Sport Archives - Loving Life Incorporating Employee Wellbeing Fri, 28 Jul 2023 09:41:09 +0000 en hourly 1 Sport Archives - Loving Life 32 32 Why Athletes Love Cold Showers and Why You Should Too Wed, 26 Jul 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Cold showers for athletes are being discussed more and more among top performers. Cold showers for athletes are more than just a trend, it’s a lifestyle. But what makes these chilly showers so appealing to athletes? And why should you, whether you’re an athlete or not, consider embracing this frosty habit? Let’s plunge into the....

The post Why Athletes Love Cold Showers and Why You Should Too appeared first on Loving Life.


Cold showers for athletes are being discussed more and more among top performers.

Cold showers for athletes are more than just a trend, it’s a lifestyle.

But what makes these chilly showers so appealing to athletes?

And why should you, whether you’re an athlete or not, consider embracing this frosty habit?

Let’s plunge into the icy depths of this fascinating topic!


Why are Athletes Taking Cold Showers?

Benefits of Cold Showers for Athletes

Cold Showers vs Hot Showers for Athletes

How Athletes Incorporate Cold Showers into Their Routine

How You Can Start Incorporating Cold Showers into Your Routine


Why are Athletes Taking Cold Showers?

Athletes are always on the lookout for personal growth practices that can give them an edge in their performance and recovery, and cold showers have emerged as a popular and effective method. But why?

Firstly, cold showers are known to stimulate blood circulation.

When exposed to cold water, our blood vessels constrict, and when we step out and start warming up, they dilate.

This process helps flush out toxins and brings fresh, oxygenated blood to our muscles, aiding in recovery.

Secondly, cold showers can help reduce muscle inflammation and soreness, common issues for athletes after intense workouts or performances.

The cold water acts like a natural ice pack, numbing the nerves and reducing inflammation.

Lastly, cold showers are a test of mental fortitude.

They require a level of mental toughness to withstand the initial shock and discomfort of the cold water.

This mental resilience can translate into better performance in their sport.

So, it’s not just about the physical benefits.

Taking cold showers also helps athletes build mental strength, making it a holistic practice in the world of sports.

Man in a cold shower

Benefits of Cold Showers for Athletes

Cold showers offer a variety of benefits for athletes, both physically and mentally. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

Improved Recovery

Cold showers help to increase blood circulation, which aids in the removal of lactic acid and other waste products from the muscles.

This can speed up the recovery process after a strenuous workout or competition.

Reduced Muscle Soreness

The cold water can help to numb the nerves and decrease inflammation, acting as a natural remedy for muscle soreness.

This is particularly beneficial for athletes who need to maintain a consistent training schedule.

Boosted Immunity

Cold showers can stimulate the immune system, leading to an increase in the production of white blood cells.

This can help athletes stay healthy and fit, even under the stress of intense training.

Increased Alertness

The shock of cold water can increase oxygen intake and heart rate, leading to a natural boost in energy and alertness.

This can be particularly useful for athletes training early in the morning or needing a pick-me-up before a competition.

Enhanced Mood

Cold showers can stimulate the production of endorphins, often referred to as ‘feel-good’ hormones.

This can help athletes maintain a positive mindset, which is crucial for performance.

Mental Resilience

The practice of taking cold showers can also help to build self-awareness and mental toughness.

Overcoming the initial discomfort of the cold water can translate into better mental resilience during training and competitions.

Incorporating cold showers into their routine can help athletes optimise their performance, speed up recovery, and maintain a positive and resilient mindset.


Cold Showers vs Hot Showers for Athletes

When it comes to showers, athletes often have to choose between hot and cold, each offering its own set of benefits. Let’s compare the two:

Cold Showers

As we’ve discussed, cold showers offer numerous benefits for athletes:

  • They stimulate blood circulation, aiding in recovery.
  • They help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.
  • They can boost immunity, alertness, and mood.
  • They help build mental resilience.
lady in a cold shower

Hot Showers

On the other hand, hot showers also have their advantages:

  • They can help relax and loosen stiff muscles, providing relief after a hard workout.
  • They can promote better sleep, which is crucial for recovery.
  • They can help relieve stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm.

So, Which is Better?

The choice between hot and cold showers often depends on the athlete’s needs at that moment.

A cold shower might be more beneficial after a strenuous workout for quick recovery, while a hot shower might be preferred after a long day for relaxation and better sleep.

It’s also worth noting that some athletes use a technique called contrast water therapy, where they alternate between hot and cold showers.

This method combines the benefits of both, promoting muscle recovery while also aiding relaxation.

In conclusion, both cold and hot showers have their place in an athlete’s routine.

The key is to understand their effects and use them strategically to support athletic performance and recovery.

How Athletes Incorporate Cold Showers into Their Routine

Incorporating cold showers into a routine is a personal process and can vary from athlete to athlete.

However, here are some common ways athletes integrate this practice into their daily lives:

Post-Workout Recovery

Many athletes take a cold shower immediately after a workout.

The cold water helps to reduce inflammation and speed up the recovery of muscles. It’s like applying an ice pack to the entire body!

Morning Wake-Up Call

Some athletes use a cold shower first thing in the morning to kickstart their day.

The shock of the cold water can increase alertness and energy levels, setting a positive tone for the day.

man unhappy in a cold shower

Mental Conditioning

Athletes also use cold showers as a form of mental training.

The practice of stepping into cold water, despite the discomfort, can help build mental toughness and resilience, which are crucial in competitive sports.

Contrast Showers

Some athletes use a technique called contrast showers, where they alternate between hot and cold water.

This method is believed to enhance recovery by stimulating blood flow and helping to flush out toxins from the muscles.

Remember, the key to incorporating cold showers into a routine is to start slow.

Athletes often start with lukewarm water and gradually decrease the temperature over time.

It’s all about listening to your body and finding what works best for you.

How You Can Start Incorporating Cold Showers into Your Routine

Whether you’re an athlete or someone looking to improve their health and wellbeing, incorporating cold showers into your routine can be a game-changer.

Here’s how you can get started:

Start Gradually

Don’t jump straight into an ice-cold shower.

Start with a normal warm shower to warm up and ease yourself into the cold.

Over time, as your body adapts, you can start with colder water.

Focus on Breathing

The shock of cold water can cause you to hold your breath.

Focus on maintaining slow, deep breaths to help your body relax and adapt to the temperature.

Set a Timer

Initially, aim for 15 seconds to a minute of cold water at the end of your shower.

Gradually increase this time as you become more comfortable.

Consistency is Key

Like any new habit, consistency is crucial.

Try to incorporate cold showers into your daily routine, whether it’s in the morning to wake up or post-workout for recovery.

Listen to Your Body

Everyone’s response to cold showers will be different. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

If you feel too uncomfortable or unwell, it’s okay to step out and try again another day.

If you’re interested in starting your cold shower journey, we’ve created a “Guide to 30 days of cold showers” to help you get started on your journey.

A Guide To 30 Days of Cold Showers

As we’ve discovered, this seemingly simple practice can offer a wealth of benefits for athletes, from improved recovery and reduced muscle soreness to enhanced mood and mental resilience.

Whether you’re an athlete aiming for peak performance or someone simply looking to boost your wellbeing, cold showers could be a refreshing addition to your routine.

So why not give it a try?

Remember, start slow, be consistent, and listen to your body.

Here’s to “Loving Life” the way it was intended.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post Why Athletes Love Cold Showers and Why You Should Too appeared first on Loving Life.

How Youtuber DTG (Deji) Used Boxing To Help With His Mental And Physical Health! Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:35:34 +0000 Boxing is becoming an increasingly popular sport. With the rise of YouTube Boxing, a new wave of fans and participants are getting involved. YouTube stars like KSI, Jake Paul, and Logan Paul have definitely shone a light on the sport which has now led to the start of the Misfits boxing series on DAZN. In....

The post How Youtuber DTG (Deji) Used Boxing To Help With His Mental And Physical Health! appeared first on Loving Life.

Boxing is becoming an increasingly popular sport. With the rise of YouTube Boxing, a new wave of fans and participants are getting involved.

YouTube stars like KSI, Jake Paul, and Logan Paul have definitely shone a light on the sport which has now led to the start of the Misfits boxing series on DAZN.

In October 2022, YouTuber DTG (Deji) took part in his first ever boxing match.

We were fortunate enough to ask DTG some questions about his boxing match and training, and here’s what he had to say.

What First Excited You About The Idea Of A Boxing Match?

I love a challenge. It made it more exciting that it was such short notice for someone who lives the lifestyle I do. Taking into account how cool the idea of crossover boxing is and how far it’s come already where it’s still in its early days, it’s cool to have gotten involved so early too.”

What Impact Has Training For A Boxing Match Had On Your Mental Wellbeing?

“It was really good to be fair. To channel my focus directly into one thing and blocking out everything else kind of felt like a form of therapy for me. I go through a lot in my life, things I never mention. It’s tough for me. So I reckon it was really good for my mental [health].”

What Physical Changes Have You Noticed Within Your Body?

“I definitely toned up and cut some belly fat. I’ve done training before by myself so I know what it’s like when you see your body transform. Where we were training for a fight and not exactly to lose weight, because of the weight class, there wasn’t a crazy difference but it was noticeable.”

Why Do You Feel It’s Important To Stay Active To Support Your Mental Wellbeing?

“Again, it’s more to take your mind off things. Overthinking is a killer. Having too much time to think about negatives can drive you crazy in itself. So keeping active is definitely good for that.”

What Advice Would You Give To Someone Who Suffers From Mental Health Issues?

“Talk to someone. Honestly. I know it’s cliche but it helps. I still struggle to talk about what I go through. You may think it’s embarrassing but you’d be surprised how many people can relate to your situation or feel the same pain for a completely different reason too. We can all help each other bit by bit.“

DTG boxed very well during his match and sadly lost a controversial decision. Win, lose or draw, stepping into a boxing ring takes a huge amount of guts and anyone who enters the ring should be proud to have been part of the experience.

What Are The Benefits Of Boxing?

Boxing has a vast range of benefits, including:

  • Improving fitness
  • Building confidence
  • Improving coordination
  • Decreasing stress
  • Improving physical wellbeing
  • Aids weight loss
  • Boosts strength
  • Lower blood pressure
  • And more!

If you’d like to take part in boxing, contact your local boxing gym.

Most boxing gyms have a friendly atmosphere despite many of our preconceptions.

The post How Youtuber DTG (Deji) Used Boxing To Help With His Mental And Physical Health! appeared first on Loving Life.

3 Alternative Methods To Improve Your Golf Swing! Tue, 01 Dec 2020 17:01:16 +0000 Golf is an extremely popular sport in the UK and with almost 1900 registered golf courses it’s understandable why. Last year there were an estimated 975,000 golf participants across the nation playing as regularly as twice a month. If you’re one of them, you’ll understand why it’s such a relaxing and addicting sport. Even Samuel....

The post 3 Alternative Methods To Improve Your Golf Swing! appeared first on Loving Life.

Golf is an extremely popular sport in the UK and with almost 1900 registered golf courses it’s understandable why. Last year there were an estimated 975,000 golf participants across the nation playing as regularly as twice a month. If you’re one of them, you’ll understand why it’s such a relaxing and addicting sport. Even Samuel L Jackson has a clause in all his movie contracts which allows him to play golf twice a week.

With popular golfer Tiger woods gaining his first hole in one at the age of 8, when are you going to experience this high (Maybe you already have), but the real question all of us golf enthusiasts ask ourselves is, how can we get better?

(Don’t be so hard on yourself, there’s approximately a 1/12500 of getting a whole in won)

In this article we’re going to look at 3 alternative methods for improving your golfing abilities and the reasons as to why and how they can help us improve.


Yoga to improve golf swing

Yoga is a form of exercise that has been performed for thousands of years and with approximately 20 – 30,000 classes each week in the UK alone we can see how popular this type of exercise is. But how can this improve my golf I hear you say?

The art of yoga focuses on various poses, postures, and movements as well as deep breathing and moments of silence. (Depending on the type of yoga and the instructor) When performed regularly the movements in yoga can help to increase a golfer’s flexibility and movement throughout a golf swing. If your golf swing isn’t getting the full range of motion then it is most certainly not as effective as it can be. Regular yoga can help to ease that restriction, increase flexibility, relax your mind (so you don’t get frustrated every time you end up in the bunker), and overall improve the movement of your golf swing. Not only can yoga leave you feeling great, but it can also help with injuries, pain and discomfort. (Seek professional advice if injured)

There are lots of great yoga instructors on YouTube so this is very easy to incorporate, even with time restraints. A personal favourite yoga instructor of mine is Sarah Beth. Check her out.


Sports massage

massage to improve golf swing

Sports massage is a type of massage which uses specific techniques that target the muscles and ailments that athletes and sports enthusiasts get. A sports massage therapist tends to have a greater anatomy of the human body in comparison to your average massage therapist.

Through the use of our muscles in any sport, individuals tend to develop muscular restrictions, tightness, muscular knots, and wear and tear. When we relate this to golf, the shoulders and elbows are common areas where golfers may suffer some discomfort, tightness, or restriction when trying to achieve their optimum golf swing.

The rotator cuff muscles are a big part of the golf swing and having a sports massage therapist break down the muscular knots and restrictions within this area can really add to the movement and power of your golf swing.

Several PGA tour pros such as Justin Rose, Luke Donald and Rickie Fowler are a few names among top golfers who use sports massage to aid with their training and golfing performance. If you want to take this golf hobby seriously, seeing a sports massage therapist is definitely worth considering!


Improve your core strength

Core strength to improve golf swing

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “core strength” and it’s something that most of us tend to know about but often spend very little time improving it.

For those that aren’t sure, core strength refers to the muscles that allow you to maintain stable positioning in difficult or challenging postures. The plank is a fantastic example of a core stability exercise.

So how can improving your core strength improve your golf swing?

Throughout your golf swing it is your core stability that is aiding to keep you stable as you go through the motion and hit the ball. Without a strong core you can lose stability and your golf swing will be impacted.

Here’s a funny YouTube video of someone with no core stability. I’m sure you don’t want to end up like this guy!

If this is you. It may be your core strength that is contributing to your poor golf swing, it may be the restriction in your shoulders and upper back or golf may just not be the sport for you!

However, don’t let this blog dishearten you. If you take the three steps above, you’ll more than likely be that little bit closer to improving your golf swing.

The post 3 Alternative Methods To Improve Your Golf Swing! appeared first on Loving Life.
