stress Archives - Loving Life Incorporating Employee Wellbeing Wed, 06 Mar 2024 17:44:17 +0000 en hourly 1 stress Archives - Loving Life 32 32 5 Tips to Get you Through Blue Monday Tue, 14 Dec 2021 12:47:13 +0000 Within this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the original Blue Monday concept. Then lastly, we’ll highlight 5 tips to help cope with the doldrums that Blue Monday may cause. Academics have labelled the Blue Monday notion “pseudoscience” in recent years. Whether it’s superstitious nonsense or not, there’s no doubting that many people are tired and....

The post 5 Tips to Get you Through Blue Monday appeared first on Loving Life.

Within this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the original Blue Monday concept. Then lastly, we’ll highlight 5 tips to help cope with the doldrums that Blue Monday may cause.

Academics have labelled the Blue Monday notion “pseudoscience” in recent years.

Whether it’s superstitious nonsense or not, there’s no doubting that many people are tired and depressed in the first month of the year.

What is Blue Monday?

Blue Monday is commonly regarded as the year’s most depressing day. This might be due to a combination of bad weather, long nights, and the lingering aftermath of the festive glut.

Dr. Cliff Arnall came up with the concept of Blue Monday in 2005, and it was released as part of a Sky Travel news release.

Due to the overall awful weather, long evenings, post- Christmas debt, and unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions, the life coach and psychologist devised a formula to identify the ‘saddest’ day of the year.

Despite being devised as a marketing strategy to entice people to book vacations, the word has already entered general use.

When is Blue Monday 2022?

The third Monday in January is Blue Monday, the supposed gloomiest day of the year. Next Blue Monday falls on the 17th January 2022.

Why is Blue Monday the saddest day of the year?

According to Sky Travel’s press release, Blue Monday was determined by “considering a variety of parameters”. This included average temperature, days since the last payday, days until the next bank holiday, average daylight hours, and the number of nights in during the month.

It doesn’t take much thought to figure out what the underlying goal of Sky Travel’s press release was: to sell more vacations.

Regardless of whether it’s all nonsense or not, Blue Monday raises awareness about mental and physical wellbeing and gets people talking about depression, even if only briefly.

That can only be a good thing at a time when reaching out is more crucial than ever.

How can companies support their employees on Blue Monday?

Focusing on employee wellbeing as an employer will be critical, especially coming up to Blue Monday.

Not only will ensuring your employees’ health and wellbeing benefit them, but it will also benefit your company in terms of reducing absenteeism, maintaining employee engagement, and retaining people.

A company’s culture and how it works may have a substantial good or bad influence on an employee’s health and wellbeing. Consider the difference between an organisation that communicates freely and regularly, involves, and engages its people against one that has closed, inconsistent communications and has bad employee relations.

These are all aspects that lead to productive and satisfied employees. While the workplace cannot prevent all incidences of mental illness, it may help to foster an atmosphere that fosters and promotes excellent mental wellbeing.

Companies could invest in wellbeing workshops that can provide an atmosphere that promotes employee growth, empowerment, and benefits.

5 tips to get you through Blue Monday

Go workout

Employee wellbeing fitness class

Exercise can benefit us in a variety of ways, whether we go for a walk or join a local gym. You will feel much better in terms of your mental health in addition to having a healthier body.

One thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to attend a class to get more exercise. This Blue Monday, don’t overwork yourself. Set attainable workout objectives that you can achieve.

Take some time out for yourself


Don’t underestimate the value of looking within and spending some time for yourself this Blue Monday.

Taking time for yourself may help you relax and unwind. Whether you want to try meditation, relax in the bath, or get a massage. Even if money is tight until January’s payday, spending time for yourself is far from selfish and will help you be the greatest version of yourself.

Planning something new might be energising for some people. There’s no harm in making plans for the future, making action plans, and making sure the year ahead has enough ‘you time.’

Loving Life occasionally delivers free and motivational webinars, for our next one, click here.

Identify your concerns and seek help


While it isn’t always a simple process, we must be able to identify what is bothering us and work toward a solution. One way to accomplish this is to write down the problem and a possible solution or to seek expert assistance.

There are a variety of organisations that may help, such as charities like the Samaritans. It goes without saying that if you believe you or someone else is in danger, you should contact your doctor (if you have a known illness), 111, or 999 in an emergency.

Eat healthily

healthy snacks

The food we consume has an impact not only on our physical health but also on our mental health.

Studies have revealed that eating processed or unhealthy foods has a negative impact on our moods.

This is why we should attempt to eat as healthily as possible. Try to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, and try to prepare our meals ourselves. Simple meals made with fresh ingredients are frequently just what our bodies want, especially during stressful times.

Read a book

lady reading a book

Only an excellent book can transfer you to another world and make you feel better as a result. Re-read a favourite book or borrow something from the library.

You may form a Blue Monday Book Club with your pals and decide to read and discuss a book together. However, if you don’t enjoy reading, there are a variety of audio novels available.

Check out YouTube book reviews with TY & FFLY here!

Although television is frequently the most convenient alternative for many, it is very stimulating and may not always be the ideal option for relaxing.

The post 5 Tips to Get you Through Blue Monday appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff Mon, 06 Dec 2021 13:54:39 +0000 This blog is for companies seeking wellbeing gifts ideas for their staff that promote a healthy lifestyle. It’s critical to choose presents for your staff that are meaningful and personal, or that make a genuine impact in their lives. With Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, approaching, it is important to express your....

The post 5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff appeared first on Loving Life.

This blog is for companies seeking wellbeing gifts ideas for their staff that promote a healthy lifestyle.

It’s critical to choose presents for your staff that are meaningful and personal, or that make a genuine impact in their lives.

With Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, approaching, it is important to express your gratitude for your staff.

With lockdowns and remote working taking their toll during the gloomy winter months, we’ve compiled a list of 5 wellbeing-boosting gifts ideas to cheer up your staff.

What is staff wellbeing?

The condition of a staff member’s physical and mental health as it relates to working directly in the workplace is referred to as staff wellbeing, also known as employee wellbeing. This might involve their physical health, posture at their desk, connections with supervisors, co-workers, and clients, as well as their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Promoting staff wellbeing is beneficial to both individuals and organisations since it may help minimise stress and promote healthy working conditions.

According to the CIPD’s health and wellbeing report, just 40% of UK firms have a distinct employee wellbeing programme, according to a poll conducted by HR managers. Furthermore, mental health is the leading cause of long-term unplanned absences, accounting for 56% of all long-term absences.

Why is employee wellbeing important?

Work is important in most people’s lives, and not simply because it provides a source of revenue. It can provide us with a feeling of purpose and accomplishment, as well as an opportunity to socialise and form connections with our co-workers.

Every year, people with mental health issues lose their jobs at a rate that is almost double that of those without a mental health issue, and considerably greater than those with a physical health problem.

Working might have a bad impact on one’s mental wellbeing at times, but it can also have a very good impact. A welcoming, inclusive workplace can assist to avoid new mental health issues and enable those who are struggling with their mental wellbeing to continue at work and flourish.

Why should you give your staff a wellbeing gift?

A thoughtful gift is sometimes the greatest approach to show your team that you care, especially if they have lately been experiencing poor moods or loneliness.

Furthermore, research reveals that actions of generosity might help enhance your staff’s mental wellbeing! It generates happy emotions, a sense of accomplishment, and may increase their self-worth by providing them with a sense of societal purpose.

Furthermore, wellbeing gifts are excellent for your company’s image. When staff feel appreciated, they will spread the news. This will result in a stronger public image and a greater chance of acquiring top talent.

5 wellbeing gift ideas for your staff

Onsite Massages

Onsite Massage

Getting a massage at the office offers physical benefits as well. At some time during the day, many people at work suffer a loss of energy. This may be related to a lack of blood flow to the body’s cells.

Traditional massage techniques increase healthy blood flow throughout the body. It also wakes up all of your cells and reactivates your brain, in addition to enhancing corporate wellbeing.

As a result of repetitive strain, office workers who are stooped over their computers all day may get substantial and chronic neck and back discomfort, muscle stiffness, and arm, wrist, and hand issues.

Getting a massage at work may assist employees in working out knots and reducing muscle stress.


Candle wellbeing gift

Scented candles, especially those filled with essential oils, are wonderful for unwinding.

Lavender, rose, and chamomile, in particular, is known for their relaxing properties. Aromatherapeutic candles are effective in the treatment of a variety of psychological and physiological diseases. Depression and anxiety candles are particularly popular.

A candle’s warm glow provides various advantages for someone trying to enhance their sleep hygiene. A candle’s flame is a far superior option to a smartphone’s blue light.

With the capacity to reduce cortisol, scented candles can assist to promote calm and alleviating stress symptoms. Certain candles are made to trigger brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which help to maintain a pleasant mood.

Exercise Workshops

Loving life workshop

Investing in a remote exercise workshop for your staff demonstrates that you care about their wellbeing. When they’re going through a difficult period, it’s more vital than ever for them to take care of themselves physically.

If you have a globally dispersed staff, video-based services might be a terrific method to demonstrate your appreciation.

Loving Life provides tailored online energiser sessions. It is possible to participate in a private live session. A two-way live stream is included in their 10-15 minute online private corporate energiser sessions. This allows employees to interact with one another as well as the instructor.

These sessions do more than keep your team in shape. During these incredibly disjointed times, they also aid team bonding.

Company retreats

Company retreat as a wellbeing gift for staff

Companies can benefit greatly from retreats for team building, brainstorming, and relaxed creativity. Companies could see improved cooperation and productivity during their getaways.

You might organise a one-day offsite retreat near your office or a multi-day excursion out of the country. You may be creative, have fun discussing ideas, and create an atmosphere that everyone will appreciate while preparing the perfect business retreat for your team.

Time Off

taking a break

One of the finest methods to demonstrate employee gratitude is to give them time off work. This provides your staff with the freedom to visit friends, volunteer, practise a hobby, or take a brief vacation.

These additional days off do not need to be scheduled or constant. An unexpected additional day off might show a hardworking employee how much you value their efforts.

For information on 5 workshops that will support your employees’ wellbeing, check out our blog here!

The post 5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:53:31 +0000 Organising a variety of wellbeing workshops is one method a company may assist with its employees’ wellbeing. This is because feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual. The workshops should provide a variety of tools and methods for everyone (staff, leaders and managers, HR, etc.) This would allow for immediate assistance and resources....

The post 5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees appeared first on Loving Life.

Organising a variety of wellbeing workshops is one method a company may assist with its employees’ wellbeing. This is because feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual.

The workshops should provide a variety of tools and methods for everyone (staff, leaders and managers, HR, etc.) This would allow for immediate assistance and resources for all sorts of mental and physical health concerns that could arise at work.

Employees who are in good physical and mental health are more motivated, committed, productive, adaptable, and less prone to absenteeism. This makes them more likely to remain with a company for a longer period of time.

In 2020, Champion discovered that 58% of a 2,099-employee sample experienced work-related stress, with 69% experiencing moderate to high levels of stress overall.

It is believed that organisations lose 1000s of productive hours every month as a result of poor wellbeing among employees.

What is a wellbeing workshop?

Wellbeing workshops are interactive programmes intended to engage, educate, and encourage employees. This is so they can adopt positive wellbeing into their daily lives, both in and out of work.

Employees adopting positive wellbeing in their daily life can benefit a company because they are more likely to be more productive.

Stress management methods, workplace wellbeing tips, motivation and goal setting, injury prevention and suggestions on achieving a work-life balance are just a few of the topics that can be covered.

Wellbeing workshops are an excellent approach to bring colleagues together since it allows for the exchange of knowledge and the discussion of pertinent concerns. Increasing awareness can assist to normalise the conversation about workplace wellbeing and mental health, despite the stigma associated with it.

Hand-outs and toolkits provided in the session offer support to employees because they can explore the topics further themselves.

Wellbeing workshops are important because having an understanding of wellbeing strategies can promote greater calm and overall wellbeing

What are the benefits of a wellbeing workshop?

Workshops on employee health are an important element of developing a successful employee wellbeing programme because it shows that a company is fulfilling their duty of care. Workshops enable a company to deliver practical health information in a fun and collaborative way. Consider the following advantages when determining whether or not to hold an educational wellbeing workshop for your company:

Employee BenefitsEmployer Benefits
Positive learning experienceIncreases employee productivity
Supports their physical wellbeingReduces employee absence
Motivational encouragementImproves employee retention
Develops a positive mindset

Reduces unsatisfied employees

Can boost their confidenceImprove employee engagement
Supports their mental wellbeingFulfils their duty of care
Allows them to be more productiveSaves the business money long term
Can make employees more resilientCreates a positive company culture

5 wellbeing workshops to support your employees

Coping with stress

coping with stress workshop

This workshop explores methods for lowering stress and provides valuable information, suggestions, and ideas to assist in the development of skills to cope with and manage stress.

Its goal is to educate employees and managers about stress, specifically how to recognise warning signs in the workplace.

It focuses on what stress is, how to cope with it in a straightforward yet efficient manner, self-evaluation, and alternate coping strategies.

This can benefit a company in many ways because employees who can manage their stress can help maintain a strong, healthy workplace culture that’s conducive to creativity and productivity

Improve physical wellbeing

physical wellbeing workshops

This session examines methods for minimising bodily discomforts, giving helpful knowledge, suggestions, and ideas to enhance and maintain an individual’s wellness.

It is meant to educate people on the skills, information, and understanding required to maintain their physical wellbeing. This may revolutionise a company by motivating its staff, increasing their energy since it encourages them to remain physically active.

It concentrates on bodily discomforts, injuries, ailments, and problems that employees may be facing which as a result can affect their productivity.

These sessions can support a business because good physical wellbeing can lower the risk of sickness and infection. This means that the number of employees that call in sick can be drastically reduced.

Working from home – best practice

working from home - best practice workshop

This workshop explores ways of reducing those physical discomforts, providing useful knowledge, tips and ideas to help improve an employee’s working from home experience.

It focuses on postural discomforts, positioning and issues that employees may be facing working from home.

The workshop also covers how a workplace configuration may impact an employee’s posture and cause pain or injury. It explains how minor adjustments may mean the difference between good and poor posture. It also shows them how to put these changes into practice.

This workshop can help reduce employee sick days considering that 8.9 million working days are lost due to Musculoskeletal disorders.

Diabetes awareness

Diabetes awareness workshop

This workshop looks at methods to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by giving vital information. Additionally, it looks at lifestyle and habit advice and educates employees about the world’s rapidly expanding health issues.

It focuses on informing employees about diabetes, including what it is, the different types, the risks and causes, and how to prevent and avoid it.

This particular workshop can help improve employee health since diabetes is the fastest growing health condition in modern society.

Monday morning motivation

Monday morning motivationThis workshop will cover how to motivate employees, which is vital since it will help them prepare for the week ahead. It is accomplished by providing essential information, activities, lifestyle and habit advice and as a result these assists employees with boosting their enthusiasm.

Movement and motivating exercises are a big part of the session and therefore the goal is to develop a clear focus for the upcoming week. This will consist of a mild physical warmup, mental relaxation, and positive thought exploration.

This workshop can help bring more innovation into a company because motivated employees are more inclined to improve the business.

Who delivers Loving Life Wellbeing Workshops?


Tyler is a highly driven young man since he takes delight in seeing the bright side of life.

Tyler travelled around Australia and Southeast Asia after obtaining a degree in sport and exercise therapy considering that is his passion. He created Loving Life in 2015 after his homecoming and hasn’t looked back since.

Not only has Tyler been able to expand his business throughout the pandemic but he’s always been able to retain a smile on his face whilst doing so.

Hosting entertaining, educational, engaging, and interactive wellbeing webinars have helped Loving Life survive these challenging times. It has also been inspiring to enhance the wellbeing of many employees because he’s helped them to ‘live life better.’

The post 5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees appeared first on Loving Life.

Let’s Talk About Mental Health Mon, 06 Sep 2021 11:32:10 +0000 So why should we talk about mental health? All of us should look after our mental health and well-being the same way we look after our physical health. According to Mind, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. Discussing mental health openly helps alleviate the....

The post Let’s Talk About Mental Health appeared first on Loving Life.

So why should we talk about mental health? All of us should look after our mental health and well-being the same way we look after our physical health. According to Mind, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.

Discussing mental health openly helps alleviate the stigma regarding mental illness. It also assures us that support is available so we’re not alone with our struggles. Bringing mental health to the forefront is beneficial for enticing those with suicidal thoughts or significant mental illness to seek help.

What is mental health?

As stated by WHO, mental health is a state of well-being inch which an individual realises his or her own abilities. Additionally, it examines their ability to cope with the demands of everyday life, work effectively, and contribute to their community.

It’s all about how individuals think, feel, and act when it comes to mental health. It can have an impact on one’s everyday life, relationships, and physical health. This connection, nevertheless, also works in the opposite direction. Mental health issues can be caused by a variety of reasons, including personal circumstances, interpersonal relationships, and physical factors.

Why is mental health important?

Research from the Mental Health Foundation suggests that mental health and behavioural problems (e.g. depression, anxiety and drug use) are reported to be the primary drivers of disability worldwide. Unfortunatley, it causes over 40 million years of disability in 20 to 29-year-olds. It can hinder us from showing up for work day after day, limit our talents, and delay our progress.

When mental health is ignored, unfortunately, suicide rates climb. Mental health is crucial since it has an impact on all aspects of life. It has an impact on our capacity to deal with stress, adapt, and find solutions. It also has an impact on our ability to be content, efficient, and well-adjusted.

Mental illness is defined as a disorder of the brain that causes disturbances in cognition and behaviour as well as in energy and emotion. The intricate origins of these disorders, which might include genetics, brain chemistry, brain anatomy, trauma, and/or having an underlying medical condition (such as heart disease) are being studied. Furthermore, if it is left untreated, it can lead to fewer job prospects and poor academic and professional performance.

What may cause mental illness?

There is no single cause for mental illness. One or several circumstances may have an influence on many people, while others may be more deeply affected by a single event. However, research is showing that a mix of biological, psychological, and environmental variables are accountable for many of these illnesses.

Here are just a handful of examples…

Biological factors:

  • Genetics (heredity)
  • Infections
  • Brain defects or injury
  • Prenatal damage
  • Substance abuse

Psychological factors:

  • Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child
  • A significant loss as a child, such as the death of a parent
  • Neglect
  • Poor ability to relate to others

Environmental factors:

  • Death or divorce
  • A dysfunctional family life
  • Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, anger, or loneliness
  • Changing jobs or schools
  • Social or cultural expectations

Why don’t people talk about mental health?

The fact is that there are a variety of reasons why people find it challenging to talk about their mental health issues. The reasons for this are as broad as they come. It might be anything from childhood trauma to personal or professional difficulties. Perhaps societal conditioning encourages some people to ignore mental health, and minimise its significance. Some people tend to forget how it affects our lives and those around us.

Although there is a growing awareness of mental health issues, we still live in a society where people with mental health issues suffer prejudice and may have difficulty receiving the help they require. Many people who are distressed try to hide their feelings because they are scared of how others may react.

Fear of prejudice and humiliation are two of the most common reasons people don’t inform their co-workers about their mental health issues. It is easier for people to speak openly about mental health problems and to seek help when they need it when senior managers build workplace environments that allow people to be themselves.

5 tips on how to look after your mental health

meditating for positive mental health

Practice mindfulness 

Mindfulness is a strategy for paying attention to the present moment that includes breathing, meditation, and yoga. It helps us become more conscious of our thoughts and feelings so that we can better control them rather than being overwhelmed by them. Mindfulness has also been found to assist with a variety of illnesses, including stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help with addictive behaviours like alcohol or substance abuse and gambling, as well as medical issues like hypertension, heart disease, and chronic pain.

If you’re a company, team or organisation that prides itself in promoting good mental health for your employees, click here for more information about our Monday morning motivation webinar.

talking about mental health feelings

Talk about your feelings and ask for help 

It isn’t a sign of weakness to express your emotions. It’s all part of taking control of your health and doing everything you can to maintain it. Talking about a situation to a friend or family member that you’ve been thinking about for a while might be a good approach to deal with it. Simply being heard might make you feel less alone and more supported. It’s also reciprocal because it’s possible that if you open yourself, others will follow suit.

However, if things are becoming too much for you and you don’t think you can handle it any longer, you should ask for help. Your GP may refer you to a therapist because it might be easier to talk to a stranger than it is to talk to family or friends. A qualified counsellor or therapist listens to you and helps you develop your own solutions to issues without condemning you during talking therapy.

massage for relaxation

Take a break

Sometimes taking a break is very much needed when certain aspects of your life become difficult. Have some ‘me’ time and try to engage in things that give you a sense of joy and comfort. Taking a break may mean being very active or it may mean not doing very much at all. According to The Wellbeing Thesis, studies have found that breaks can reduce or prevent stress. It can also help to maintain performance throughout the day and reduce the need for a long recovery at the end of the day.

You could also book yourself a remedial massage, which should help you relax and relieve stress in your body. Anxiety and depression are two of the most prevalent disorders that can be alleviated by having this massage.

drinking only one glass of alcohol

Drink sensibly

Some people frequently drink alcoholic beverages to alter their mood and cope with their fears or loneliness, but this is only a temporary solution. Due to the way how alcohol withdrawal symptoms influence your brain and the rest of your body, you feel worse when the drink wears off. Drinking is not a healthy method to deal with negative emotions. You would need more and more alcohol each time to feel the same short-term boost, in addition to the harm that too much alcohol may cause to your body. For the most part, modest drinking on an occasion can be healthy and enjoyable.

Get enough sleep

We can all benefit from bettering our sleep quality. It may just be a matter of adopting minor lifestyle or attitude changes to help us sleep better for many of us. If you want more advice on how to improve your sleep quality, please click here.

The post Let’s Talk About Mental Health appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Tips To Look And Feel Less Tired Tue, 31 Aug 2021 10:23:49 +0000 Do you often look and feel tired? Well, you are not alone! According to Aviva, as many as 16 million UK adults are suffering from sleepless nights. Also, a third (31%) say they have insomnia and almost half (48%) agree they don’t get the right amount of sleep. The obvious solution to appear and feel....

The post 5 Tips To Look And Feel Less Tired appeared first on Loving Life.

Do you often look and feel tired?

Well, you are not alone! According to Aviva, as many as 16 million UK adults are suffering from sleepless nights. Also, a third (31%) say they have insomnia and almost half (48%) agree they don’t get the right amount of sleep.

The obvious solution to appear and feel less tired is to have a decent amount of sleep (7 hours and above). But we know that can be difficult for some. Therefore, this article will contain tips to help you feel more refreshed when you wake up in the morning and help you look and feel less tired!

So, why are you tired?

Psychological causes

  • Stress
  • A bereavement
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Intense worry, grief, or fear make it difficult to fall and remain asleep during the night. Though after falling asleep, people may awaken in the middle of the night with these intense emotions. Settling back to sleep might be tough once their thoughts begin to race with worry, sadness, or fear. This could result in sleep fragmentation, which reduces both the quantity and quality of sleep. Sleep deprivation can also exacerbate these psychological causes, triggering a vicious cycle including insomnia and mental health issues.

Physical causes

  • pregnancy – particularly in the first 12 weeks
  • being overweight or obese – your body has to work harder to do everyday activities
  • being underweight – poor muscle strength can make you tire more easily

Pregnancy can cause physical discomfort, hormonal changes, and the thrill and worry of being a new mother all contribute to a slew of sleep issues. Pregnant mothers may have back pain and difficulty finding a comfortable position to support the increasing baby bulge as time passes, especially when the baby begins to kick at night. According to the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, at least half of pregnant women suffer from insomnia.

Obesity, according to researchers, may alter metabolism and/or sleep-wake cycles in such a manner that sleep hygiene declines. It’s also conceivable that the physical impacts of carrying the excess itself can have an influence on the quality of sleep.

A lack of muscle strength can lead to poor sleep quality and short sleep duration. Sleep is important for muscle mass and when there is a lack of sleep the cycle continues. As a basic guideline, a balanced diet consisting mostly of a range of vegetables and fruits can supply the required daily consumption of vitamins and minerals. This will improve sleep and provide a healthy weight.

Lifestyle causes

  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • A lack of exercise
  • Excessive caffeine

Alcohol contains sedative properties that can make you feel sleepy and relaxed. However, it has also been related to poor sleep quality and duration, especially when consumed in excess. Insomnia is a typical symptom of those who have alcohol use disorders. Sleepers who consume significant amounts of alcohol before going to bed are more likely to experience delayed sleep onset. This means they take longer to fall asleep. These people are more prone to have sleep disturbances when their liver enzymes metabolize the alcohol over the night and their blood alcohol level drops.

An exhausted person may not feel able to exercise, and a lack of exercise might lead to even more weariness. Deconditioning can occur as a result of a lack of exercise, making physical tasks more difficult and exhausting.

Caffeine has been shown to affect the beginning of sleep as well as sleep time, efficiency, and contentment. It shortens the time spent in slow-wave sleep, a deep, restorative stage of sleep that leaves us feeling refreshed and alert in the morning. Caffeine-interrupted sleep can cause sleep deprivation the next day, resulting in tiredness and difficulties with learning, memory, problem-solving, and emotional control.

So here are 5 tips to help you look and feel less tired

Bedtime routine to help look and feel less tired

Set a strict bedtime schedule

Your brain begins to wind down for sleep a few hours before bedtime as part of your natural sleep-wake cycle. You can improve the effectiveness of this technique by including it into your night routine. First, pick a bedtime and a wake-up time that you can keep to every day. When you stick to a consistent sleep schedule, your brain learns to feel sleepy when it’s time to go to bed.

Next, choose a time each night to begin your sleep ritual, anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours before bedtime. If necessary, set an alarm. Also, if you have an iPhone, you could use the ‘Bedtime app’ to track your sleeping schedule.

Alcohol, coffee and cigarette

Limit the intake of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine

You should limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine that you intake and avoid it for at least 4 hours before going to sleep.

You may think that having a cigarette before bed or in the middle of the night relaxes you, but this is not the case. Nicotine is a stimulant and makes it harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Cigarettes should ideally be avoided altogether, and certainly for at least 2 hours before bed.

Drink water

Staying well-hydrated is critical to our optimum health and survival. People who are severely dehydrated typically feel exceedingly sleepy, sluggish, or fatigued. Other dehydration symptoms, such as headaches, dry mouth and nasal passages, and muscular pains, also make it difficult to sleep properly.

Water should be sipped regularly throughout the day scheduling a reminder if you have a hard time remembering to drink water. You could also use a water bottle to have a drink easily accessible and to track how much water you’ve consumed. However, you should reduce water consumption an hour or two before bed. This is because taking in large quantities of any beverage in the lead-up to bedtime can cause frequent urination at night.

Woman exercising to look and feel less tired

Exercise regularly

Exercising improves sleep for many people. Specifically, moderate-to-vigorous exercise can increase sleep quality for adults. It can reduce their sleep onset and decrease the amount of time they lie awake in bed during the night. Additionally, physical activity can help alleviate daytime sleepiness and, for some people, reduce the need for sleep medications.

If you are an employer looking to liven up your employees to boost their motivation and productivity, you can now enquire about Loving Life’s tailored online energy sessions.

Man mediating at home

Reduce stress

Healthy coping strategies that reduce emotional avoidance include meditation and simple breathing exercises. This can reduce stress and tension in the body, lower stress hormone levels, and help sleep come more easily. Problem-solving can also be a way to reduce stress. However, it can be stimulating and should be done earlier in the day rather than before bed.

If you are an employer and want to teach your employees how to cope with stress, you can now enquire about Loving Life’s coping with stress webinar.

The post 5 Tips To Look And Feel Less Tired appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Stress Busters To Help You Cope With Work Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:10:03 +0000 These stress busters were designed to help you get through the week, but first we must understand what stress is! What is stress? According to the NHS, stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. A minimal amount of stress could actually motivate you to complete your tasks at work a lot....

The post 5 Stress Busters To Help You Cope With Work appeared first on Loving Life.

These stress busters were designed to help you get through the week, but first we must understand what stress is!

What is stress?

According to the NHS, stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. A minimal amount of stress could actually motivate you to complete your tasks at work a lot quicker than usual. However, an overload of stress, specifically when we feel overwhelmed, might impact your interactions, health and emotions. It can make you apprehensive and restless, as well as lower your self-confidence.

According to the HSE, the latest estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show: The total number of cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2019/20 was 828,000. This could be down to fact that in today’s evolving society, working may feel like a whole wave of emotions. You might feel distressed, exhausted and burdened by long working hours, strict schedules and ever-growing responsibilities.

How to know when you are stressed at work?

People frequently fail to spot the signs of work-related stress and instead resort to a “coping” mechanism, blaming it on being overworked and convincing themselves that they are capable of dealing with it. Some may also persuade themselves that it is only for a short period until things improve, although this is not always the reality. Workplace stress can express itself in a variety of ways, including:

  • Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
  • Apathy, loss of interest in work
  • Problems sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Muscle tension or headaches
  • Stomach problems
  • Social withdrawal
  • Using alcohol or drugs to cope

What causes stress at work?

If not effectively handled, there are six leading factors that might contribute to work-related stress. Demands, control, support, relationships, role, and change are among them.

For example:

  • Insomnia or loss of sleep leading to tiredness
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Low mood
  • Consuming too much caffeine or alcohol
  • Low productivity accompanied by feelings of low achievement
  • Regular absence and a higher sickness rate
  • Being accident-prone
  • Being cynical and defensive
  • Finding fault
  • Headaches
  • Backache
  • Indigestion
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Regular or lingering colds

So, what are the 5 stress busters to help you cope with work?

Stress buster 1: Get a massage

Loving life massage

Since stress may produce tension in your muscles, a massage can help you relax by releasing this tension. You might, for example, have a remedial massage, which employs advanced massage methods to work deeper inside the muscles and is suited to your body’s requirements and expectations.

This sort of massage would be tailored to each client by your therapist, who would use a variety of methods to address and treat the tensions, aches, and discomforts that you may be feeling. Afterwards, it should feel like a massive weight has been lifted off your shoulders so that you can come into work feeling more refreshed.

Stress buster 2: Meditate

Man mediating at home to relieve stress

Another excellent approach to relieve stress is to meditate, which requires you to focus your attention on something else (such as your breathing techniques). This is so you can clear your mind of the mixed thoughts that may be bothering you and creating stress. Taking the time either before or after work to meditate should relieve the pressure from work that you may be experiencing. Benefits of meditating include:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Developing stress management skills
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Concentrating on the present moment
  • Minimising negative emotions
  • Expanding imagination and inventiveness
  • Improving patience and tolerance

Click here for a 10-minute meditation tutorial for beginners so you can unwind from the comfort of your own home.

Stress buster 3: Exercise

Woman exercising at home

Exercise is referred to as physical activities that raises the heart rate above resting levels. It is crucial to maintaining your physical and mental wellbeing. Being able to incorporate any form of exercise into your work life, should help you relax when you are working. Being physical can help relieve stress by releasing feel-good endorphins and distracting you from your work-related stresses.

Both aerobic and cardiovascular exercise are essential to maintaining a healthy mind and body. You may well not approve initially because the initial stages are perhaps the most difficult. Exercise will feel more like a chore than enjoyment at first.

However, as you become more fit, you’ll learn to accept, then love, and eventually rely on exercise. The NHS recommends to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week.

Click here for a 45-minute class based on aerobic movement.

Stress buster 4: Connect with people

connecting with people

Positive interpersonal relationships can reduce both perceived stress and stress hormone levels. When you spend time with the appropriate people, you may feel better, be more secure, and lower your stress levels.

Catching up with family, friends, and coworkers are great places to start for human contact. You could also spend time with people who are interested in one or more of the same things as you, which would be a smart approach to build a foundation.

You can do this by joining a club, taking a class, and playing on a sports team to find like-minded people and potential friends.

Click here to find out more ideas of places to connect with different people or even if you need ideas of places to connect with your family, friends or coworkers.

Stress buster 5: Work smarter not harder

working smarter instead of harder

Smarter work is the key to becoming more productive at your job without working more hours. Your efficiency and performance will increase as you learn to work smarter, not harder which can improve your job satisfaction. It can also help you become a valued asset to your employer, therefore boosting your job security. It takes some practice and effort to put the techniques in place that will allow you to work smarter, not harder. You can do this by:

  • Establishing a morning routine.
  • Keeping your to-do list short.
  • Measure your results, not your time.
  • Enhance your communication skills.
  • Make meetings productive.
  • Work in 90 to 120-minute blocks.
  • Focus on one task at a time.
  • Set short deadlines.

If you are an employer and would like more tips and tricks to keep your staff motivated and more productive you can enquire about Loving Life’s employee motivation sessions.

The post 5 Stress Busters To Help You Cope With Work appeared first on Loving Life.
