage their employees to stay hydrated and improve their overall health.

After all, water is the elixir of life.

Hydration challenges can be as simple as encouraging employees to drink 2 litres of water during the day.

Challenges could also consist of avoiding unhealthy drinks for the day.

Get as creative as you like to empower staff to stay hydrated.

Man drinking water to stay hydrated

Step Counter Challenge

Step up to the challenge!

A step counter challenge on Wellness Wednesday is the perfect way to add a little pep in your team’s step and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Who needs a magic carpet when you’ve got two feet and a goal to hit?

Encourage friendly competition, celebrate milestones, and watch as your team takes strides towards better wellness.

It’s a win-win situation: employees feel good, and your company benefits from a happier, healthier workforce.

So, let’s step to it!”

ladies walking

5 Wellness Wednesday Activities

Team Hike

Why settle for a regular ol’ Wednesday when you can take a stroll on the wild side with a team hike?

Turn up the fun and leave the desk behind for a day filled with fresh air, scenic views, and good vibes with your colleagues.

Not only will you get a workout, but bonding over the great outdoors will bring your team even closer together.

In the UK there are plenty of beautiful hikes to choose from.

It’s the ultimate win-win for Wellness Wednesday!

So, grab your water bottles and hiking boots, and let’s hit the trails!”

team hike


Why settle for a boring old lunch break when you can rev up your engines and have a blast with a go-karting excursion on Wellness Wednesday?

Not only will employees get their heart racing, but they’ll also bond with colleagues and have a hilarious time while they’re at it.

Heading to a go-karting track can boost employee mood, morale and show them they’re working for a fun and forward-thinking company.

Plus, it’s a great way to relieve stress and channel that pent-up energy in a healthy and thrilling way.

staff go karting

Forest Segways

Why stick to the same old wellness activities when you can spice up your Wednesday with a forest segway tour?

Get your heart pumping and bond with your colleagues as you glide through the trees on these cool machines.

It’s a unique and exciting way to add some variety to your workweek, not to mention the chance to get some fresh air and exercise.

Forest segway tours are run all across the UK so scheduling a trip for your wellness Wednesday shouldn’t be too difficult to organise.

employees on segways

Skiing Trip

If you’re a company with a budget big enough, a skiing trip could help boost your Wellness Wednesday into popularity.

In the UK a trip to a popular skiing destination or an indoor skiing resort could be a fantastic activity to go along with a company’s wellness Wednesday initiative.

Skiing can provide a challenge for staff members, as well as an opportunity to learn/improve a skill, bond, and have a laugh.

Skiing is a fantastic way to have fun and switch up your routine.

So, pack your gear and head for the slopes for a midweek ski adventure – your team will thank you!

Team skiing

Team Rock Climbing

Support your employees by reaching new heights (literally) on Wellness Wednesday?

Rock climbing is a unique and exciting way to mix up the midweek routine and challenge employees physically and mentally.

Not only is it a fantastic workout, but it’s also a great way for employees to bond with colleagues.

There are indoor rock-climbing facilities all across the UK.

Indoor rock climbing

25 Positive and Motivational Wellness Wednesday Quotes

1. “Wellness is a state of mind and body, where both are in harmony and working together towards a happier life.”

2. “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

3. “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”

4. “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.”

5. “Wellness is a daily choice, not a destination.”

6. “The journey to wellness starts with one small step at a time.”

a man on his journey to wellness

7. “Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.”

8. “Taking care of yourself is the greatest act of self-love.”

9. “Invest in yourself, your health and wellness, it is the foundation of a happy life.”

10. “Be kind to yourself, remember to take breaks and recharge.”

11. “Health is wealth, peace of mind is happiness, yoga shows the way.”

12. “Take care of your mind, body, and soul. They are all interconnected and play a critical role in your overall wellness.”

13. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”

14. “The key to wellness is balance in all aspects of life – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.”

picture representation of the key to wellness

15. “Wellness is not just about what you eat, it’s also about what you think, say, and do.”

16. “Take time for yourself and recharge your batteries. Your mental health will thank you.”

17. “Your body hears everything your mind says, stay positive.”

18. “Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.”

19. “Wellness is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.”

20. “Invest in yourself and your wellbeing, it will pay off in all aspects of your life.”

Invest in yourself picture

21. “Take care of your mind, body, and soul. They are all part of the same team, working together for your overall wellbeing.”

22. “Remember to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and love. You deserve it.”

23. “Positive thoughts and a healthy lifestyle will bring positive results.”

24. “Wellness is not just about feeling good, it’s about feeling good, doing good, and being good.”

25. “Don’t wait for wellness to come to you. Take charge and create the life you want to live.”

For more Wellness Wednesday Quotes, check out or blog on “77 Inspiring Wellness Wednesday Quotes

a coffee and a note that says take charge of your life


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post 20 Loveable Corporate Wellness Wednesday Ideas appeared first on Loving Life.

Sciatica – Two key stretches to help ease your sciatic pain! Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:36:00 +0000 Sciatica is the term used to describe pain that shoots or radiates along the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back, through the buttocks and down the leg. We’re going to look at two specific stretches in the buttocks region to help ease sciatica. Contents Why Sciatica Causes Pain How Many Times....

The post Sciatica – Two key stretches to help ease your sciatic pain! appeared first on Loving Life.

Sciatica is the term used to describe pain that shoots or radiates along the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back, through the buttocks and down the leg. We’re going to look at two specific stretches in the buttocks region to help ease sciatica.


Why Sciatica Causes Pain

How Many Times a Day Should You Do Sciatica Stretching Exercises?

Video of Two Stretches to Help Sciatica

Other Methods of Sciatic Relief


Why Sciatica Causes Pain

When the sciatic nerve is aggravated or compressed it can cause pain, discomfort and disturb daily living.

Sciatica can be described in many ways, some of which include:

  • Pain in one side of the buttock/bum area
  • Pain aggravated when sitting or inactive
  • Sensations down the leg described as shooting, tingling, burning or numbness
  • Pain that radiates down the leg
  • Weakness or difficulty moving the leg/foot.

How Many Times a Day Should You Do Sciatica Stretching Exercises?

How often you do sciatica stretching exercises can often vary depending on the severity of your sciatica.

However, in general, it’s beneficial to perform sciatica stretching exercises at least two to three times a day.

This may involve doing some static stretches in the morning, shown in the video below.

It may also involve more dynamic stretching throughout the day where static stretching may not be achievable, based on where you are or what you’re doing.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t force a stretch and should always ease into it gradually.

As always, it’s best to speak with a health specialist to determine how often you should be doing your sciatic specific stretches.

Video of Two Stretches to Help Sciatica

With over 37,000 views, this video has now helped thousands reduce their sciatic pain

We run a range of wellbeing workshops and webinars, to help companies support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Educational workshops and webinars help to provide the necessary information to prevent issues like Sciatica.

Sciatica stretch 1

The first stretch we’re going to look at is a glute stretch. As mentioned above, the sciatic nerve runs through the buttock region and by stretching the buttocks, it can help to relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing the symptoms of your sciatica. It’s important when holding this stretch to hold for a minimum of 30 seconds. Ideally 30 – 60 seconds. This allows enough time for the muscles to respond to the stretch. Attempt this stretch 3-5 times throughout the day.

glute stretch for sciatica

To perform this stretch you must be laying on your back on a firm surface. You must then aim to pull your knee toward your chest. You should be trying to pull your knee towards your opposite shoulder. For example, if you are stretching your right side, you will be trying to pull your right knee towards your left shoulder.

Sciatica stretch 2

The second stretch we’re going to look at is the piriformis stretch. The piriformis is a muscle located deep in the buttocks. The sciatic nerve runs directly through this muscle so stretching it may help to provide some relief on the sciatic nerve.

piriformis stretch

Similar to the glute stretch, to perform this stretch you must be laying on your back on a firm surface. If stretching the left side, you must attempt to cross your left leg over your right leg, whilst attempting to pull your right leg towards your chest. This is quite a difficult stretch to perform but the more you do it, the easier it will become. Just like all static stretching it’s important to hold the stretch for 30 – 60 seconds. Attempt this stretch 3-5 times throughout the day.

Other Methods of Sciatic Relief

If you’re suffering with sciatica, it’s best to seek the advice of a professional. Visiting your GP is a good start but also visiting a specialist such as a physical therapist is beneficial.

Other natural healing options include:

  • Heat and ice therapy

Heat can help to increase blood flow around the area of discomfort causing the muscles to loosen, therefore relieving the pressure on the sciatic nerve. A hot bath may provide temporary relief as it relaxes your muscles. Ice helps to temporarily turn off nerve receptors which can help with pain and discomfort. Ice won’t help much with reducing the restriction but it’s likely that it will provide some pain relief.

  • Low impact dynamic exercise

Movement with low impact exercise may also help your sciatica. Performing exercise helps to increase blood flow to your muscles and reduce restriction. This reduction in restriction may help to reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve, therefore reducing the symptoms of your sciatica.

Foam rolling is a fantastic method in helping to reduce muscular tightness and restriction. If your sciatica is being caused by muscular restriction, then reducing the restriction by foam rolling is a great way to help. Click on the “Foam rolling” link above to visit our blog on foam rolling. There are videos which are suitable and foam rolling the glute specifically should help to ease the muscular restriction, which may be causing your sciatica.

If you feel that you’re suffering with sciatica, it’s always best to seek the advice of a professional who can advise on what’s best in order to help. However, the above stretches are safe movements that you can try, in order to help ease your sciatica and discomfort.

For more information on Sciatica check out our blog on “Sciatica | What You Need To Know


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler is proud to have helped numerous individuals recover from Sciatica, helping them to return to activities of daily living.

Tyler Lowe

The post Sciatica – Two key stretches to help ease your sciatic pain! appeared first on Loving Life.

30 Days of Cold Showers to Increase Productivity. I Tried It! Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:54:00 +0000 After reading Wim Hof’s book “The Wim Hof Method” I’ve been fascinated by the prospect of cold showers and their ability to positively impact the human body. So, I decided to try it for 30 days and see what impact it would have on me. I also documented the journey and to see the full....

The post 30 Days of Cold Showers to Increase Productivity. I Tried It! appeared first on Loving Life.

After reading Wim Hof’s book “The Wim Hof Method” I’ve been fascinated by the prospect of cold showers and their ability to positively impact the human body.

So, I decided to try it for 30 days and see what impact it would have on me.

I also documented the journey and to see the full video, scroll to the bottom of the page.

But for now, let me answer a few questions about my cold shower experience.


Do Cold Showers Increase Productivity?

Are Cold Showers Easy?

Do Cold Showers Make You More Successful?

How Long Should You Cold Shower For?

Is It Good to Cold Shower Every Day?

What Are the Disadvantages of Cold Showers?

What Happens After 30 Days of Cold Showers?

Do Cold Showers Burn Fat?

Should You Cold Shower Before Bed?

10 Benefits to Cold Showers

How to Start Your Cold Shower Journey

30 Day Cold Shower Challenge (Video)

One Year of Cold Showers (Update)

Do Cold Showers Get Easier After a Year

What Happens After One Year of Cold Showers

shower head with hand underneath it

Do Cold Showers Increase Productivity?

There are many individuals who credit cold showers to increasing their productivity, alertness and motivation.

In my experience, they have helped transform my mornings into a productivity haven.

After my cold shower, I’m extremely alert, motivated and ready to tackle whatever work tasks I have scheduled for the day.

Since I’ve been taking cold showers, I’m most definitely more productive.

Although there is limited research on cold showers and productivity, in my experience they have helped massively.

I personally think it’s a great way to start the week and fantastic to motivate someone on Monday morning.

Are Cold Showers Easy?

The short answer to this is no, BUT I can honestly say, they’re not as bad as you think.

When you think about cold showers you imagine a cold winter’s day with ice water pouring over you, causing the ultimate discomfort, but the reality isn’t the same.

In my experience, the thought of cold showers is considerably worse than the actual cold shower.

I had built this up to be a mammoth of a task, but when I learned to embrace the cold showers, it became easier.

The key for me was focusing on my breath and gradually building up each day.

man unhappy in a cold shower

Do Cold Showers Make You More Successful?

To say that cold showers or cold-water exposure are the sole reason for an individual’s success won’t be an accurate statement.

However, there are a vast range of successful individuals who use cold showers as part of their routine.

Joe Rogan, the famous UFC commentator, comedian, and podcaster is a firm believer of cold water exposure, but his successes most certainly came before implementing this into his life.

Many successful individuals who embrace the cold include, Lady Gaga, Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, and Dwayne Johnson just to name a few.

All who are successful in their respective careers.

So, what did I think?

Taking a cold shower first thing in the morning certainly set me up for the day, and I can see how it can contribute to one’s success.

After a cold shower, I was left feeling motivated and ready to take on the world.

Traits that are commonly associated with the successful among us.

Successful man celebrating

How Long Should You Cold Shower For?

Dr Andrew Huberman, founder of the Huberman Lab Podcast recommends you should cold shower for anywhere between 1 and 3 minutes each day.

Huberman suggests that just 11 minutes of cold-water exposure each week are enough to continuously reap the benefits.

In my experience, beginning with 15 seconds was a great place to start, as cold showers took some getting used to.

It took me two to three weeks to get to a point where cold showering for a couple of minutes felt manageable.

Now, I’m able to consistently blast my shower cold for a minute or two every day.

Is It Good to Cold Shower Every Day?

Cold showering every day has proven to have a vast range of benefits. Some of these include; Improved alertness, reduced stress, improved circulation, reduced muscle soreness, reduced inflammation, and more.

Many individuals adopt cold showers as part of their daily routine simply because of the benefits they notice for themselves.

For me, showering every day has been a life-changing benefit to my day.

Starting the day with a cold shower sets me up mentally, gives me a sense of accomplishment, and acts as a “win” before the day has even begun.

Not only does it provide a sense of accomplishment, but it also completely wakes me up and gets me fired up for the start of the day.

lady in a cold shower

What Are the Disadvantages of Cold Showers?

If you’re suffering from any type of illness, like a cold, flu, or fever, cold showers can potentially exacerbate these symptoms and make you feel worse.

Cold showers are also initially quite difficult to do. It takes a level of mental resilience to get started in the first place and not everyone is willing to make that adjustment.

lady very cold in the shower

What Happens After 30 Days of Cold Showers?

After 30 days of cold showers, most individuals report feeling more alert, having more energy, having healthier skin and hair, improved mental health and resilience, improved circulation, and more.

From my viewpoint, I noticed an increase in morning alertness every single day.

Cold showers in the morning completely wake you up and get you ready for the day.

I noticed that my skin was clearer, my muscles recovered quicker from exercise, and my attitude seemed more positive and optimistic than normal.

After 30 days, I felt like I started to enjoy them and it no longer became something I dreaded.

Due to the benefits I feel like I experience, I no longer hated them.

It’s important to remember that everyone has a different experience with cold showers and this is what I noticed.

Do Cold Showers Burn Fat?

Cold showers have been suggested to potentially aid in weight loss through a process called thermogenesis, where the body burns calories to generate heat.

However, the impact of cold showers on fat burning is not as significant as regular physical exercise and a balanced diet.

The theory behind cold showers and fat loss is based on the idea that the body has two types of fat: white fat and brown fat.

White fat stores excess calories, while brown fat, often activated in response to cold, burns calories to generate heat and maintain body temperature.

Some studies have shown that cold exposure can increase brown fat activity, potentially leading to more calorie burning.

However, it’s important to note that these studies are still quite limited and often not performed on humans, and the amount of calories burned in this process is not substantial enough to lead to significant weight loss on its own.

It’s also important to keep in mind that cold exposure can be uncomfortable or even risky for certain people, such as those with cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, if you’re considering this as a weight loss method, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider first.

The most effective strategies for weight loss generally involve maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity. It’s important to approach weight loss in a healthy, sustainable way rather than seeking quick fixes.

Should You Cold Shower Before Bed?

In my experience cold showering before bed was very refreshing, BUT I found that it took me longer to get to sleep.

The cold shower increased my energy and alertness and this was not ideal right before going to bed.

I didn’t experience any noticeable difference in the quality of my sleep or any difference in the feeling I felt in the morning.

However, many individuals suggest that having a cold shower before bed has helped them to improve their sleep quality.

If you’re experimenting with cold showers, give it a try yourself and see what you notice.

After trying this twice, I decided not to add cold showers as part of my evening routine.

Remember, everyone is different.

What works for one person might not work for another. So, give it a shot and see how it works for you.

man wrapped in a duvet before bed

10 Benefits to Cold Showers

If you’re not convinced yet to give it a try, here are 10 benefits that might help to convince you.

Increased Alertness and Energy

Cold showers can help wake you up and increase your mental alertness, making you feel more energised throughout the day.

If you’re struggling with morning fatigue or need an energy boost to begin your day, a cold shower may be just what you need.

Improved Circulation

Cold water causes your blood vessels to constrict, which can improve blood flow and circulation throughout your body.

This can help deliver nutrients and oxygen to your cells more efficiently, improving overall health and wellbeing.

Blood flow circulation

Healthier Skin and Hair

Cold water can help tighten your pores and reduce inflammation, which can lead to clearer skin and healthier hair.

Additionally, cold water can help seal in moisture, which can prevent dryness and promote healthy hair and skin.

Reduced Muscle Soreness

Cold water can help reduce inflammation in your muscles, which can alleviate soreness and speed up recovery after exercise.

If you’re an athlete or enjoy working out regularly, a cold shower may help you recover faster and perform better.


Boosted Immune System

Exposure to cold water has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells, which can help strengthen your immune system.

This can help you fight off infections and illnesses more effectively.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Cold showers have been shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety, as well as improve overall mood and increase resilience to stress.

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, a cold shower may help you feel more calm and relaxed.

Improved Lymphatic System Function

Cold water can help stimulate the lymphatic system, which can help remove waste and toxins from your body.

This can help boost overall health and wellness.

Increased Metabolism

Exposure to cold temperatures can help increase your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories and potentially lose weight.

If you’re trying to lose weight or improve your metabolism, a cold shower may be worth considering.

Enhanced Willpower and Discipline

Taking a cold shower can require mental toughness and discipline, which can help improve your willpower and self-control.

By challenging yourself to do something uncomfortable, you can build resilience and develop a stronger sense of discipline.


Reduce Depression

Cold showers can help reduce depression by stimulating the release of endorphins and improving blood circulation, which can help to boost mood and morale as well as increase feelings of positive wellbeing.

While the benefits are promising, it’s important to note that cold water exposure may not be suitable for everyone. If you have any health concerns or medical conditions, it’s good to talk to your doctor before making any significant changes to your routine.

Additionally, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend under cold water to avoid shock or discomfort.

How to Start Your Cold Shower Journey

Getting started on your cold shower journey can be extremely difficult.

That’s why we’ve put together this beginners cold shower eBook to help you successfully complete a 30 day cold shower challenge.

To download our eBook visit “A guide to 30 days of Cold Showers

A Guide To 30 Days of Cold Showers

30 Day Cold Shower Challenge

One Year of Cold Showers (Update)

I have decided to come back to this blog and write an update on my experience with cold showers as I’ve now been doing them for over a year.

As you many have seen from the video above, getting started with cold showers wasn’t easy, but at the end of the 30 day period I decided to continue and I haven’t stopped.

So here’s a few things I’ve noticed.

Do Cold Showers Get Easier After a Year

The short answer is yes, but that doesn’t paint the full picture.

Cold showers are still a mental battle and the water is still cold, but after a year of doing them, I seem to have a system that makes me feel like they are easier.

I typically listen to music in the shower and when the song changes, I switch off the hot water and put the cold full pelt.

This helps me to estimate my cold shower time which is typically 90 seconds now.

It also helps me to mentally prepare, as I know a song is coming to an end, it let’s me know it’s “go time”.

When I first started I used to breathe through the initial shock, I now don’t need to do that.

However, when I do focus on my breathing it makes the initial shock feel less intense.

After a year, I’m now able to move around in the cold water, whereas at the start I just froze and stayed in one position.

Overall, cold showers are still cold, they are still a challenge, but the repetition of doing them has allowed me to somewhat get used to it.

What Happens After One Year of Cold Showers

Some people quote that since they’ve been taking cold showers they no longer get sick.

While I believe this to be true for many, this has not been the case for me.

I have still caught the odd cold, and flu but overall I do feel like there has been some benefits to my immune system.

Through winter, I usually have constant sniffles, this winter, this hasn’t been the case.

Can I put this down to the cold showers? maybe!

I also feel more resistant to cold.

I am someone who really disliked cold weather.

However, after a year of cold showers, I feel like I’m more comfortable in colder weather conditions than before.

In my opinion, this is definitely due to the cold showers!

I also feel like my skin is clearer, I don’t feel like I get spots as often but this could also be due to other factors such as diet.

The cold showers still give me that morning boost, although it doesn’t feel as impactful as when I first started, they still wake me up, boost my mood and get me started for the day.

Overall, one year of cold showers has been beneficial for me and I will aim to update you next year when I’ve reached the two year mark!

If you’d like to get started on your cold shower journey , check out my cold shower e-book.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post 30 Days of Cold Showers to Increase Productivity. I Tried It! appeared first on Loving Life.
