employee wellbeing Archives - Loving Life https://lovinglifeco.com/tag/employee-wellbeing/ Incorporating Employee Wellbeing Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:40:54 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 https://lovinglifeco.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-LovingLifeStackedRGB-32x32.png employee wellbeing Archives - Loving Life https://lovinglifeco.com/tag/employee-wellbeing/ 32 32 World Wellbeing Week 2024 https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/world-wellbeing-week/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-wellbeing-week Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:38:00 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=18394 This global celebration is dedicated to the many facets of wellbeing, including physical, mental, and emotional health.World Wellbeing Week offers an opportunity to reflect on what wellbeing means to us and share our journeys and experiences.Whether through mindfulness practices, healthy eating, education, physical activities, or other things, World Wellbeing Week encourages us to embrace a....

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This global celebration is dedicated to the many facets of wellbeing, including physical, mental, and emotional health.
World Wellbeing Week offers an opportunity to reflect on what wellbeing means to us and share our journeys and experiences.
Whether through mindfulness practices, healthy eating, education, physical activities, or other things, World Wellbeing Week encourages us to embrace a holistic approach to living our best lives.
In this blog, we look at what this week involves and what companies can do to support it.


What is World Wellbeing Week?

When is World Wellbeing Week?

Why Do We Celebrate World Wellbeing Week?

7 Initiatives Companies Can Offer During World Wellbeing Week?

  1. Invite a Wellbeing Speaker
  2. Provide Office Massages
  3. Organise Fun Wellbeing Activities
  4. Provide Wellbeing Workshops
  5. Start a Book Club
  6. Yoga
  7. Mindfulness Session

What is World Wellbeing Week?

Wellbeing World organises World Wellbeing Week every year. It provides us with the chance to raise general knowledge of the various components of wellbeing.

This comprises social, physical, emotional, and financial, professional, community, and environmental wellbeing.

World Wellbeing Week also serves as a platform for the world’s major organisations to host their own events.

It demonstrates their appreciation for their valued workers, consumers, partners, and suppliers while highlighting their wellbeing strategies and activities.

When is World Wellbeing Week?

World Wellbeing Week takes place every year during the last week of June and is now in its sixth year.

The 2024 World Wellbeing Week takes place from June 24th to June 28th.

The 2025 campaign is due to take place from June 23rd to June 27th.

Why Do We Celebrate World Wellbeing Week?

World Wellbeing Week is an excellent chance to discuss all things wellbeing.

Whether it comes to our mental or physical wellbeing, having a dedicated week to highlight this can help improve lives across the world.

The week provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the diverse aspects of wellbeing.

It helps to give individuals confidence to share personal journeys and promotes awareness on practices that can enhance our quality of life.

The goal of the week is to increase the general knowledge of the many aspects of wellbeing.

World wellbeing week acts as a reminder that without our health we are unable to do the things that are meaningful to us.

It is often only in sickness that we appreciate our health and the week offers a reminder about this.

Although wellbeing should be taken seriously all year round, this week helps to remind us all, why our wellbeing matters.

employee wellbeing

7 Initiatives Companies Can Offer During World Wellbeing Week?

1. Invite a Wellbeing Speaker

A wellbeing speaker can help to highlight the importance of our wellbeing.

Through engaging storytelling and passionate delivery they inspire audiences to prioritise their health and happiness.

Speakers often share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and evidence based strategies to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Companies who empower their workforce to support their wellbeing can expect increased loyalty, productivity and morale.

By addressing various aspects of wellbeing, such as stress, healthy living, and mindset, a speaker can empower employees to make positive changes in their lives.


2. Provide Office Massages

Hiring a massage therapist to come to the workplace and give massages is a lovely initiative for world wellbeing week.

Massage can help to relax, rejuvenate and de-stress employees.

On-site massage is given on a specially designed massage chair in a relaxed setting, and is delivered through their clothing.

Massages are delivered on the upper back, head, neck, and shoulders are tailored to each individual client.

Sessions can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes but employees love this initiative.


3. Organise Fun Wellbeing Activities

Wellbeing activities can provide a fun and engaging way to step away from the day to day running of a business.

These activities can be a great way to bring people together, promote health, and encourage healthy employee connections.

Workplace connections are critical in supporting employee wellbeing.

A healthy work environment helps employees to feel safe, valued and appreciated.

Check out our blog on 15 Fun Wellbeing Activities for Team Meetings.

Employees stretching as part of their wellbeing activities in their team meeting

4. Provide Wellbeing Workshops

Workshops on employee health are an essential part of supporting employee wellbeing.

Wellbeing workshops are a fun and collaborative method for an organisation to offer practical health support and knowledge to their staff.

Employees are able to learn valuable insights during a workshop setting that provide actionable strategies to support their health.

Wellbeing workshops can also be performed as part of a lunch and learn which is a great workshop-style when it comes to looking after staff wellbeing.

Check out these 27 Corporate Lunch and Learn Ideas.


5. Start a Book Club

Reading is a fantastic way to contribute in supporting our wellbeing.

Many individuals find it relaxing, as it promotes mental stimulation and emotional balance.

Through reading individuals are able to gain new perspectives and improve knowledge.

A book club could inspire people to read the same book and then discuss it at each meeting.

This not only encourages reading but it promotes connection among individuals and creates a culture of continuous learning.

Book clubs are a low-cost, high-return method to build a sense of community among employees.

Whether they all work in the same office or are dispersed across the world.

It promotes positive working connections and provides something for everyone to speak about.

Staff at an employee resource group book club

6. Yoga

Yoga is a great low-intensity exercise that can raise heart rates without exhausting employees before the day starts.

It can be introduced to employees as an excellent fitness option to support their wellbeing

Yoga helps to keep employees physically active, healthy, and flexible.

Employees who participate in yoga may notice less tension and muscular tightness after a few lessons.

It may also increase productivity, focus, and enjoyment at work, as well as enhanced posture and physical wellbeing.

Why not hire a yoga instructor as part of your wellbeing week.


7. Mindfulness Session

Companies can also consider incorporating mindfulness sessions into their World Wellbeing Week initiatives.

This can help to promote mental health and enhance workplace productivity.

Mindfulness practices help employees manage stress, improve focus, and create a sense of calm.

Offering sessions like this can show a company’s commitment to the holistic wellbeing of their staff.

This can create a supportive and healthy work environment.

Encouraging mindfulness not only benefits employees’ mental health but also nurtures a culture of self-care and awareness within a company.

This can lead to a more engaged and resilient workforce.

It’s important to remember that World Wellbeing Week gives us a moment to reflect on the importance of our health and wellbeing.

However, this is important all year round.

Embrace the practices and insights shared throughout this week to enhance you and your colleague’s wellbeing.

Whether it’s through workshops, exercise, or simply taking time for yourself, every little step counts.

Please continue to prioritise health and support those around you in a journey towards a happier, healthier life.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post World Wellbeing Week 2024 appeared first on Loving Life.

Diabetes | The Rapidly Growing Health Concern Employers Are Ignoring! https://lovinglifeco.com/employee-wellbeing/diabetes-the-rapidly-growing-health-concern-employers-are-ignoring/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=diabetes-the-rapidly-growing-health-concern-employers-are-ignoring Mon, 04 Mar 2024 07:00:00 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=36704 According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is responsible for 1.5 million deaths each year. This is not just a public health crisis, it’s an economic and social challenge, especially in the workplace. Since 1980 the number of people living with diabetes has quadrupled to approximately 537 million. This is predicted to increase to approximately....

The post Diabetes | The Rapidly Growing Health Concern Employers Are Ignoring! appeared first on Loving Life.

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is responsible for 1.5 million deaths each year.

This is not just a public health crisis, it’s an economic and social challenge, especially in the workplace.

Since 1980 the number of people living with diabetes has quadrupled to approximately 537 million.

This is predicted to increase to approximately 643 million people by 2030.

So, what can companies do to help prevent this health concern among their employees?

In this blog we’ll help you to understand diabetes, how it impacts the workplace, and most importantly what companies can do to help prevent it.


The Rapidly Growing Health Concern Employers Are Ignoring (Video)

Understanding Diabetes

The Importance of Employer Support

5 Practical Steps for Employers

  1. Education: The Foundation of Diabetes Management
  2. Promote Exercise: Encouraging an Active Workforce
  3. Healthy Food Options: Fuelling the Body and Mind
  4. Create Wellness Programmes: Continuous Support is a Must
  5. Create a Culture of Health and Wellbeing: Health is Wealth

The Rapidly Growing Health Concern Employers Are Ignoring (Video)

Understanding Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health condition characterised by elevated levels of glucose in the blood, stemming from the body’s inability to effectively use or produce enough insulin.

While there are several types of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is the most common, accounting for around 90% of all cases worldwide.

Unlike Type 1 diabetes, which is primarily genetic and involves the immune system attacking pancreatic cells that produce insulin, Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable and closely linked to lifestyle factors.

Key risk factors include obesity, physical inactivity, poor diet, and genetic predisposition.

The insidious nature of Type 2 diabetes means that it can develop slowly over time, often going undiagnosed until complications arise, making awareness and early detection critical.

Fortunately, with appropriate lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, and adopting a balanced diet, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, for those already diagnosed, these changes can help manage the condition effectively, preventing complications and improving quality of life.

Understanding Type 2 diabetes is crucial, as it underscores the power of preventive measures and the significant role that lifestyle choices play in our overall health.

By focusing on prevention and management, we can mitigate the impact of this growing health concern and support individuals to “Live Life Better” (Our Slogan).


The Importance of Employer Support

In the face of a rapidly escalating diabetes epidemic, the role of employers in supporting the health and wellbeing of their staff has never been more critical.

Diabetes, particularly Type 2, poses significant challenges not only to the individuals affected but also to the broader organisational structure.

It can impact productivity, employee morale, and healthcare costs.

One of the most tangible impacts of diabetes on the workplace is its correlation with increased absenteeism and reduced productivity.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, employees with diabetes are more likely to take sick leave compared to those without the condition.

In fact, individuals with diabetes have between 5.4 and 18.1 days of absenteeism compared to between 3.4 and 8.7 days for those without diabetes

The research highlights that individuals with diabetes may require time off for medical appointments, to manage diabetes-related complications, or to cope with the side effects of treatment.

This not only affects the individual’s health and wellbeing but also the operational efficiency of their teams and the organisation as a whole.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the indirect costs of diabetes are substantial. These costs include absenteeism, reduced productivity, and the inability to work due to diabetes-related disability.

The CDC estimates a total of $327 billion in medical costs and lost productivity.

This situation further emphasizes the economic argument for employer involvement in diabetes prevention and management.

Employer support can take many forms, from implementing comprehensive wellness programs to fostering a health-conscious culture.


Wellness programs may include diabetes screenings and education, providing the resources needed for employees to manage their health effectively.

By offering support, employers can help mitigate the impact of diabetes on both the individual and organisational levels.

This involves creating an inclusive environment that recognises the unique challenges faced by employees with chronic conditions and provides flexible options to accommodate their health needs.

For example, allowing flexible work hours for medical appointments or providing healthier food options in the workplace can make a significant difference in managing diabetes.

Moreover, employers who actively support their employees’ health and wellbeing send a powerful message about their values.

This can lead to increased job satisfaction, loyalty, and a positive workplace culture.

Investing in health promotion and disease prevention not only aids in reducing the incidence of diabetes among employees but also contributes to a more engaged, productive, and healthy workforce.

In summary, the support of employers is indispensable in the fight against diabetes.

Taking proactive and practical steps to address the impact of diabetes on work life is essential.

Through these actions, employers can play a pivotal role.

They enhance the health outcomes of their employees and secure the health of their business.

The benefits of such initiatives extend beyond the individual, contributing to a healthier, more resilient society.


5 Practical Steps for Employers

Whether you’re a small organisation or a large established one, these are steps that can help you to combat the growing epidemic of diabetes.

1. Education: The Foundation of Diabetes Management

Education is crucial in the fight against diabetes, serving as both a preventive measure and a management tool.

Employers have a unique opportunity to empower their workforce with knowledge, making education a pivotal first step.

By organising regular workshops, online seminars, and health talks led by professionals, employers can provide valuable information on the risk factors, prevention strategies, and management of diabetes.

This initiative not only raises awareness among employees but also equips them with the tools they need to take charge of their health.

Incorporating educational resources into the company’s wellness program, such as distributing informative newsletters or creating an online health portal, can further reinforce the importance of health literacy.

Ultimately, an informed workforce is a healthier workforce, making education an essential investment in the long-term wellbeing of employees.


2. Promote Exercise: Encouraging an Active Workforce

Promoting exercise is a critical step for employers aiming to combat diabetes within their workforce.

Regular physical activity is known to improve insulin sensitivity and help manage blood glucose levels.

This makes it an essential component of diabetes prevention and management.

Employers can encourage a physically active workforce by introducing initiatives such as subsidized gym memberships, on-site fitness classes, and creating walking or cycling groups for commuting.

Encouraging employees to implement walking meetings and take active breaks during the workday can also contribute to increasing daily activity levels.

Organising company-wide challenges or fitness events can foster a sense of community and motivation among employees to stay active.

Check out our “7-Day Wellness Challenge” It’s a great way to encourage employee health.

By creating a supportive environment that values physical health, employers not only aid in the prevention of diabetes but also contribute to overall employee wellness.

This leads to a more energetic, productive, and healthy workplace.


3. Healthy Food Options: Fuelling the Body and Mind

Offering healthy food options at work is a vital step employers can take to support diabetes prevention and management among their employees.

Nutrition plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels, and by providing access to nutritious meals and snacks, employers can make it easier for employees to make healthier dietary choices.

Initiatives could include partnering with local vendors to supply fresh, whole foods, installing healthy vending machines, or offering fruit baskets and healthy snack options in common areas.

Employers can also organise nutrition workshops or cooking demonstrations to educate employees on how to prepare balanced meals that support blood sugar management.

Implementing a policy that encourages healthier food options during meetings or company events can further reinforce this healthy eating culture.

By prioritising nutritional health in the workplace, employers can help employees maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

This can improve focus, productivity, and overall wellbeing, all while combatting the risk of diabetes.

lady making a healthy smoothie

4. Create Wellness Programmes: Continuous Support is a Must

Creating comprehensive wellness programs is an essential step for employers dedicated to fostering a healthy workplace environment and combating diabetes.

These programs should offer a holistic approach to health, addressing not just physical wellbeing but also mental and emotional health.

A well-rounded wellness program might include components like health screenings for early detection of diabetes and other health conditions, wellness workshops, smoking cessation support, mental health first aiders, exercise classes, and more.

Employers can also introduce incentives for participation, such as rewards or competitions, to encourage engagement and motivation among employees.

To ensure these programs meet the diverse needs of their workforce, employers should seek input from employees on what types of support and activities they would find most beneficial.

Additionally, providing flexible participation options can help accommodate different schedules and lifestyles.

This helps to ensure all employees have the opportunity to engage.

By investing in wellness programs, employers not only aid in the prevention and management of diabetes, but also contribute to a culture of health.

This benefits all aspects of employee wellbeing, leading to a more satisfied, productive, and resilient workforce.


5. Create a Culture of Health and Wellbeing: Health is Wealth

Cultivating a culture of health and wellbeing is essential in the fight against diabetes and in promoting overall employee health.

This means creating an environment where making healthy choices is both encouraged and easy.

Employers can lead by example, showing their commitment through participation in wellness programs and making health-conscious decisions part of the company’s identity.

To embed wellness into the company culture, consider initiatives like flexible schedules for exercise, spaces for relaxation, and policies that encourage healthy behaviours.

Celebrating health achievements and sharing wellness tips and success stories can reinforce the importance of health.

Key to this cultural shift is making sure wellness is inclusive, accommodating diverse health needs and preferences.

By doing so, employers not only support diabetes management but also build a workplace where everyone feels valued and motivated to maintain their health.

Overall leading to a more productive and satisfied workforce.

happy staff because of their workplace wellbeing culture

To conclude, the fight against diabetes is an opportunity for employers to champion workplace wellness.

By prioritising a healthy workplace culture employers can significantly impact diabetes management and prevention.

These efforts not only enhance employee health but also contribute to a more engaged and productive workforce.

The commitment to employee wellbeing is an investment that benefits everyone.

At Loving Life, we help companies support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Get in touch to see how we can work together to support your workforce.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post Diabetes | The Rapidly Growing Health Concern Employers Are Ignoring! appeared first on Loving Life.

6 Loveable Employee Incentive Ideas to Boost Morale and Productivity https://lovinglifeco.com/hr/6-loveable-employee-incentive-ideas-to-boost-morale-and-productivity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=6-loveable-employee-incentive-ideas-to-boost-morale-and-productivity Mon, 30 Jan 2023 14:46:25 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=27751 What are Employee Incentives? Employee incentives are benefits or rewards offered by employers to motivate and engage their workforce. The goal of employee incentives is often to create a positive work environment that encourages employees to perform at their best, improve their morale, boost productivity, and remain engaged with the company. One of the most....

The post 6 Loveable Employee Incentive Ideas to Boost Morale and Productivity appeared first on Loving Life.

What are Employee Incentives?

Employee incentives are benefits or rewards offered by employers to motivate and engage their workforce.

The goal of employee incentives is often to create a positive work environment that encourages employees to perform at their best, improve their morale, boost productivity, and remain engaged with the company.

One of the most important aspects of managing a team is keeping morale and productivity high.

Employee incentives are a great way to do this, as they give your team members something to work towards and it shows you recognise their hard work.

However, coming up with new and effective employee incentive ideas can be a challenge. Here are a few suggestions to help you out.

6 Loveable Employee Incentive Ideas

Monetary Rewards

Monetary rewards are a classic incentive that most employees appreciate. These can include bonuses, raises, or gift cards.

These rewards are especially effective for employees who are motivated by financial gain.

However, it’s important to remember that money isn’t always the most effective motivator, and it’s also important to consider other types of incentives as well.

Although money can be a great motivator, some employees may be motivated by other incentives.

money incentive

Recognition and Praise

Recognising and praising employees can be a fantastic way to incentivise employees.

This can include verbal recognition in a team meeting, a note of appreciation, or even a certificate or trophy.

Some companies show recognition with “employee of the month” awards.

Publicly acknowledging an employee’s hard work and achievements can be a powerful motivator.

It helps to show employees that their contributions are valued and appreciated.


Employee Wellbeing Treats

What better way to incentivise employees than to provide some employee treats that support their wellbeing.

The great thing about this is, staff treats can be a range of different things.

To help employees feel included you can even get them to help decide.

Wellbeing treats can be things like on-site massage, mindfulness sessions, wellbeing workshops and more!

Supporting employee wellbeing has a vast range of benefits and

Corporate massage London

Professional Development Opportunities

Providing possibilities for professional development is another superb way to boost employee morale and motivation.

When employees feel they have progression opportunities and are continuing to learn, they feel more motivated.

Professional development opportunities may involve attending conferences, training sessions, or mentorship opportunities.

These rewards not only acknowledge an employee’s good work but also aid in their skill development, which can act as a wonderful motivator for employees who are aiming to improve in their careers.

Flexible Work Arrangements

In today’s working environment flexible work schedules are becoming more and more normal.

These might include things like, having flexible work hours, compensated time off, or the ability to work from home.

These incentives provide staff more control over their work-life balance, which many individuals find to be a powerful motivator.

Flexible work arrangements mean that parents can fit in their school runs, and other employees can fulfil their out-of-work commitments.

National Work-Life Week

Team Building Activities

Team-building activities are a great way to bring colleagues together, inspire productivity and boost team morale.

Activities can be things like company-wide gatherings, team trips, away days, or even just a happy hour.

Implementing team building activities can help to foster a strong team dynamic which only aids in improving morale and productivity.


Whatever employee incentives your company decide to choose, ensure the company tracks how beneficial these incentives are.

This could include company surveys, feedback forms or simply asking employees in person, how they feel about their incentives.

If you’re looking after incentives to support employee wellbeing, check out or employee wellbeing services.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post 6 Loveable Employee Incentive Ideas to Boost Morale and Productivity appeared first on Loving Life.

National Fitness Day https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/national-fitness-day/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=national-fitness-day Mon, 17 Jan 2022 12:13:26 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=19836 National Fitness Day is a day to recognise the vital role that physical activity plays in helping us all live healthier lives. Whilst eating a balanced diet and getting your five a day is essential for optimal health and fitness; exercise and physical activity are just as important. It is easy to live a life....

The post National Fitness Day appeared first on Loving Life.

National Fitness Day is a day to recognise the vital role that physical activity plays in helping us all live healthier lives.

Whilst eating a balanced diet and getting your five a day is essential for optimal health and fitness; exercise and physical activity are just as important.

It is easy to live a life with limited natural physical exercise in the modern world, when a sedentary desk job is common and commuting to work is typically by car or public transport. This makes us aware of the importance of consciously scheduling time for exercise, whether it’s a walk in the park or some weightlifting at the gym!

When is National Fitness Day?

exercising on national fitness day

National Fitness Day 2022 will be on 22 September as it was last year.

Thanks to the participation of the UK’s gyms, pools, leisure facilities and internet providers, over 22 million people of all ages, skills and backgrounds were motivated to get active on this day.

Why do we have National Fitness Day?

National Fitness Day is a terrific time to start or enhance your fitness journey. By establishing a workout programme, you will notice both physical and emotional benefits.

By engaging in just 150 minutes of moderate activity each week (for adults), you are already lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer!

Since the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the effect on mental health this has been recognised as an even more prominent concern than in previous years. Sport has long been regarded as one of the most effective approaches to counteract mental health deterioration.

People often find themselves not participating in sports and fitness for a variety of reasons, including lack of time, confidence or funds, as well as access to local facilities. Sometimes the scaremongering might make individuals feel bad for not following the advice.

Therefore, for one day, it is suggested that you set aside your guilt and excuses and have some fun being active.

4 ways companies can participate in National Fitness Day

fitness online

The morale, health, and wellbeing of our workforces have never been more vital for all organisations.

The challenges faced by businesses over the last couple of years will have presented a wide range of different obstacles. There is no question that the uncertainty is here to stay for the time being; nevertheless, one thing is certain – fitness can unify us.

Individually, we know that there has been a shift in personal attitudes towards fitness throughout the global pandemic. It is now more critical than ever that employers encourage their staff to become more active.

Online sessions

With the ongoing restrictions, it’s critical that everyone feels secure when participating in exercise activities.

Online sessions will continue to promote client participation but from the comfort and safety of their own homes. With a motivational instructor leading the activity, all you need is a camera and household objects to get everyone engaged.

Loving Life offers webinars and workshops to companies seeking to improve the wellbeing of their workforce. On National Fitness Day, companies can select our tailored online energiser session or improve your physical wellbeing webinar so that their employees can get involved.

Organise an event/competition

Encourage participation with a National Fitness Day themed competition or event, such as a strength contest or a stamina-based run. This will motivate employees to compete against one another, generating interest and increasing engagement with a bit of friendly rivalry.

You might want to provide additional incentives, such as a free month’s gym membership as a reward to entice people to work out after the event.

Group Activities

Running a National Fitness Day group activity will encourage employees to be active together. This can be anything from a group swimming class, tennis lessons or even a yoga class. This is equally important for mental wellbeing. Being active together means sharing the experience with the ability to support and encourage each other.

Organise a trip to your local leisure facility

Companies might arrange for their staff to visit their local sports centre together, improving their physical health and team morale.

Gym operators and physical activity providers throughout the UK play a prominent role on the day. They deliver free trial sessions and gym passes to the public. Sports sessions, swimming, ‘plank-offs’, yoga and pilates courses, treadmill challenges, high-street HIIT (high-intensity interval training) classes, dance-offs, mass walks, and many more activities will be available to your staff so start your planning now!

The post National Fitness Day appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/5-wellbeing-gift-ideas-for-your-staff/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-wellbeing-gift-ideas-for-your-staff Mon, 06 Dec 2021 13:54:39 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=19172 This blog is for companies seeking wellbeing gifts ideas for their staff that promote a healthy lifestyle. It’s critical to choose presents for your staff that are meaningful and personal, or that make a genuine impact in their lives. With Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, approaching, it is important to express your....

The post 5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff appeared first on Loving Life.

This blog is for companies seeking wellbeing gifts ideas for their staff that promote a healthy lifestyle.

It’s critical to choose presents for your staff that are meaningful and personal, or that make a genuine impact in their lives.

With Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, approaching, it is important to express your gratitude for your staff.

With lockdowns and remote working taking their toll during the gloomy winter months, we’ve compiled a list of 5 wellbeing-boosting gifts ideas to cheer up your staff.

What is staff wellbeing?

The condition of a staff member’s physical and mental health as it relates to working directly in the workplace is referred to as staff wellbeing, also known as employee wellbeing. This might involve their physical health, posture at their desk, connections with supervisors, co-workers, and clients, as well as their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Promoting staff wellbeing is beneficial to both individuals and organisations since it may help minimise stress and promote healthy working conditions.

According to the CIPD’s health and wellbeing report, just 40% of UK firms have a distinct employee wellbeing programme, according to a poll conducted by HR managers. Furthermore, mental health is the leading cause of long-term unplanned absences, accounting for 56% of all long-term absences.

Why is employee wellbeing important?

Work is important in most people’s lives, and not simply because it provides a source of revenue. It can provide us with a feeling of purpose and accomplishment, as well as an opportunity to socialise and form connections with our co-workers.

Every year, people with mental health issues lose their jobs at a rate that is almost double that of those without a mental health issue, and considerably greater than those with a physical health problem.

Working might have a bad impact on one’s mental wellbeing at times, but it can also have a very good impact. A welcoming, inclusive workplace can assist to avoid new mental health issues and enable those who are struggling with their mental wellbeing to continue at work and flourish.

Why should you give your staff a wellbeing gift?

A thoughtful gift is sometimes the greatest approach to show your team that you care, especially if they have lately been experiencing poor moods or loneliness.

Furthermore, research reveals that actions of generosity might help enhance your staff’s mental wellbeing! It generates happy emotions, a sense of accomplishment, and may increase their self-worth by providing them with a sense of societal purpose.

Furthermore, wellbeing gifts are excellent for your company’s image. When staff feel appreciated, they will spread the news. This will result in a stronger public image and a greater chance of acquiring top talent.

5 wellbeing gift ideas for your staff

Onsite Massages

Onsite Massage

Getting a massage at the office offers physical benefits as well. At some time during the day, many people at work suffer a loss of energy. This may be related to a lack of blood flow to the body’s cells.

Traditional massage techniques increase healthy blood flow throughout the body. It also wakes up all of your cells and reactivates your brain, in addition to enhancing corporate wellbeing.

As a result of repetitive strain, office workers who are stooped over their computers all day may get substantial and chronic neck and back discomfort, muscle stiffness, and arm, wrist, and hand issues.

Getting a massage at work may assist employees in working out knots and reducing muscle stress.


Candle wellbeing gift

Scented candles, especially those filled with essential oils, are wonderful for unwinding.

Lavender, rose, and chamomile, in particular, is known for their relaxing properties. Aromatherapeutic candles are effective in the treatment of a variety of psychological and physiological diseases. Depression and anxiety candles are particularly popular.

A candle’s warm glow provides various advantages for someone trying to enhance their sleep hygiene. A candle’s flame is a far superior option to a smartphone’s blue light.

With the capacity to reduce cortisol, scented candles can assist to promote calm and alleviating stress symptoms. Certain candles are made to trigger brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which help to maintain a pleasant mood.

Exercise Workshops

Loving life workshop

Investing in a remote exercise workshop for your staff demonstrates that you care about their wellbeing. When they’re going through a difficult period, it’s more vital than ever for them to take care of themselves physically.

If you have a globally dispersed staff, video-based services might be a terrific method to demonstrate your appreciation.

Loving Life provides tailored online energiser sessions. It is possible to participate in a private live session. A two-way live stream is included in their 10-15 minute online private corporate energiser sessions. This allows employees to interact with one another as well as the instructor.

These sessions do more than keep your team in shape. During these incredibly disjointed times, they also aid team bonding.

Company retreats

Company retreat as a wellbeing gift for staff

Companies can benefit greatly from retreats for team building, brainstorming, and relaxed creativity. Companies could see improved cooperation and productivity during their getaways.

You might organise a one-day offsite retreat near your office or a multi-day excursion out of the country. You may be creative, have fun discussing ideas, and create an atmosphere that everyone will appreciate while preparing the perfect business retreat for your team.

Time Off

taking a break

One of the finest methods to demonstrate employee gratitude is to give them time off work. This provides your staff with the freedom to visit friends, volunteer, practise a hobby, or take a brief vacation.

These additional days off do not need to be scheduled or constant. An unexpected additional day off might show a hardworking employee how much you value their efforts.

For information on 5 workshops that will support your employees’ wellbeing, check out our blog here!

The post 5 Wellbeing Gift Ideas for your Staff appeared first on Loving Life.

People Manager https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/people-manager/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=people-manager Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:17:28 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=18837 So, you want to know what it takes to become a people manager? Well, you’ve come to the right place! To put it simply…you can’t manage if you can’t manage people. Being a manager is difficult because what works for one team or one person seldom applies to everyone. What is a people manager? People....

The post People Manager appeared first on Loving Life.

So, you want to know what it takes to become a people manager? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

To put it simply…you can’t manage if you can’t manage people.

Being a manager is difficult because what works for one team or one person seldom applies to everyone.

What is a people manager?


People management is a subset of human resource (HR) management. It requires the process of arranging employees and forming teams in order to improve the company’s performance.

Recruiting and training suitable personnel, mentoring and encouraging each employee to attain their full potential, actively interacting across all teams, and steering all team members toward a single goal are all components of successful people management.

Many companies with a big workforce appoint people managers as a liaison between their employees and management.

People managers normally work during office hours throughout the day; however, they may work any shift based on the business’s operational hours.

People managers operate mostly in offices, although they may travel to other corporate divisions to meet HR issues at many locations.

Why is a people manager important?


People of various ages, ethnicities, and cultures make up a company. It is vital to develop good management of all aspects of a business, including employees, in order to operate it properly.

Managing these disparities and aligning with the whole team is surely a difficult task – and here is where the role of people management in the organisation comes into the equation.

Its function is to regulate professional behaviour and build teams that are happier, driven, competent, and engaged with the company goals, resulting in greater business outcomes.

What are the qualities of a people manager?

Female manager supporting her employees

A competent people manager uses their experience and technical ability to get the work completed. However, those two elements are merely half of the narrative. As a people manager, your achievements will be based mostly on “soft skills” that are easy to overlook.

Below are the top 5 qualities needed to be a people manager:

  • Patience
  • Good Communication
  • Empathy
  • Flexibility
  • Honesty

What events do people managers organise?

man at conference talking

People managers play an important role in supporting other teams’ activities or organising their own.

It’s vital to properly organise, manage, and execute events while maintaining a secure, easy-to-join experience for participants.

Regardless of the sort of event they’re planning — sales kick-off meetings, wellbeing workshops, career fairs, or graduation ceremonies – they’ll undoubtedly be looking for methods for their employees to connect, recharge, and stay motivated.

They understand the significance of increasing morale, engaging and enlightening co-workers with clear, encouraging messages wherever they may be working.

How to be a good people manager?


Even if people management is difficult, it is still a talent that can be learned.

Here are 3 essentials that can help you better manage your employees and tasks:

Accessibility and openness

The strongest people managers are those that are approachable and accessible to their employees. They will reap the benefits of a happier team that trusts and believes in their manager if they can learn to be a good listener.

Be fair and consistent

Employees are prone to confrontation in the workplace. A competent people manager will always confront conflict, whether it’s a personal issue or a work-related dispute. They should deal with problems immediately and equitably, and they will gain the respect of their staff, as well as a more tranquil and productive work environment.

Motivate your staff

Making sure your employees are pleased and that their issues are acknowledged is the first step in encouraging them. After you’ve demonstrated to your employees that you can relate to them on a personal level, you can begin setting goals with the assumption that they will be reached.

Setting ambitious but realistic goals can motivate your staff to put in the effort required to achieve them. Set a good example by becoming a high performer, and your staff will be more inclined to follow suit.

The post People Manager appeared first on Loving Life.

5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/5-wellbeing-workshops-to-support-your-employees/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-wellbeing-workshops-to-support-your-employees Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:53:31 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=18775 Organising a variety of wellbeing workshops is one method a company may assist with its employees’ wellbeing. This is because feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual. The workshops should provide a variety of tools and methods for everyone (staff, leaders and managers, HR, etc.) This would allow for immediate assistance and resources....

The post 5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees appeared first on Loving Life.

Organising a variety of wellbeing workshops is one method a company may assist with its employees’ wellbeing. This is because feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual.

The workshops should provide a variety of tools and methods for everyone (staff, leaders and managers, HR, etc.) This would allow for immediate assistance and resources for all sorts of mental and physical health concerns that could arise at work.

Employees who are in good physical and mental health are more motivated, committed, productive, adaptable, and less prone to absenteeism. This makes them more likely to remain with a company for a longer period of time.

In 2020, Champion discovered that 58% of a 2,099-employee sample experienced work-related stress, with 69% experiencing moderate to high levels of stress overall.

It is believed that organisations lose 1000s of productive hours every month as a result of poor wellbeing among employees.

What is a wellbeing workshop?

Wellbeing workshops are interactive programmes intended to engage, educate, and encourage employees. This is so they can adopt positive wellbeing into their daily lives, both in and out of work.

Employees adopting positive wellbeing in their daily life can benefit a company because they are more likely to be more productive.

Stress management methods, workplace wellbeing tips, motivation and goal setting, injury prevention and suggestions on achieving a work-life balance are just a few of the topics that can be covered.

Wellbeing workshops are an excellent approach to bring colleagues together since it allows for the exchange of knowledge and the discussion of pertinent concerns. Increasing awareness can assist to normalise the conversation about workplace wellbeing and mental health, despite the stigma associated with it.

Hand-outs and toolkits provided in the session offer support to employees because they can explore the topics further themselves.

Wellbeing workshops are important because having an understanding of wellbeing strategies can promote greater calm and overall wellbeing

What are the benefits of a wellbeing workshop?

Workshops on employee health are an important element of developing a successful employee wellbeing programme because it shows that a company is fulfilling their duty of care. Workshops enable a company to deliver practical health information in a fun and collaborative way. Consider the following advantages when determining whether or not to hold an educational wellbeing workshop for your company:

Employee BenefitsEmployer Benefits
Positive learning experienceIncreases employee productivity
Supports their physical wellbeingReduces employee absence
Motivational encouragementImproves employee retention
Develops a positive mindset

Reduces unsatisfied employees

Can boost their confidenceImprove employee engagement
Supports their mental wellbeingFulfils their duty of care
Allows them to be more productiveSaves the business money long term
Can make employees more resilientCreates a positive company culture

5 wellbeing workshops to support your employees

Coping with stress

coping with stress workshop

This workshop explores methods for lowering stress and provides valuable information, suggestions, and ideas to assist in the development of skills to cope with and manage stress.

Its goal is to educate employees and managers about stress, specifically how to recognise warning signs in the workplace.

It focuses on what stress is, how to cope with it in a straightforward yet efficient manner, self-evaluation, and alternate coping strategies.

This can benefit a company in many ways because employees who can manage their stress can help maintain a strong, healthy workplace culture that’s conducive to creativity and productivity

Improve physical wellbeing

physical wellbeing workshops

This session examines methods for minimising bodily discomforts, giving helpful knowledge, suggestions, and ideas to enhance and maintain an individual’s wellness.

It is meant to educate people on the skills, information, and understanding required to maintain their physical wellbeing. This may revolutionise a company by motivating its staff, increasing their energy since it encourages them to remain physically active.

It concentrates on bodily discomforts, injuries, ailments, and problems that employees may be facing which as a result can affect their productivity.

These sessions can support a business because good physical wellbeing can lower the risk of sickness and infection. This means that the number of employees that call in sick can be drastically reduced.

Working from home – best practice

working from home - best practice workshop

This workshop explores ways of reducing those physical discomforts, providing useful knowledge, tips and ideas to help improve an employee’s working from home experience.

It focuses on postural discomforts, positioning and issues that employees may be facing working from home.

The workshop also covers how a workplace configuration may impact an employee’s posture and cause pain or injury. It explains how minor adjustments may mean the difference between good and poor posture. It also shows them how to put these changes into practice.

This workshop can help reduce employee sick days considering that 8.9 million working days are lost due to Musculoskeletal disorders.

Diabetes awareness

Diabetes awareness workshop

This workshop looks at methods to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by giving vital information. Additionally, it looks at lifestyle and habit advice and educates employees about the world’s rapidly expanding health issues.

It focuses on informing employees about diabetes, including what it is, the different types, the risks and causes, and how to prevent and avoid it.

This particular workshop can help improve employee health since diabetes is the fastest growing health condition in modern society.

Monday morning motivation

Monday morning motivationThis workshop will cover how to motivate employees, which is vital since it will help them prepare for the week ahead. It is accomplished by providing essential information, activities, lifestyle and habit advice and as a result these assists employees with boosting their enthusiasm.

Movement and motivating exercises are a big part of the session and therefore the goal is to develop a clear focus for the upcoming week. This will consist of a mild physical warmup, mental relaxation, and positive thought exploration.

This workshop can help bring more innovation into a company because motivated employees are more inclined to improve the business.

Who delivers Loving Life Wellbeing Workshops?


Tyler is a highly driven young man since he takes delight in seeing the bright side of life.

Tyler travelled around Australia and Southeast Asia after obtaining a degree in sport and exercise therapy considering that is his passion. He created Loving Life in 2015 after his homecoming and hasn’t looked back since.

Not only has Tyler been able to expand his business throughout the pandemic but he’s always been able to retain a smile on his face whilst doing so.

Hosting entertaining, educational, engaging, and interactive wellbeing webinars have helped Loving Life survive these challenging times. It has also been inspiring to enhance the wellbeing of many employees because he’s helped them to ‘live life better.’

The post 5 Wellbeing Workshops To Support Your Employees appeared first on Loving Life.

Staff Wellbeing Essentials, Benefits & Ideas https://lovinglifeco.com/health-and-wellbeing/staff-wellbeing-essentials-benefits-ideas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=staff-wellbeing-essentials-benefits-ideas Mon, 20 Sep 2021 11:39:00 +0000 https://lovinglifeco.com/?p=17671 In this article, we are going to cover a range of aspects when it comes to staff wellbeing and its importance in the workplace. Staff wellbeing has become increasingly talked about due to the impact of the pandemic and we’re here to give you a guide on not only supporting your staff but some of....

The post Staff Wellbeing Essentials, Benefits & Ideas appeared first on Loving Life.

In this article, we are going to cover a range of aspects when it comes to staff wellbeing and its importance in the workplace.

Staff wellbeing has become increasingly talked about due to the impact of the pandemic and we’re here to give you a guide on not only supporting your staff but some of the benefits, as well as some staff wellbeing ideas.

Working with staff wellbeing can be challenging and the information provided here aims to make your job that little bit easier.

What is staff wellbeing?

Staff wellbeing, also known as employee wellbeing, is the state of a staff member’s physical and mental health, which are associated with working directly in the workplace. This can include their physical wellbeing, their posture while working at their desk, their relationships with managers, colleagues, and clients, as well as their mental health and emotional state.

Staff wellbeing talk

How can you support staff wellbeing?

Firstly, it’s always a great idea to start with what staff need support with. If employees are stressed because of excessive workloads or unrealistic demands, then think about how you can implement strategies to help them through this. Whether it’s directly helping them with their workload, putting things in place to ease the pressure, or providing training on how to cope with the stress. This is a good start in supporting them.

Staff wellbeing is a broad topic and there isn’t a one-time fix. Wellbeing initiatives should be accessible, relevant, and impactful.

With many employees now working from home, services like wellbeing webinars are becoming increasingly popular as a way of supporting staff and employees with their wellbeing needs.

Employers should be looking at the needs of their teams and colleagues to determine what is best for the company, organisation, or workplace.

Initiatives such as mentoring and buddy systems are great ways to support new starters. This can help new team members feel valued, listened to, and help them to build confidence which is a great start in supporting wellbeing in their new job role.

Providing safe and comfortable spaces for staff to work and carry out their daily duties is an important factor when supporting staff. If employees are unable to carry out their daily tasks due to a lack of resources, support, training, or motivation, how can employers expect staff to perform to the best of their ability?

Having natural light, plants, and break areas is another way to promote positive wellbeing in the workplace. According to studies, plants in the workplace have been shown to improve air quality, concentration, and workplace satisfaction, so making a comfortable and green environment is likely to contribute to positive staff wellbeing.

Alternative services such as employee motivation sessions, away days, team building activities are all great additional schemes an employer can do to support the wellbeing of their staff.

What is a staff wellbeing strategy?

A staff wellbeing strategy is a plan, structure, and ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of its employees. Many organisations adopt a monthly, quarterly, or annual wellbeing strategy so that they can budget for relevant services accordingly. One of the easier strategies to follow is the annual wellbeing calendar. This gives a list of all the wellbeing events due to take place that year which an employer can follow.

Following the annual wellbeing calendar is an easier way to cover generic wellbeing-related topics, however, just because April is stress awareness month, it doesn’t mean staff won’t experience stress outside of April. This is why it’s important to monitor your staff and deliver relevant services all year round.

Services like Coping with stress webinars and workshops are initiatives that can be delivered all year round and act as a great way of contributing to the support of staff wellbeing.

Employees seem to appreciate organisations that adopt a wellbeing strategy that isn’t just focused on a tick box exercise. Having a dedicated wellbeing lead or ambassador to organise such events helps to show staff that there is a genuine commitment to their wellbeing.

48% of staff who state their employer doesn’t care about their wellbeing feel less motivated and have considered looking for a new job. Companies who take staff wellbeing seriously can reduce turnover by up to 87%.

Staff Wellbeing

What are the benefits of supporting staff wellbeing?

When it comes to supporting staff and their wellbeing there are countless reasons why this can be beneficial to both employer and employee.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Increase productivity – A happy workforce is a productive workforce. When staff are feeling healthy, they tend to display healthier behaviours, such as an increase in productivity, concentration, awareness, as well as improved decision making.
  • Reduce staff stress – According to the HSE in 2020 17.9 million working days were lost in the UK due to stress, depression, or anxiety.
  • Attract better talent – According to Forbes, showing potential employees that you care about their health and wellbeing, in some cases, can be the deciding factor as to whether they join your organisation or not.
  • Increase job satisfaction – There has been shown to have a direct correlation between job satisfaction and health.
  • Reduce sick leave and time off work55% of working days lost are due to stress, depression, and anxiety, and companies that focus on employee wellbeing can help to reduce shocking statistics like these.

What are some staff wellbeing ideas?

Lunch and Learns

Lunch and learns are quite a popular wellbeing initiative. They can be pretty inexpensive to run and they’re a great way to get teams together and educate them on a range of topics. A lunch and learn typically has a guest speaker and the company often provides lunch for their employees.

Some companies invite employees to speak on topics they’re knowledgeable about which also helps to save costs.

Lunch and learns must be optional as this is not to everyone’s liking, but it’s a great way to help keep staff motivated, provide them with new and fun information, as well as get colleagues together.

During the pandemic, this has been difficult, but some companies have opted for engaging wellbeing webinars as a way of incorporating this into their monthly wellbeing strategy.

Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champions are volunteers among staff who focus on improving the health and wellbeing of their colleagues. Having wellbeing champions among staff can help to generate ideas, incentives and provide peer support for employees. Wellbeing champions are another way of empowering individuals but also showing your staff that you have a genuine commitment to their wellbeing.

Weekly Exercise Classes

We all know that exercise has many benefits and this remains true whether in or outside the workplace. Regular exercise has been shown to help reduce the chances of a range of health issues including Coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more!

Providing weekly exercise classes such as yoga, boxing, circuit training, or even things like running clubs, are all initiatives that can be implemented as part of your wellbeing strategy.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

To some members of staff, work-life balance can feel like an impossible feat. Staff who feel that they may lose their job or be punished if they can’t meet the demands of their job, often allow work to interfere with their personal life. Employers mustn’t allow this to happen. Working extended working hours has been shown to contribute to employee stress which can often lead to time off work and breakdowns.

Start a Wellness Wall

Having a wellness wall is just one of the ways staff can share their tips on improving their wellbeing. It’s also another way to get wellbeing ideas directly from employees. Using ideas given by staff to support their wellbeing is another way to show them that they are being listened to, and you are taking action on their suggestions. Of course, not everything will be appropriate but it’s good to see how staff feel and implement their ideas.

Provide a Massage Service

Workplace massage

Massage has been shown to have a range of benefits including:

  • reducing stress
  • improving circulation
  • reduce muscular tension
  • improve sleep

The benefits are countless.

On-site massage is yet another way to help staff’s physical and mental wellbeing. Having a chair massage for as little as 15 minutes can significantly improve employee mood, reduce stress, reduce muscular tension, and more!

For more information on bespoke staff wellbeing training please get in touch here!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation


The post Staff Wellbeing Essentials, Benefits & Ideas appeared first on Loving Life.
