corporate Archives - Loving Life Incorporating Employee Wellbeing Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:12:09 +0000 en hourly 1 corporate Archives - Loving Life 32 32 2024 Employee Wellbeing Data Since the Pandemic Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:00:00 +0000 For many companies, the pandemic seemed like a lifetime ago, but its impact has drastically changed how many organisations work. Whether it’s the shift to more remote teams, the implementation of flexible hours, or the adoption of new technologies, these changes have fundamentally altered the way we work. In this blog, we will explore how....

The post 2024 Employee Wellbeing Data Since the Pandemic appeared first on Loving Life.

For many companies, the pandemic seemed like a lifetime ago, but its impact has drastically changed how many organisations work.

Whether it’s the shift to more remote teams, the implementation of flexible hours, or the adoption of new technologies, these changes have fundamentally altered the way we work.

In this blog, we will explore how employee data has evolved since the pandemic, examining shifts in productivity, job satisfaction, and overall employment trends.

We’ll look at 5 key areas that have changed since the pandemic and provide the resources to help do something about them.

As an organisation who delivers employee wellbeing services to help support companies, we found this data very interesting.


Since The Pandemic, Companies Stopped Caring About This… (Video)

5 Employee Wellbeing Changes Since the Pandemic

Since The Pandemic, Companies Stopped Caring About This… (Video)

5 Employee Wellbeing Changes Since the Pandemic

According to employee benefits, wellbeing levels in companies have fallen from 73% to 66% since the pandemic.

We’ll look at 5 key areas that have seemed to change since covid-19.

1. Work-Life Balance

According to Aviva, more employees are attracted to their current role for the work-life balance, rather than the salary, since the pandemic.

It seems that employee priorities have now shifted.

Aviva also shared that nine out of ten employees said workplace benefits (other than salary) improve their overall happiness.

Nine out of ten employees also said they want to see improvements in their workplace benefits package over the next 12 months.

So, what can companies do to support this?

Allowing flexible working can be a great place to start.

With the ability to work from home, some employees dread the commute and many are often more productive at home.

Employers can also offer employee perks.

Whether it’s free health insurance, paid time off, employee wellbeing programs regular onsite massage, or other perks, these are factors many employees are prioritising since the pandemic.


2. Employee Support

According to a survey by people management nine out of ten employers think that employees need more wellbeing support post-covid.

They surveyed 500 HR decision-makers.

The results found that 86% believed staff require more health and wellbeing support since the pandemic.

A fifth also said they were worried about the physical health of staff.

This proved to be of concern, particularly with the ongoing difficulty getting GP appointments.

Whether through employee assistance programs, educational training, health and wellbeing resources, or other initiatives, companies must continue to support their people.


3. Workload

One of the biggest reasons for employee stress is excessive workload.

Highly stressed employees can lead to miserable people creating a bad workplace culture.

This can result in increased staff turnover, more stress for others, and a poor working environment.

According to Fortune, about 82% of employees are at risk of burnout this year, but only half of employers design work with wellbeing in mind.

Mercer’s Global Talent Trend also has some interesting data.

The report shows that 32% of people say that a workload that is too high or unsustainable is the reason for their lack of productivity.

If excessive workload is causing stress, burnout, and poor productivity, employers must take action before it’s too late.

Employers can find ways to make the workload more manageable.

This could be by providing training on managing time more effectively.

It could be hiring an extra pair of hands where possible.

Companies that do not support their staff will learn the hard way.

Workload among employees has seemed to be similar during and post-pandemic.

Although I’m sure this depends on the industry.


4. Employee Connection

Research from Gallup has shown that having a best friend at work has become more important since the start of the pandemic.

Even with the increase in remote and hybrid work, employees want to feel connected to their colleagues.

Data has shown that those who have a best friend at work are more likely to:

  • Engage customers and internal partners
  • Be more productive
  • Support a safe workplace
  • Innovate and share ideas
  • Have fun at work

Employee connection is a vital part of a healthy workplace.

Building relationships at work is not always easy for employees.

Companies can help support and facilitate this in a range of ways.

Whether it’s organising work socials, company events, team building workshops, employee resource groups, or other initiatives, helping to build employee connection can help to benefit any organisation.


5. Mental Health

The pandemic highlighted to us all just how important our health is, including our mental health.

However, research suggests that employee mental health challenges still remain after the pandemic.

According to the 2024 Voice of the Workplace report from Calm seven out of ten employees say their mental health has stayed the same or worsened in the past year.

The report also highlighted that 61% of people have felt down, depressed, or hopeless with eight out of ten employees saying they have struggled with nervousness, anxiousness, and stress.

Data like this highlights the importance of supporting employee mental health for any organisation.

As we reflect on the profound impacts of the pandemic on workplace dynamics, it’s evident that the path forward demands a renewed focus on employee wellbeing.

The insights from shifts in work-life balance, support systems, workload expectations, workplace connections, and mental health strategies highlight a transformative era in organisational culture.

For companies dedicated to navigating this new reality, the commitment to enhancing employee wellbeing is not just beneficial but essential for fostering a productive, loyal, and satisfied workforce.

At Loving Life, we take pride in helping companies support their employees.

Get in contact to see how we can work together!

Author –

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

The post 2024 Employee Wellbeing Data Since the Pandemic appeared first on Loving Life.

8 Unique and Fun Business Development Workshops Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Sometimes the standard business development workshops can be repetitive, dull, and uninspiring. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of workshops that can uniquely approach business development. At the heart of business development are the employees. We believe the first step to business development is empowering, inspiring, and motivating employees. As corporate workshop providers, we’ve listed....

The post 8 Unique and Fun Business Development Workshops appeared first on Loving Life.

Sometimes the standard business development workshops can be repetitive, dull, and uninspiring.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of workshops that can uniquely approach business development.

At the heart of business development are the employees.

We believe the first step to business development is empowering, inspiring, and motivating employees.

As corporate workshop providers, we’ve listed popular workshops to support any working environment.

In this blog, we’ll look at what business development workshops are, the benefits, and unique workshops.

We’ll also provide insight on how to get started.


What are Business Development Workshops?

What are the Benefits of Business Development Workshops?

8 Unique Business Development Workshops

  1. Harnessing Gratitude
  2. Building Unstoppable Confidence
  3. Create Life-Changing Habits
  4. Unleash Your Motivation
  5. Kickstart with Realistic Goals
  6. Improve Your Physical Wellbeing
  7. Coping with Stress
  8. Mindset Magic

How to Plan and Implement Business Development Workshops


What are Business Development Workshops?

Business development workshops are structured training sessions designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of employees.

Workshops like these can help employees drive growth within their companies.

These workshops focus on teaching techniques and strategies in areas like market expansion, business relationships, employee growth, and more!

They aim to equip participants with the tools they need to identify new business opportunities, improve efficiency, and increase profitability.

By participating in these sessions, employees can gain valuable insights that directly contribute to the strategic goals of their organisation.

What are the Benefits of Business Development Workshops?

Business development workshops offer a range of benefits that can significantly impact the growth and efficiency of an organisation. Here are some key advantages:

Enhanced Employee Skills

Participants improve crucial skills such as negotiation, confidence building, planning, and more, which are essential for driving business growth.

Increased Innovation

These workshops encourage creative thinking.

This can help employees to devise creative solutions to challenges and new opportunities for the business.

Thinking outside the box can potentially create a vast range of possibilities.

Improved Communication

By enhancing interpersonal skills, employees can communicate more effectively.

Communication is key in any working environment.

This can ensure better teamwork and smoother client interactions.


Boosted Morale

Engaging and motivational workshops not only enhance skills but also boost employee morale and job satisfaction.

Employees who are happier in their jobs perform better.

This can also create a more committed workforce.

Networking Opportunities

Workshops provide a platform for employees to connect with peers, experts, and mentors.

This helps to expand their professional network and learn from others’ experiences.

Workshops could build new relationships, bring colleagues together, and more!

Strategic Alignment

Workshops like these can help to align the efforts of employees with the overall business strategy.

This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards common goals.

Overall, business development workshops are fantastic in creating a proactive, skilled, and motivated workforce.

All of which help businesses continue to grow.


8 Unique Business Development Workshops

These workshops are unique ways of encouraging business development.

They start with a people-first approach.

Your people are your most valuable asset and empowering, inspiring, and motivating them can help to boost any company’s success.

1. Harnessing Gratitude

Colleagues who are grateful for each other create better working relationships.

This workshop creates an environment for employees to be grateful for the colleagues and company they work for.

With practical activities and real-life examples, individuals can learn how to use gratitude to enhance their working day.

Research on gratitude shows that those who are grateful live happier and healthier lives.

Businesses that help employees develop the skill of gratitude can create a happier workplace culture.

Find out more about our Harnessing Gratitude Workshop here.


2. Building Unstoppable Confidence

Employees who are not confident in their job role can hinder business development opportunities.

Whether employees aren’t confident to network, suggest ideas, or present to others, these can be a hindrance for companies.

Helping employees develop their confidence in specific areas can be a great way to help a business develop.

When employees feel confident in specific things they can contribute more effectively to any business.

Find out more about our Building Unstoppable Confidence Workshop here.

3. Create Life-Changing Habits

Habits make up a large part of any employee’s working day.

Good habits can contribute to the success of a business.

Bad habits can contribute to the downfall of a business.

With proven systems and frameworks individuals can learn methods to implement habits that change their life!

Developing positive habits can help companies create better processes, reduce inefficiencies, increase competitive advantage, and more!

Find out more about our Create Life-Changing Habits Workshop here.


4. Unleash Your Motivation

How do you stay motivated through difficult working situations?

Motivation can come and go but with the right methods, we can implement strategies to ensure we do the things that need doing.

Employees may not always be motivated, but understanding how it works can help individuals to use it to their advantage.

When used correctly, motivation can increase productivity, inspire creativity, boost morale, and more!

Check out our Unleash Your Motivation Workshop here.

5. Kickstart with Realistic Goals

Having a clear path of goals helps any company’s business development strategy.

However, underneath the company goals is a workforce that needs to implement things to achieve them.

Helping employees set realistic goals plays a part in a business’s overall success.

With clear frameworks and structures, employees can achieve their goals with clarity and efficiency.

This contributes to the overall success of a company and helps employees to feel a part of the process.

Check out our Kickstart with Realistic Goal Workshop here.


6. Improve Your Physical Wellbeing

Maintaining employee health is an important part of any business development strategy.

Without a fit and healthy workforce, who will do the work?

Employees who are fit and healthy typically have more energy, are more productive, and maintain higher levels of concentration.

Making employee health a part of a business strategy is a great way to empower employees.

Healthy workplaces can result in fewer sick days, absenteeism, and increased job satisfaction.

Check out our Improve Your Physical Wellbeing Workshop here.

7. Coping with Stress

Business development can be hindered when employees are experiencing excessive stress.

When employees are stressed, it can lead to poor decision-making, poor communication, and decreased productivity.

Stress can play a major part in any working day.

Employees who understand stress and are given tools to manage it are more able to get on with their day.

Although we cannot change situations that cause us stress, we can change how we react and respond to them.

A stress workshop will help employees understand how to do this so they can continue to contribute to the development of the business.

Check out our Coping with Stress Workshop.

8. Mindset Magic

Our minds are incredible things.

With the right mindset, we can achieve more than we initially think is possible.

Cultivating a positive mindset helps employees to live happier.

However, it’s not always easy to do this.

With the right methods and frameworks, all employees can learn the strategies to create a more optimistic outlook.

This can help any company in many ways.

Whether it’s improving relationships, boosting innovation, increasing resilience, or other things, with the right mindset employees can achieve what they want to achieve.


How to Plan and Implement Business Development Workshops

To plan and implement successful business development workshops, start by clearly defining what the company wants to achieve.

Identify the specific skills or knowledge that employees should gain by attending these workshops.

Align these with the broader strategic goals of your organisation.

Once the objectives are set, design the curriculum by selecting relevant topics that are both engaging and informative.

Consider the expertise of your intended audience and tailor the content to their needs and professional levels.

Hiring skilled facilitators who are experts in the subject matter is crucial for these workshops.

These professionals can provide valuable insights and lead interactive sessions using their knowledge and experience.

Next, organise the logistics.

Choose a conducive venue or space that supports learning.

Arrange the necessary materials, and set a schedule that maximizes attendee engagement without causing fatigue.

Promote the workshop internally to ensure adequate participation.

Whether it’s through the company intranet, newsletter, or email, ensure employees can sign up.

After the workshop, gather feedback from participants to assess its effectiveness.

Identify areas for improvement in future sessions.

This feedback loop is essential to continually refine your approach to business development training.

This helps to make each workshop more targeted and impactful.


Overall, business development workshops are more than just training sessions, they’re a springboard for innovation and growth.

By stepping outside the usual formats and injecting creativity into your workshops, you can unlock true potential and create an environment of continuous improvement.

The overall goal should be to inspire, engage, and empower your team.

To see how we can help support your workforce get in touch here!

Author –

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

The post 8 Unique and Fun Business Development Workshops appeared first on Loving Life.

25 Team Building Ideas in London (2024) Wed, 01 May 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Exploring team building ideas in London can be an exciting journey for any business. London, a city rich in culture and history, offers a multitude of options to strengthen team bonds and enhance workplace dynamics. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, the city’s unique activities and experiences cater to all, promoting not....

The post 25 Team Building Ideas in London (2024) appeared first on Loving Life.

Exploring team building ideas in London can be an exciting journey for any business.

London, a city rich in culture and history, offers a multitude of options to strengthen team bonds and enhance workplace dynamics.

Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, the city’s unique activities and experiences cater to all, promoting not just teamwork but also wellbeing and a sense of shared purpose.

In this blog, we’ll delve into 25 engaging team-building ideas, each tailored to invigorate, inspire, and unify your team in the heart of the UK’s vibrant capital.


25 Team Building Ideas in London

  1. Interactive Workshops
  2. Flight Club Darts
  3. Cooking Classes at The Jamie Oliver Cookery School
  4. Thames Rib Treasure Hunt
  5. iFLY Indoor Skydiving at The O2
  6. School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Escape Room
  7. British Museum Treasure Hunt
  8. Chocolate Making Workshop
  9. Historical London Walking Tours
  10. Go Ape High Ropes Courses & Zip Lines
  11. Loving Life Wellbeing Workshops
  12. Trapped in a Room with a Zombie
  13. TOCA Social Team Building
  14. Wine Tasting
  15. Bounce Ping Pong
  16. Flipper’s Roller Boogie Palace
  17. Axe Throwing
  18. London Karaoke
  19. London Sky Walk
  20. Group Archery
  21. Indoor Rock Climbing
  22. Electric Shuffle Board
  23. Ball Pit Cocktail Bar
  24. Virtual Reality Experiences
  25. F1 Arcade Racing Experience

Map of Team Building Activities in London

What are the Benefits of Team Building Activities?

How to Choose the Right Team Building Activity in London?

25 Team Building Ideas in London

Here are 25 team building ideas to help you create a thriving work culture.

From creative workshops to adventurous outings, each idea is a doorway to enhanced teamwork and camaraderie.

Let’s explore these 25 unique team building activities that London has to offer.

1. Interactive Workshops

Interactive workshops are not just about learning new skills but about fostering teamwork in an engaging environment.

Whether it’s arranging a workshop in your London office, or at another London location, it’s a great way to foster team building among staff.

A workshop can help individual foster gratitude, increase motivation, build confidence and more.

These workshops are ideal for encouraging open communication, enhancing problem-solving skills, and instilling a sense of shared achievement.

They provide a dynamic setting for team members to interact, collaborate, and bond.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of team building workshops to help create a collaborative work environment.

Testimonial – “The workshop was a heartfelt session that left us all feeling extremely grateful and appreciative, especially towards each other.”

2. Flight Club Darts

Flight Club Darts in London offers a modern twist on the traditional game of darts, making it a fantastic team-building activity.

Known as Social Darts, it allows groups to enjoy fast-paced games in a lively setting.

Ideal for various events including team building, company away days, and even casual get-togethers.

Flight Club ensures a seamless experience with gamesmasters to guide your event.

Typically, they offer two main formats.

The Classic Tournament, suitable for spontaneous events with flexible guest lists.

Team Tournament, perfect for groups who enjoy a bit of friendly competition.

Each format offers an exciting finale, with the top players or teams competing for the coveted Flight Club medal.

Along with the thrilling darts experience, they provide food and drink packages, ensuring your team enjoys a memorable time together​.

London Locations include Victoria and Tottenham Court Rd (Bloomsbury)

Contact Flight Club for more info.

Testimonial – “Came here for a work social event, we booked way in advance which is a must. The darts game are really good and we all had a great time. We had food platters which were really good and the drinks service was really efficient too. We had a fantastic night

3. Cooking Classes at The Jamie Oliver Cookery School

The Jamie Oliver Cookery School in North London offers an appetizing way to build team spirit.

Cooking classes here are not just about learning to cook, they’re about creating a bond over shared experiences.

With capacity for up to 20 people at the London Cookery School, teams can enjoy a hands-on cooking experience, complete with Prosecco on arrival.

The process of preparing a meal together encourages collaboration, communication, and of course, fun.

After cooking, teams can sit down to enjoy their culinary creations at the Chef’s Table.

This makes it an ideal setting for team-building days, staff get-togethers and team bonding.

To book your cookery experience, contact The Jamie Oliver Cookery School.

Testimonial – “Had a fantastic class ‘Get Stuck Into Steak’. Jacob was a fantastic chef & teacher. He made the whole class feel at ease & gave great tips. It was just the right amount of balance of learning theory & practical!

4. Thames Rib Treasure Hunt

Embark on an exhilarating Thames Rib Treasure Hunt, a unique team building experience on the River Thames.

Starting from the iconic London Eye, teams navigate the river on high-speed RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats), completing challenges and answering questions through state-of-the-art treasure hunt software on iPads.

The adventure offers a blend of activities and sightseeing, passing famous landmarks like St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament.

The event culminates in a thrilling high-speed journey past Canary Wharf to the Thames Barrier.

Ideal for all sizes of groups, this activity not only strengthens team dynamics through delegation and collaboration but also provides a thrilling and unforgettable experience.

Catering options are available, ensuring your team can refuel and relax after the adventure​​​​.

For more info, get in touch with the team-building company.

Testimonial – “The trip down the Thames was amazing, and the treasure hunt was great – just hard enough to make you think, but easy enough to get lots right. As a team building exercise I thought it was brilliant – we got to know each other and it was fun. I would highly recommend!

5. iFLY Indoor Skydiving at The O2

iFLY Indoor Skydiving at The O2 in London provides an exhilarating team-building experience that’s truly one of a kind.

Imagine the thrill of skydiving, combined with the safety of an indoor environment.

It’s perfect for business meetings, team-building events, and even private parties.

The venue offers a unique atmosphere with breathtaking riverside views.

You can enhance the experience with DJ beats, flight shows, and a bar.

The highlight is the flying sessions in the wind tunnel, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience that strengthens team bonds and leaves unforgettable memories​​.

For more info get in contact with iFLY.

Testimonial – “Excellent experience! First time indoor skydiving and our instructor Apor was amazing to calm the nerves and helped us make the most of the experience. All staff very helpful and friendly, will definitely be returning for another flight!

6. School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Escape Room

Step into a world of magic at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Escape Room in East London.

This is a fantastic team building adventure inspired by the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

Here, teams of up to five members transform into students facing their final exams.

With only 60 minutes on the clock, the challenge is to solve ingenious puzzles across six magical subjects like Potions, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

This escape room demands communication, intelligence, and creativity, making it an ideal team-building activity.

It’s an opportunity to work together, delegate tasks, and immerse in a beautifully crafted, magical environment, perfect for an after-work event or a fun team outing​​​​.

For more info, get in contact with Enigma Quests.

Testimonial – “AMAZING! We did the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry room. It was so clever (a bit too clever for us and we needed some clues) with some amazing uses of puzzles. The staff were all friendly and helpful, there are lockers available and we will quite happily go back to do the other rooms.

7. British Museum Treasure Hunt

The British Museum offers a unique team building experience with its treasure hunt activity.

Known as one of the most iconic museums in the world, it houses over 8 million objects from various civilizations.

In this treasure hunt, teams compete against each other or the clock, photographing themselves in front of as many historical pieces as possible within 90 minutes to 2 hours.

It includes various bonus challenges, making the hunt not just fun but also educational and interactive.

This activity is an excellent way for teams to explore history, work together, and experience the rich cultural heritage of the world.

All within the magnificent setting of the British Museum​​.

Get in contact with THATMuse for more information.

Testimonial – “I booked this as a work team activity having found it on Google and saw some good reviews about it. I have to say, it far outweighed my expectations. The two ladies who organised our event (Daisy and Anna), were brilliant right from the start. You could feel the enthusiasm coming right out of the emails I received. The communication was fantastic, keeping in touch, making sure I had everything I needed for the day (sometimes re-sending stuff I couldn’t find!), and even suggesting venues for us to go afterwards.

8. Chocolate Making Workshop

MyChocolate offers an indulgent and creative team building experience through chocolate making.

This activity, perfect for fostering a creative team spirit, involves making chocolate truffles and cocktails.

With over 20 years of experience in delivering team building activities, MyChocolate ensures a memorable and fun-filled day.

The event can be hosted at various venues in London , where teams will indulge in prosecco, chocolate martini making, and truffle creation.

Each participant leaves with their own handmade truffles and flavour-infused chocolates.

This creates a lasting and delicious memory of teamwork and creativity​​.

To book your chocolate making workshop, get in contact with MyChocolate.

Testimonial – “Went as part of a work team building day. we all have a very good time and our chocolatier was an excellent teacher. good fun all round and the chocolate was yummy.

9. Historical London Walking Tours

Discover the hidden gems of London with Historical Walking Tours.

These guided tours offer an enlightening journey through the city’s history and culture.

Tailored to corporate groups, these walks take you off the beaten path to explore the less known, yet fascinating parts of London.

Lasting between 2 and 3 hours, these tours are an excellent opportunity for team building, combining education with exploration.

They cater to a variety of interests, ensuring an engaging experience that’s far from your typical tourist experience.

It’s a perfect way to unite a team through the shared discovery of London’s intriguing past and present​​.

To book your team building walking tour, get in contact with London Walks.

Testimonial – “Had a very pleasant and informative afternoon with our guide Johnathon from London Walks around Clerkenwell

10. Go Ape High Ropes Courses & Zip Lines

Go Ape offers an adventurous team building experience with its high roped courses and zip lines in London.

Located at three sites in London and two in Greater London, each course presents a unique adventure.

Teams can experience the thrill of being above the London skyline, with courses offering varying levels of challenges and excitement.

For instance, Ally Pally provides exceptional views of London, while Cockfosters offers an experience that feels far removed from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Battersea Park’s course is centrally located, adding to its allure.

Go Ape’s high ropes courses are perfect for teams seeking an adrenaline-filled activity that encourages trust, teamwork, and conquering fears together​​.

For more information, get in contact with GoAPe.

Testimonial – “A fantastic, thrilling experience! Although nerve wracking, extremely safe accompanied by helpful and bubbly staff! Definitely worth a visit and I will be back!

11. Loving Life Wellbeing Workshops

At Loving Life we offer bespoke, expert-led wellbeing workshops in London, designed to enhance resilience, engagement, and productivity within organisations.

These workshops are grounded in research and tailored to fit the specific goals and culture of your organisation.

Our approach focuses on engaging employees with relevant and practical content, transforming the conversation around wellbeing at work through expert facilitation and interactive elements.

The workshops aim to cultivate a thriving culture at every level of the organization.

From front-line staff to the boardroom, providing practical, evidence-backed tools that benefit both individual wellbeing and overall team performance.

Testimonial –  Loving Life have supported Fujitsu in improving the wellbeing of our employees for a number of years. I thoroughly recommend Loving Life – they take the time to understand the business and what’s required making them fantastic to work with. The workshops are energising and fun, whilst providing people with important take-aways to improve their wellbeing. We always have brilliant feedback about the sessions Loving Life have run for us.

Get in touch for more info.

12. Trapped in a Room with a Zombie

Trapped in a Room with a Zombie in London provides a thrilling and unique team-building experience.

In this immersive escape room, participants are locked in a room with a chained zombie.

Every five minutes, the zombie’s chain is released another foot, increasing the urgency to solve puzzles and escape the room within an hour.

This activity is perfect for teams, as it requires quick thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative effort under pressure.

It’s a fun, adrenaline-pumping way to foster team unity and improve communication, making it an unforgettable experience for any corporate group.

Get in contact with Trapped In a Room for more info.

Testimonial – “Amazing but the zombie Neil was so scary that we lost the whole game – highly recommend though, creepy environment, committed team members and great riddles and codes to crack. Guaranteed fun!

13. TOCA Social Team Building

TOCA Social offers an innovative and fun approach to team building with its football-based immersive games.

These games are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their football skills.

The venue can accommodate up to 15 people in each box, providing a lively and stress-free environment for teams.

Groups have the option to play in teams of two, promoting teamwork and camaraderie.

The venue, located just 20 minutes from Central London, can host up to 700 people, making it suitable for large conferences as well as smaller social events.

TOCA Social offers bespoke packages that include standard venue hire and fully structured away days.

This all helps to ensure a memorable team-building experience that stands out from the conventional​.

Get in contact with TOCA Social for more info.

Testimonial – “Awesome! We had an amazing time, group of 8 and so much fun. Had a really good host who explained everything, we liked being downstairs as it’s quieter and away from hustle and bustle of upstairs.

14. Wine Tasting

Wine tasting at the London Wine Academy offers a sophisticated and enjoyable team-building experience.

At their venues, teams can engage in a journey of wine discovery, guided by expert sommeliers. (A wine waiter)

The sessions are educational and interactive, allowing team members to learn about different wines, their origins, and tasting techniques.

This activity is perfect for teams looking to combine leisure with learning, offering a relaxed environment for bonding over the shared experience of tasting and appreciating fine wines.

The London Wine Academy’s wine tasting experience is a great way to cultivate a sense of refinement and teamwork among colleagues.

Get in contact with the London Wine Academy for more info.

Testimonial – “It was great learning, in a pleasant location. The instructor explained in detail about what to look for in a wine, and had 10 samples for us to try. The details were interesting and her manner of explaining was very engaging.
I consider it a day well spent, trying to understand the nuances, that one should look for, in wine.

15. Bounce Ping Pong

Bounce offers a vibrant and energetic environment for team building with its state-of-the-art ping pong facilities.

Known as the home of ping pong in London, Bounce combines the excitement of table tennis with excellent facilities, making it a standout choice for corporate events, meetings, and team building.

The venue’s lively atmosphere and interactive ping pong games provide a unique blend of fun and competition.

Located in Battersea, Farringdon and Old street, this is perfect for fostering teamwork and camaraderie among colleagues.

Bounce’s approach to corporate events ensures an unforgettable experience, making it a top destination for companies looking to host an engaging and memorable team-building event​​.

Contact Bounce for more info.

Testimonial – “First time at a Bounce venue, we went for a colleagues leaving do – best leaving do ever! Such a great venue, ping pong is super fun for all ages and abilities! Great location, music, food and atmosphere.

16. Flipper’s Roller Boogie Palace

Flipper’s Roller Boogie Palace in West London offers an engaging and fun-filled team-building activity with a retro twist.

It’s a unique venue where teams can enjoy roller skating in a state-of-the-art rink with excellent sound and lighting, enhancing the boogie experience.

They offer various packages like the “Lace Up” package, which includes skate hire, a reserved rink-side area, and drink tokens.

They also have the “Show Stopper” package, which adds dining options to the skating experience.

This venue is perfect for groups looking for an active, fun, and slightly different team-building event, combining physical activity with socialising in a lively atmosphere​​.

Contact Flippers World for more info.

17. Axe Throwing

Axe throwing is an exciting experience in the heart of London, perfect for team building.

Described as an “unrivalled social extravaganza,” it combines fun with a competitive edge.

Trained instructors are present in every session to teach participants how to score a bullseye, ensuring safety and enjoyment for all.

The 70-minute experience is designed to cater to groups, making it ideal for team socials or corporate events.

The venue provides lane packages and venue hire, offering a thrilling and engaging activity that challenges and unites teams in an unconventional yet exhilarating way.

Get in contact with Whistle Punks to book your axe throwing experience.

Testimonial – “Myself and some work buddies were taken to whistle punk as a congratulations for good work and we had the best time. The place itself is nice and central, the evening was well organised and the food was lovely.

18. London Karaoke

Lucky Voice Karaoke offers a fun and engaging team-building experience across London with its private karaoke rooms and vibrant cocktail bars.

The venues in Waterloo, Liverpool Street, Holborn and Soho are perfect for letting loose and having fun, with the promise of walking in and dancing out.

Accommodating groups ranging from 4 to 30 people per booking, it’s an ideal place for teams to bond over music and laughter.

With state-of-the-art technology, teams can choose from over 11,000 songs across various genres and languages, ensuring something for everyone.

The experience is further enhanced with an extensive cocktail menu and a selection of delicious snacks.

Get in contact with Lucky Voice for more info.

Testimonial – “Went with work although equally good for friendship group. Staff all engaging and helpful. System easy to work. Good props. Great selection of songs. Just an absolute blast really. Brought everyone out of shell. Would defiantly recommend.

19. London Sky Walk

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium’s Sky Walk in London offers a unique team-building experience.

This thrilling adventure leads teams to the top of the stadium, providing panoramic views of London.

Ideal for groups, it encourages teamwork and offers a memorable experience.

Participants enjoy a guided climb, a walk over a glass floor above the stadium, and numerous photo opportunities.

It’s perfect for teams seeking an exciting, bonding activity with a spectacular backdrop.

Contact the Dare Sky Walk team for more information and bookings.

Testimonial – “Very very well done. Great planning and communication throughout. Group leader was clear, safety excellent. Took extra care of me as I’d confessed to being a little nervous.
Terrific views. Three of the group also went ‘over the edge’ – great experience for them coupled this with the equally brilliant stadium tour

20. Group Archery

Group Archery events offer a unique team-building experience.

Hosted at a fantastic indoor venue in Archway, North London, these sessions can also be mobile to suit your location needs.

Designed for 75 to 90 minutes, they’re ideal for groups looking to bond and improve their archery skills.

Participants are equipped and taught to shoot a recurve bow safely.

The session includes a safety briefing, shooting technique demonstration, and ample practice time.

The event culminates in a fun competition, with medals for top archers and a team trophy for larger groups.

Suitable for 4 to 40 people, archery promotes focus, reduces stress, and enhances team cohesion​​​.

Contact Experience Archery for more info

Testimonial – “We went for classic archery with the team (20 people) in March and everyone really enjoyed it: a great balance of teaching, friendly competition and fun, that was accessible to everyone.

21. Indoor Rock Climbing

The Castle Climbing Centre offers a dynamic team-building package with indoor rock climbing.

Participants can engage in bouldering and top-roping activities, tailored to all experience and fitness levels.

Instructors lead fun icebreaker activities and competitions, fostering communication, teamwork, and trust within groups.

The Centre also provides options for bespoke challenges.

These can include workshops in their organic garden or creating obstacle courses, catering to unique team goals and ideas.

This experience is ideal for teams seeking a blend of physical challenge and team-building in a unique and engaging environment​.

Contact Castle Climbing for more info.

Testimonial – “Huge facility in North London. Loads of routes and a few long auto belay routes for solo climbers. Great bouldering cave for exciting traverses.

22. Electric Shuffle Board

Electric Shuffle offers an immersive and competitive shuffleboard experience in both Canary Wharf and London Bridge.

It’s ideal for team-building, accommodating up to 32 people in a semi-private area.

This 90-minute experience, costing £14 per person, is perfect for group sizes starting from 6.

It combines the excitement of shuffleboard with the opportunity to socialise over food and drinks.

The unique setting and the engaging nature of shuffleboard make it an excellent choice for teams looking to combine fun, competition, and team building in a lively environment​​.

Contact Electric Shuffle for bookings and more info.

Testimonial – “We booked for our afternoon Christmas work celebrations, totally loved it. It’s right on top of Canary Wharf station. The decor is a great mix of new and retro, some amazing lighting and features, a big bar upstairs and downstairs with plenty of seating. We were greeted by the friendly host and order drinks and bar snacks while we waited for our table.

23. Ball Pit Cocktail Bar

Ballie Ballerson in London provides a truly unique experience with its ball pit cocktail bar.

There are over a million balls that create a vibrant and playful atmosphere.

This destination is perfect for those seeking a fun-filled night out, offering a variety of activities to suit any plan.

Work teams can enjoy spontaneous free entry with the option to purchase ball pit tickets on arrival.

Group bookings can also opt for a more curated experience by reserving booths, ideal for special occasions like birthdays or team events.

For a guaranteed night of fun, pre-booked tickets offer two hours of ball pit access and all-night access to the main bar area’s extensive food and drink menu.

Contact Ballie Ballerson for more info and booking.

Testimonial – “Organised a team event here and the whole group had a fantastic time. Staff fab, ball pits fun & drinks great!
Get your bum down here!

24. Virtual Reality Experiences

MeetspaceVR offers an immersive virtual reality experience perfect for team building and social events.

Their multiplayer and social VR experiences ensure a unique and engaging outing for groups.

With exclusive sessions, you get private access to a variety of VR games and experiences, ensuring an exclusive and personalised event.

These bespoke packages are ideal for larger groups, starting from more than 8 people, offering a diverse range of VR adventures.

Additionally, the venue includes a licensed bar, providing a relaxing space for groups to socialise in between or after their VR experiences.

This combination of cutting-edge VR technology and comfortable amenities makes it an ideal choice for groups looking for an exciting and modern team-building activity.

Get in contact with MeetspaceVR for bookings and more info.​

Testimonial – “I’d never tried VR gaming before but after this I will definitely go again! I loved playing as group, the team work made it so much more fun. It reminded me of playing laser quest when I was a child but so much better! There’s a variety of games to choose from, Engineerium and Zombie Survival we’re so good. You don’t have to be a big gamer to enjoy this. I’m going to suggest we do this for our next team building day with work.

25. F1 Arcade Racing Experience

F1 Arcade in London offers an exhilarating team-building experience that combines the thrill of Formula 1 racing with social gaming.

Located near St Paul’s, the venue features 69 bespoke full-motion racing simulators, providing a realistic and immersive racing experience.

It’s designed to cater to all skill levels, from complete beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, ensuring everyone can participate and enjoy.

Alongside the racing excitement, F1 Arcade also offers delectable food and cocktails.

This is a perfect venue for teams looking to engage in competitive socialising and experience the heart-racing excitement of simulation racing, combined with great class hospitality​​​​​​.

Contact F1Arcade for more info.

Testimonial – “I booked this for a work team social. They absolutely loved it and we are planning our next trip already! Price is really reasonable for the set-up and experience.

Map of Team Building Activities in London

What are the Benefits of Team Building Activities?

There are a range of benefits when it comes to team building activities.

Some of those include:

Improved Communication

Team building activities often require members to communicate and collaborate to achieve a common goal.

These activities can break down barriers in communication, especially in diverse teams, by fostering a more open and understanding environment.

They encourage active listening, clear articulation of ideas, and effective conveyance of messages, which are crucial skills in the workplace.

Increased Morale

Engaging in fun and challenging activities can boost the overall morale of the team.

When team members complete tasks together successfully, it creates a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.

This uplifts the team spirit, leading to a more motivated and enthusiastic workforce.

Enhanced Productivity

As team members learn to communicate more effectively and trust each other, their ability to work together efficiently improves.

This directly impacts their productivity.

Team building activities can help streamline collaboration, reduce misunderstandings, and enable a more synergistic approach to projects and tasks.

Problem-Solving Skills

Many team-building exercises are designed around problem-solving scenarios that encourage creative thinking and strategic planning.

Team members learn to analyse problems, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate the best course of action.

This helps to enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Leadership Skills

These activities can reveal natural leaders and highlight different leadership styles.

Members get the opportunity to take the lead in various tasks, helping them develop leadership skills like delegation, motivation, and conflict resolution.

This can be invaluable for personal growth and for identifying potential future leaders within the organisation.

Trust Building

Trust is a fundamental element in the dynamics of a team.

Team-building activities often put team members in situations where they must rely on each other, thus building trust.

This deepens relationships and fosters a sense of security and understanding among colleagues.

Stress Reduction

Participating in non-work-related, fun activities allows employees to step away from their daily stresses and rejuvenate.

These activities can act as a mental reset, helping reduce burnout and improving overall mental health.

Creativity and Innovation

Team building exercises can stimulate creativity by pushing team members out of their comfort zones in a supportive environment.

This encourages individuals to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions, which can be beneficial in tackling work-related challenges.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Through various activities, team members can identify their own and each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

This awareness helps in better task allocation based on individual capabilities and preferences, leading to more effective teamwork.

Building Company Culture

Regular team building activities play a significant role in shaping and maintaining a positive company culture.

They reinforce organisational values, promote inclusiveness, and create a sense of belonging among employees.

This is essential for long-term employee satisfaction and retention.

How to Choose the Right Team Building Activity in London?

Choosing the right team building activity can be a difficult task

Here are some suggestions to make it easier for you:

Understand Your Team’s Interests and Dynamics

Analyse the general interests and physical capabilities of your team.

Consider their hobbies, whether they prefer indoor or outdoor activities, and any limitations they might have.

This ensures the chosen activity is inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

Define Your Objectives

Clearly define what you want to achieve.

Is it improving collaboration, enhancing problem-solving skills, or simply unwinding and having fun?

Different activities target different outcomes, so having clear goals will narrow down your choices.

Budget and Size of the Group

Your budget will significantly influence your options.

More extravagant activities like a day trip or high-tech VR experiences might be more expensive than simpler ones like a group lunch or a park visit.

Also, consider the group size as some activities are better suited for smaller groups, while others can accommodate larger numbers.

Location and Accessibility

London’s diverse range of venues means there’s something for everyone, but consider travel time and ease of access for all team members.

Central locations may be more accessible, but also explore unique options outside the city centre.

Duration and Timing

Determine if you’re looking for a short activity to break up a workday, a full-day event, or even something that extends into the evening.

Also, consider the best time of year for your activity, especially if it’s outdoors.

Feedback from Past Events

Reflect on previous team building activities.

What aspects were most successful?

What didn’t work as well?

This reflection can provide valuable insights and help avoid repeating past mistakes.

Research and Reviews

Conduct thorough online research.

Look for activities that have received positive feedback and check testimonials to gauge their success.

This can provide a realistic expectation of the experience.

Consultation with Providers

Engage in a dialogue with the activity providers.

They can offer insights into what has worked well for similar teams and may suggest customisations to better suit your team’s needs.

By carefully considering these aspects, you can choose a team building activity in London that aligns with your objectives.

In conclusion, London offers an incredible array of team-building activities.

Whether you prefer the theme of wellbeing workshops, the thrill of indoor rock climbing, or the creativity of a VR experience there’s something to suit every team.

By considering factors like your team’s dynamics, objectives, and budget, you can select an activity that not only entertains but also strengthens the bonds within your workforce.

The ultimate goal of any team-building activity is to create lasting memories and positive experiences that translate into a more cohesive and collaborative team.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe

The post 25 Team Building Ideas in London (2024) appeared first on Loving Life.

10 Inspiring Keynote Speaker Ideas Everyone Will Love! Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:27:42 +0000 Whether it’s a company conference, corporate event, colleague gathering or something else, a keynote speaker is a great way to inspire, motivate and leave attendees feeling like they’ve had an amazing time! In this blog we’ll look at what a keynote speaker is and provide 10 inspiring ideas that can benefit any event. Contents What....

The post 10 Inspiring Keynote Speaker Ideas Everyone Will Love! appeared first on Loving Life.

Whether it’s a company conference, corporate event, colleague gathering or something else, a keynote speaker is a great way to inspire, motivate and leave attendees feeling like they’ve had an amazing time!

In this blog we’ll look at what a keynote speaker is and provide 10 inspiring ideas that can benefit any event.


What is a Keynote Speaker?

10 Inspiring Keynote Speaker Ideas


What is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is the main speaker at a big event or conference.

Their job is typically very important as their speech helps set the mood and main message for the whole event.

The main purpose of a keynote speaker is to set the tone of the event, inspire, motivate and engage attendees.

Typically, through storytelling, engaging information, energy and charisma, a keynote speaker will help bring any event to life.

10 Inspiring Keynote Speaker Ideas

Here are 10 keynote speaker ideas that will contribute to making your event a success.

1. Wellbeing Speaker

As a wellbeing speaker I’m slightly biased, but a wellbeing speaker is a fantastic choice as a keynote speaker, especially for events focused on health, lifestyle, or personal development.

Without out health we have nothing!

Our health is the single most important thing in our existence.

If we don’t have our health, we’re unable to work, support loved ones, or do the things that truly matter to us.

Hiring a wellbeing speaker can help to highlight the importance of health and inspire, encourage and motivate individuals to look after it.

Whether it’s reminders about the importance of mental or physical health, a wellbeing speaker can leave any audience inspired, motivated and ready to take action.

I’ve been fortunate enough to transform company events, team away days and leadership meetings to have a lasting positive impact.

2. Business Expert

Choosing a business expert as a keynote speaker is an excellent choice for any event focusing on professional growth, innovation, or industry trends.

These experts bring a wealth of real-world experience and deep understanding of the business landscape, which can provide invaluable insights to the audience.

Business experts often discuss strategies for success, emerging market trends, and effective leadership practices.

This not only helps attendees gain practical knowledge but also inspires them to apply these insights in their own careers.

Well known business experts can also draw in a crowd with their reputation, enhancing the event’s prestige and attracting a wider audience that is eager to learn from the best in the field.

3. Environmental Speaker

An environmental speaker is an ideal keynote speaker for events dedicated to sustainability, conservation, or climate change.

These speakers bring critical awareness to pressing environmental issues and offer actionable solutions that individuals and organisations can implement to make a positive impact.

Their expertise and passion can energise attendees, inspiring them to become proactive about environmental stewardship.

Additionally, their presence can elevate an event’s relevance and appeal, particularly as global awareness and regulatory expectations around environmental issues continue to grow.


4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Speaker

Artificial Intelligence is continuing to be talked about.

With its rapid growth it doesn’t seem like this technology is going anywhere and is evolving everyday.

An AI Speaker makes an outstanding keynote speaker for events focused on technology, innovation, or the future of an industry.

These experts offer a fascinating glimpse into the capabilities and potential of AI, from automating routine tasks to solving complex problems that can transform industries.

Their deep knowledge helps demystify AI technology for the audience, breaking down its implications for both daily life and global economies.

An AI expert not only captivates attendees with insights into cutting-edge technology but also sparks discussions about ethical considerations and future trends.

This makes them a compelling highlight of any event.

We recommend AI keynote speaker Danny Richman.


5. Motivational Speaker

We all lack motivation at times and sometimes we need that inspiring pep talk to get us going again.

A motivational speaker specialises in delivering powerful messages of inspiration, perseverance, and vision that resonate deeply with attendees, regardless of the industry.

These speakers use compelling stories and personal anecdotes to connect on an emotional level.

This can help to encourage people to overcome obstacles and strive for excellence in their personal and professional lives.

Their dynamic presentations help set a positive tone for the entire event, making every moment memorable and motivating for everyone involved.

6. Human Rights Speaker

A human rights speaker is a compelling choice for a keynote speaker at events aimed at social justice, equality, or international affairs.

These speakers bring critical issues to the forefront, educating and inspiring the audience about the importance of human rights and the need for global advocacy.

They share powerful stories from real-world experiences that highlight the struggles and triumphs in the fight for human rights.

This not only raises awareness but also galvanizes attendees to take action and contribute to meaningful change.

A human rights speaker can profoundly impact an audience, leaving a lasting impression that goes beyond the confines of the event.


7. Inspiring Athletes

Elite athletes are some of the most inspiring people on the planet.

For events focused on perseverance, teamwork, and achieving excellence under pressure an inspiring athlete is a great choice for a keynote speaker.

Athletes bring a unique perspective forged in the competitive world of sports, sharing relatable stories of determination, resilience, and success.

Their real-life experiences in overcoming obstacles resonate with audiences, encouraging them to apply similar tenacity and discipline in their own lives.

For example, speakers like Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, can talk about consistency and the importance of persistence.

Similarly, Serena Williams, a tennis legend, can inspire with her journey of breaking barriers and exemplifying strength and courage in both her professional and personal life.

Their speeches not only motivate but also offer practical strategies for tackling challenges head-on.

8. Marketing Speaker

The world of marketing is around us everywhere.

Whether it’s a billboard, YouTube advert, email campaign or something else, most of us see some form of marketing every day.

A marketing speaker can bring unique insights into consumer behaviour, digital trends, and effective communication strategies that can transform a brand’s visibility and engagement.

With their expertise in navigating the ever-changing world of marketing, they provide valuable tips on utilising new tools and platforms to craft compelling marketing campaigns.

Their practical advice helps businesses stay ahead of the curve in a competitive market.

This makes them invaluable for any event looking to empower attendees with the latest marketing wisdom.


9. Celebrity Speaker

Having a celebrity speaker at your event can really turn heads and create a buzz.

Many Celebrities aren’t just famous faces.

They can bring a wealth of experiences from their careers in the spotlight, as well as their personal journeys in philanthropy or activism.

Their stories can captivate and inspire all kinds of audiences, making your event not only more engaging but also more memorable.

Plus, the star power of a celebrity can entice bigger crowds, attract media attention, and add a touch of glamour to your event.

It’s a fantastic way to make sure your event stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

10. Charity Ambassador

Inviting a charity ambassador to be your keynote speaker is a wonderful choice, especially for events that aim to raise awareness or funds for a cause.

As a Prince’s Trust ambassador, I’ve personally witnessed the profound impact that speaking at an event can have in supporting these charitable initiatives.

A charity ambassador can bring passion and personal stories that can deeply connect with the audience.

Charity ambassadors bring a unique blend of passion and personal storytelling that can deeply resonate with the audience.

They share touching anecdotes and powerful insights from their experiences on the ground, which not only humanise the cause but also create a strong emotional connection with the attendees.

This emotional engagement is crucial as it can inspire action, encourage donations, and build a community of supporters who are committed to the cause.

By sharing their journeys, these speakers help to paint a vivid picture of the challenges faced and the victories achieved.

This makes the need for support feel more immediate and pressing.

Tyler Lowe meeting King Charles

If you’d like to add a wellbeing element to your next event, whether it’s having a keynote speaker or a wellbeing workshop, get in touch, we’d love to help!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 10 Inspiring Keynote Speaker Ideas Everyone Will Love! appeared first on Loving Life.

15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Cardiff Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Looking for engaging team building activities in Cardiff? You’re in the right place! Cardiff, a vibrant city known for its rich history and stunning scenery, is also a hub for innovative and fun team building experiences. Whether you’re aiming to boost morale, improve communication, or just have a great time with your colleagues, Cardiff offers....

The post 15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Cardiff appeared first on Loving Life.

Looking for engaging team building activities in Cardiff?

You’re in the right place!

Cardiff, a vibrant city known for its rich history and stunning scenery, is also a hub for innovative and fun team building experiences.

Whether you’re aiming to boost morale, improve communication, or just have a great time with your colleagues, Cardiff offers a variety of activities to suit every team’s needs.

From creative challenges to adrenaline-pumping adventures, our guide covers the best team building activities in Cardiff, ensuring an unforgettable experience for your group.


15 Fun Team Building Activities in Cardiff

  1. Wellbeing Workshops
  2. White Water Rafting
  3. Go Quest
  4. Ice Skating at Vindico Arena
  5. Roxy Lanes
  6. Welsh Games
  7. Crazy Golf at Golf Fang
  8. Flight Club Darts
  9. Escape Rooms
  10. Archery at GoL Centres
  11. Pizza Making Class
  12. Vineyard Tour at Glyndwr Vineyard
  13. Chocolate Making Workshop
  14. Virtual Reality at Active Reality
  15. Go Karting at TeamSport Cardiff

Map of Team Building Activities in Cardiff


15 Fun Team Building Activities in Cardiff

Explore 15 exciting and unique team building activities in Cardiff.

These ideas are perfect for fostering teamwork, enhancing communication, and adding a dash of fun to your corporate events.

1. Wellbeing Workshops

At Loving Life, we understand the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Our Wellbeing Workshops are designed to offer your team a rejuvenating break from the daily grind, focusing on coping with stress, healthy habits, and personal growth.

These workshops delivered on-site, not only foster a healthier work environment but also enhance team cohesion and productivity.

Tailored to meet the unique needs of your team, these sessions are interactive, engaging, and filled with practical takeaways.

Whether it’s a one-off session or a series of workshops, we ensure a memorable and transformative experience for your team.

Get in touch for more info.

2. White Water Rafting

White Water Rafting is an adventure that combines teamwork and thrills in the heart of Cardiff.

This activity challenges teams to navigate the dynamic waters, fostering communication, trust, and teamwork among participants.

It’s an ideal way to break free from the office environment and plunge into a world of exciting team challenges.

The experience is not just about braving the rapids, it’s also about creating unforgettable memories and strengthening colleague bonds.

Suitable for all skill levels, expert guides ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Contact White Water Rafting for more info.

3. Go Quest

Go Quest offers a unique twist on team building with a self-guided sightseeing tour and interactive treasure hunt across Cardiff.

This activity combines the thrill of exploration with the fun of problem-solving.

This makes it an ideal choice for teams looking to blend adventure with learning.

As participants navigate through the city’s landmarks, they engage in challenges and puzzles that require collaboration, communication, and strategic thinking.

Go Quest provides an opportunity to discover Cardiff’s rich history and hidden gems while fostering team unity.

This experience is perfect for teams seeking a blend of outdoor activity, culture, and teamwork.

Contact Go Quest for more info.


4. Ice Skating at Vindico Arena

Ice Skating at Vindico Arena offers a refreshing and fun team-building experience in Cardiff.

Glide into a world of laughter and playful competition, where balance and teamwork are key.

This activity is perfect for breaking the ice (literally!) and encouraging team members to support each other in a unique and enjoyable setting.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned skater, the arena caters to all levels, ensuring everyone can participate and enjoy the experience.

Ice skating is not only a great physical activity but also an excellent metaphor for the workplace, teaching balance, adaptability, and mutual support.

Contact Vindico Arena for more info.

5. Roxy Lanes

Roxy Lanes in Cardiff presents a vibrant and entertaining setting for team building, blending a variety of games with a lively atmosphere.

This venue is the perfect place for teams to unwind and bond, offering activities like bowling, ping pong, and arcade games.

It’s an ideal spot for encouraging friendly competition and fostering team spirit in a relaxed environment.

The combination of games and a great selection of food and drinks makes Roxy Lanes a top choice for teams looking for a casual yet engaging team-building experience.

Whether it’s strategising over a game of bowling or laughing together in the arcade, your team is set for an unforgettable experience.

Contact Roxy Lanes for more info.

6. Welsh Games

Welsh Games offers a distinctly fun and quirky team-building experience in Cardiff, perfect for groups seeking laughter and lighthearted competition.

Dive into a world of whacky activities featuring large inflatables, catapults, fat suits, and bungees.

This unique experience not only brings out the child in everyone but also emphasizes the importance of teamwork, creativity, and communication in a fun-filled environment.

Welsh Games is ideal for teams looking to step out of the usual corporate setting and into a day of unbridled joy and team bonding.

Contact Welsh Games for more info!

7. Crazy Golf at Golf Fang

Crazy Golf at Golf Fang in Cardiff offers an entertaining twist to traditional team building.

This 18-hole course is far from ordinary, featuring imaginative and whimsical designs that challenge both skill and creativity.

It’s a fantastic way to foster a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition among team members.

The unique themes of each hole ensure a delightful and surprising experience, perfect for sparking conversations and laughter.

Whether your team consists of avid golfers or complete beginners, everyone will find joy and a sense of achievement in this engaging activity.

Contact Golf Fang for more info!

8. Flight Club Darts

Flight Club Darts in Cardiff brings a modern twist to the classic game of darts, offering an innovative and sociable team-building experience.

With state-of-the-art electronic dartboards and a lively atmosphere, this venue provides the perfect setting for teams to engage in friendly competition and skill-building.

The interactive games are designed for all levels, ensuring everyone can join in the fun regardless of their darts experience.

It’s not just about hitting the bullseye, it’s about teamwork, strategy, and enjoying a relaxed environment with colleagues.

Contact Flight Club Darts for more info.

9. Escape Rooms

Escape Rooms in Cardiff offers a thrilling and intellectually stimulating team-building experience.

This activity challenges teams to work together under pressure, solving puzzles, cracking codes, and unravelling mysteries to escape from a themed room.

It’s an excellent way for colleagues to enhance their problem-solving skills, communication, and collaboration in a fun, high-stakes environment.

The diverse range of rooms ensures that teams can find a scenario that captures their interest, whether it’s solving a crime or navigating through historical adventures.

Escape Rooms in Cardiff is perfect for teams looking for an immersive and challenging experience that tests their collective wits.

Contact Escape Rooms Cardiff for more info.

10. Archery at GoL Centres

Archery at GoL Centres in Cardiff provides a unique and focused team-building activity, combining skill, precision, and a touch of medieval flair.

This activity is not just about hitting the target, it’s about fostering concentration, patience, and a supportive team environment.

Archery is a great way to encourage individuals to challenge themselves while supporting their team members in a calm and focused setting.

Suitable for all skill levels, with expert guidance available, it ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Contact GoL Centres for more info.

11. Pizza Making Class

Dive into the delightful world of culinary creativity with a Pizza Making Class in Cardiff.

This hands-on experience is not just about crafting the perfect pizza, it’s about team bonding over dough, toppings, and laughter.

Under the guidance of expert chefs, team members learn the art of pizza making, from tossing dough to customising their creations with various ingredients.

The informal setting encourages relaxed conversation and collaboration, making it an ideal activity for fostering team spirit.

It’s a perfect blend of learning a new skill and enjoying a delicious meal together.

Contact ClassBento for more info.


12. Vineyard Tour at Glyndwr Vineyard

Experience the serene beauty of the countryside with a Vineyard Tour at Glyndwr Vineyard in Cardiff.

This team-building activity offers a unique opportunity to explore the lush vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and, of course, taste some exquisite wines.

The tour not only provides a tranquil escape from the bustle of city life but also encourages team members to relax and connect in a picturesque setting.

It’s an ideal way to blend education, relaxation, and socialising, making it perfect for teams looking for a more laid-back and sophisticated team-building experience.

Glyndwr Vineyard’s warm and welcoming atmosphere ensures a delightful day out for everyone.

Contact Glyndwr Vineyard for more info.

13. Chocolate Making Workshop

Indulge in the sweet art of team building with a Chocolate Making Workshop.

This deliciously creative experience brings teams together to learn the intricacies of chocolate making.

Guided by expert chocolatiers, participants will discover the secrets behind crafting fine chocolates, from tempering to decorating.

Chocolate Making is perfect for teams looking for a blend of creativity, learning, and of course, indulgence.

Whether you’re a chocolate lover or just looking for a unique team activity, this workshop promises a memorable and tasty team-building experience.

Contact Simply Good Times for more info.


14. Virtual Reality at Active Reality

Step into the future of team building with Virtual Reality experiences at Active Reality in Cardiff.

This cutting-edge activity immerses your team in a world of digital adventures where collaboration and creativity are key.

Whether it’s solving puzzles in a virtual escape room or working together to conquer a digital challenge, VR offers a unique platform for team bonding and skill development.

This experience is great for teams eager to embrace modern technology and experience a different kind of reality.

It’s an exciting way to encourage innovative thinking and communication in a fun, engaging environment.

Contact Active Reality for more info.


15. Go Karting at TeamSport Cardiff

Unleash the thrill of speed and competition with Go Karting at TeamSport in Cardiff.

This high-energy activity offers an adrenaline-pumping experience that promotes healthy competition and team spirit.

Go Karting is not just about who crosses the finish line first, it’s about strategising, encouraging each other, and enjoying a shared adventure.

The state-of-the-art tracks and karts provide a safe and exhilarating environment for all levels of drivers.

It’s a perfect way to get the team’s heart racing while fostering unity and camaraderie.

Contact TeamSport for more info.

Map of Team Building Activities in Cardiff

Cardiff offers an extraordinary array of team building activities, each designed to strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and inject fun into corporate events.

Among these diverse options, our Wellbeing Workshops emphasize the critical role of a happy and healthy workforce.

These workshops not only foster a healthier work environment but also boost team cohesion and productivity.

At Loving Life, we are committed to creating experiences that resonate with your team’s specific needs, ensuring each session is as impactful as it is memorable.

Whether you choose the high energy of Go Karting, the creative collaboration in Chocolate Making, or the interactive engagement of our Wellbeing Workshops, Cardiff is great for your next team-building event.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Cardiff appeared first on Loving Life.

17 Fun Team Building Activities in Leeds Mon, 22 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 If you’re looking for team building ideas and activities to strengthen your team’s bond and boost morale in Leeds, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve carefully curated a list of 17 team building activities and ideas that promise not only to engage and entertain but also to enhance teamwork, communication, and collaboration. Whether you’re....

The post 17 Fun Team Building Activities in Leeds appeared first on Loving Life.

If you’re looking for team building ideas and activities to strengthen your team’s bond and boost morale in Leeds, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve carefully curated a list of 17 team building activities and ideas that promise not only to engage and entertain but also to enhance teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

Whether you’re planning a corporate event or just a fun day out with your team, these activities are sure to leave a lasting impression.


17 Fun Team Building Activities in Leeds

  1. Wellbeing Workshops
  2. Emmerdale Walking Tour
  3. Go Karting
  4. Go Ape
  5. Axe Throwing
  6. Corporate Archery
  7. Wine Tasting
  8. Leeds City Treasure Hunt
  9. Bubble Football
  10. Chocolate Making
  11. Virtual Reality
  12. Paint Balling
  13. Gin Tasting
  14. Dance Classes
  15. Pizza Making
  16. Crazy Golf
  17. Quad Biking

Map of Team Building Activities in Leeds


17 Fun Team Building Activities in Leeds

Whether you want an activity in the office or somewhere in Leeds, these activities will give you ideas to create a memorable team bonding experience that your colleagues will love!

1. Wellbeing Workshops

Wellbeing Workshops are a transformative experience for teams, focusing on enhancing mental and emotional health in the workplace.

These workshops, tailored to your team’s needs, offer practical skills in, stress reduction, creating new habits, and more.

It’s an excellent opportunity for team members to connect on a deeper level, fostering a supportive and productive work environment.

These workshops are designed to empower employees, leading to improved team dynamics and overall job satisfaction.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of Wellbeing Workshops to help support your employees.

Get in touch to see how we can work together!

2. Emmerdale Walking Tour

Step into the world of television with the Emmerdale Walking Tour.

This unique team building activity offers your team an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the iconic locations of the beloved UK soap drama, Emmerdale.

Wander through the picturesque village, visit famous landmarks like The Woolpack and Café Mainstreet, and learn fascinating insights from knowledgeable guides.

It’s a fun way to combine leisure with learning, ideal for teams seeking a blend of entertainment and culture.

Get in contact with Emmerdale Village Tour for more info.

3. Go Karting

Rev up your team’s spirits with an exhilarating Go Karting experience in Leeds!

This high-speed activity is perfect for teams looking to inject some adrenaline into their bonding experience.

Navigate through sharp turns and speedy straights on Yorkshire’s longest indoor karting track, fostering a sense of friendly competition and team spirit.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned racer, this activity promises a thrilling and memorable day out for everyone.

Get in touch with Team Sport Karting in Leeds for more info.

4. Go Ape

Why not organise an adventurous team outing at Go Ape, where you’ll tackle thrilling treetop courses and zip lines at Temple Newsam.

This activity is perfect for teams seeking a dynamic and physically engaging experience.

Swing through the forest, navigate obstacles, and conquer zip lines all while enjoying the beautiful outdoor setting.

Go Ape offers an excellent platform for teams to encourage each other, face challenges together, and build trust.

It’s an unforgettable way to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

Plan your adventurous team building day at Go Ape Temple Newsam.

5. Axe Throwing

Unleash your team’s inner warriors with an exhilarating Axe Throwing session in Millennium Square.

This unique and engaging activity is perfect for teams looking to try something new and exciting.

Under the guidance of experienced instructors, team members will learn the art of axe throwing, aiming for targets, and maybe even competing in friendly contests.

It’s a fantastic way to break the ice, encourage a bit of competition, and improve focus and coordination.

Whether you’re celebrating a company milestone or just looking for a distinctive team-building event, axe throwing is sure to hit the mark.

Get in touch with Whistle Punks for more info.

6. Corporate Archery

Step into the world of archery with your team in Leeds!

Corporate Archery offers an exceptional opportunity to learn a new skill while fostering teamwork and precision.

Guided by professional instructors, your team members will be equipped with bows and arrows, aiming to hit the bullseye in a series of fun and challenging activities.

This team building activity not only enhances focus and hand-eye coordination but also promotes a supportive team environment as members cheer each other on.

It’s a great way to step out of the office and into a space of friendly competition and shared learning.

Get in touch with Archery Combat Events for more info.


7. Wine Tasting

Indulge in the sophisticated world of wine with a Wine Tasting experience in Leeds.

Perfect for teams who appreciate the finer things in life, this activity offers a journey through various wine regions and flavours.

Guided by experts from ThirtyFifty, your team will learn about different wine types, grape varieties, and the art of wine pairing.

It’s an elegant way to enhance team bonding through shared learning and sensory exploration.

Contact ThirtyFifty Wine Tasting in Leeds for more info.


8. Leeds City Treasure Hunt

Enjoy a local adventure with the Leeds City Treasure Hunt, a perfect blend of exploration, learning, and fun.

This team-building activity invites you to unravel the mysteries and hidden treasures of Leeds through a series of clues.

It’s an excellent way to encourage teamwork, strategic thinking, and problem-solving.

As teams navigate through local landmarks and hidden gems, they’ll bond over shared discoveries and challenges.

Whether you’re local or live outside the area, this treasure hunt promises an engaging and memorable experience for your team.

Contact Treasure Hunt Leeds for more info.


9. Bubble Football

Inject some hilarious and energetic fun into your team building with Bubble Football in Leeds.

This unconventional twist on traditional football involves players being encased in giant, transparent bubbles, adding a whole new dimension of laughter and playfulness to the game.

It’s a fantastic way for team members to let loose, encourage each other, and enjoy some light-hearted competition.

Bubble Football is not just about scoring goals, it’s about teamwork, communication, and most importantly, having a great time.

Contact Bubble Soccer World for more info.

10. Chocolate Making

Delve into the delightful world of chocolate making with your team at the Leeds Chocolate Factory.

This sweet experience is ideal for teams looking to engage in a creative and delicious activity.

Guided by expert chocolatiers, you’ll learn the art of crafting exquisite chocolates, from tempering to decorating.

It’s a perfect blend of fun and skill-building, as team members collaborate to create delectable treats.

Contact Leeds Chocolate Factory for more info.


11. Virtual Reality

Step into the future of team building with a Virtual Reality experience in Leeds.

The Park Playground offers an immersive VR adventure where teamwork and creativity reach new dimensions.

In virtual worlds, your team will solve puzzles, complete challenges, and navigate unique scenarios together.

This cutting-edge technology not only provides an exciting and memorable outing but also enhances communication, problem-solving skills, and collaboration in a way traditional activities can’t match. Ready to explore new realities and strengthen your

Contact The Park Playground Leeds for more info.

12. Paint Balling

Experience the thrill of Paint Balling with your team in Leeds.

UK Paintball provides an exhilarating setting where strategy, teamwork, and a bit of competitive spirit come into play.

Navigate through diverse terrains, strategise with your teammates, and engage in friendly battles.

Paint Balling is not only a great physical activity but also a fantastic way to build trust, improve communication, and foster a sense of unity.

It’s perfect for teams looking for an active and adventurous day out, filled with action, laughter, and memorable moments.

Contact UK Paintball Leeds for more info


13. Gin Tasting

Indulge in the refined experience of Gin Tasting with your team in Leeds.

The Gin Journey offers an elegant exploration of this classic spirit, perfect for teams looking to blend relaxation with sophisticated learning.

Discover the history and craft behind gin making, taste various premium gins, and learn about the nuances of flavour and aroma.

This activity is an excellent opportunity for team members to socialise in a relaxed setting, enhancing interpersonal connections and creating a shared cultural experience.

Contact Gin Journey Leeds for more info.


14. Dance Classes

Energise your team with the rhythm and fun of Dance Classes at The Dance Studio Leeds.

This lively team-building activity offers a chance to learn new dance moves, embrace different music styles, and most importantly, have a lot of fun together.

From salsa to contemporary, the classes cater to various interests and skill levels, making them accessible to everyone.

Dancing is not just about the steps, it’s about teamwork, communication, and breaking out of comfort zones in a supportive environment.

Contact The Dance Studio Leeds for more info.

15. Pizza Making

Unleash your team’s culinary creativity with a Pizza Making class at Leeds Cookery School.

This hands-on activity is perfect for teams looking to blend fun, food, and teamwork.

Under the guidance of expert chefs, you’ll learn the art of pizza making, from kneading the perfect dough to perfect oven time.

Enjoy the satisfaction of crafting and baking your own pizzas, followed by the joy of sharing your creations with the team.

Along with cooking, the experience is complemented with Prosecco and cocktails, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the event.

Contact Leeds Cookery School for more info.

16. Crazy Golf

Putt your way to fun with Crazy Golf at Junkyard Golf Club in Leeds.

This quirky and vibrant venue offers a unique twist on traditional golf, making it a fantastic choice for a light-hearted team-building activity.

Navigate through whimsically themed courses, each with its own set of amusing challenges and obstacles.

Crazy Golf is a great way to encourage friendly competition, laughter, and interaction in a relaxed, unconventional setting.

Get in touch with Junkyard Golf Club Leeds for more info.


17. Quad Biking

Experience the thrill of Quad Biking with your team in the rugged terrains of Yorkshire.

Live For Today offers an exhilarating quad biking adventure that is perfect for teams seeking an action-packed and adventurous day out.

Feel the rush as you navigate through challenging trails, tackle obstacles, and explore scenic landscapes.

Quad biking is an excellent way to encourage teamwork, as participants support and motivate each other through the course.

It’s a great opportunity for team members to step out of their comfort zones, bond over shared experiences, and create lasting memories.

Contact Live For Today Adventures for more info.

Map of Team Building Activities in Leeds

I hope these activities have given you some ideas.

As you can see from above, Leeds offers a diverse array of team-building activities that I hope you’ve found useful.

Each activity is designed to strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and foster a spirit of collaboration in a fun and engaging way.

The key to a successful team-building experience lies in trying new things together and creating shared memories.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 17 Fun Team Building Activities in Leeds appeared first on Loving Life.

10 Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading Wed, 17 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Creating a strong, cohesive team is crucial in the corporate world. What better way to strengthen bonds than through engaging and innovative team-building activities? If you’re a company based in or near Reading, this blog aims to give you corporate team-building ideas that come to you or are based in the local area. Whether you’re....

The post 10 Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading appeared first on Loving Life.

Creating a strong, cohesive team is crucial in the corporate world.

What better way to strengthen bonds than through engaging and innovative team-building activities?

If you’re a company based in or near Reading, this blog aims to give you corporate team-building ideas that come to you or are based in the local area.

Whether you’re looking to foster leadership skills, improve teamwork, or just have a memorable day with your colleagues, Reading offers a range of options that promise to exceed your expectations.


10 Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading

  1. Wellbeing Workshops
  2. Wine Tasting
  3. Escape Rooms
  4. Go Karting
  5. Crazy Golf
  6. Corporate Cooking Classes
  7. Football Zorbing
  8. Group Archery
  9. Indoor Climbing
  10. Lunch and Learn

Map of Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading


10 Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading

Here are 10 Unique corporate team building activities accessible to Reading that will help bring your colleagues together.

1. Wellbeing Workshops

In the fast-paced corporate environment, the importance of employee wellbeing often takes a backseat. However, prioritizing mental and physical health is crucial for a productive and harmonious workplace.

Wellbeing Workshops offer a valuable solution.

These workshops focus on enhancing employees’ overall health, addressing stress management, healthy habits, work-life balance and more.

They provide practical tools and strategies to help staff manage their wellbeing effectively.

Incorporating such workshops into your team-building activities can lead to a more engaged, focused, and ultimately happier workforce.

At Loving Life we deliver a range of wellbeing workshops to help companies with their team building activities.

Get in touch for more info.

2. Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting events are a sophisticated and enjoyable way to enhance team building.

They offer a blend of education and entertainment, perfect for corporate groups.

At these tastings, teams learn about various wines, their origins, and the nuances of flavour and aroma.

Wine Tasting is ideal for teams looking to engage in a more relaxed, yet culturally enriching environment.

These experiences are also a great way to develop sensory skills and promote a refined understanding of a globally appreciated art form.

Contact Stanlake Park for more info on wine tasting.


3. Escape Rooms

Escape Rooms are a thrilling way to foster team unity and problem-solving skills.

In this immersive experience, teams are locked in a themed room and must work together to find clues, solve puzzles, and escape within a set time limit.

It’s an adrenaline-filled activity that tests and enhances communication, collaboration, and creative thinking.

Each room presents a unique challenge, requiring teams to strategise and think on their feet.

Escape Rooms are perfect for teams seeking a dynamic and interactive experience that takes them away from the typical office environment.

Contact Escape Reading for more info.


4. Go Karting

Go Karting is an exhilarating team-building activity that combines speed, strategy, and friendly competition.

Its gets the adrenaline pumping and encourages team members to engage in friendly competition.

Participants can race against each other in a safe and controlled setting.

It’s not just about who crosses the finish line first, Go Karting also requires tactical thinking, as participants decide when to speed up, slow down, and overtake competitors.

This activity is perfect for teams looking to inject some high-energy fun into their bonding experience.

Contact Team Sport Go Karting in Reading for more info.

5. Crazy Golf

Crazy Golf is a lighthearted and entertaining team-building activity that adds a playful twist to traditional golf.

It’s a nice blend of fun and skill, where teams navigate quirky and creatively designed courses.

Each hole offers a unique challenge, encouraging players to think creatively and strategically.

This activity is great for all skill levels, making it inclusive and enjoyable for everyone in the team.

It’s an excellent way to break the ice and encourage team members to interact in a relaxed, fun-filled environment.

Contact Spinners Crazy Golf in Reading for more info.


6. Corporate Cooking Classes

Corporate cooking classes are a delightful and engaging way to build team spirit and collaboration.

These classes take the team into the kitchen, a place where creativity, cooperation, and communication are key ingredients.

Participants work together to prepare, cook, and enjoy a meal, turning the kitchen into a lively hub of team-building activity.

This hands-on experience not only teaches culinary skills but also emphasizes the importance of working together toward a common goal.

It’s an opportunity for team members to bond over the shared joy of cooking and eating, all while learning something new.

Contact The Cooking Academy in Reading for more info.

7. Football Zorbing

Football Zorbing, also known as Bubble Football, is a hilarious and energetic team-building activity that combines the fun of football with the challenge of doing it while encased in a giant inflatable zorb.

This unique twist on traditional football requires players to wear large bubbles, which lead to plenty of laughter as they bump into each other while trying to score goals.

It’s an excellent way for teams to let off steam, encourage teamwork, and engage in some casual competition.

The game is less about football skills and more about enjoying the moment and working together in a fun, unconventional setting.

Contact Football Zorbing UK for more info.

8. Group Archery

Group Archery is a team-building activity that combines skill, focus, and a touch of medieval flair.

It’s an exciting way for team members to challenge themselves and each other in a friendly and supportive environment.

Archery requires concentration, patience, and a steady hand, making it a great way to develop precision and calmness under pressure.

Teams can compete in various challenges or simply enjoy learning a new skill together.

Group Archery is perfect for teams looking for an activity that is both physically engaging and mentally stimulating.

Contact Reading Archers for more info.


9. Indoor Climbing

Indoor Climbing is an exciting and challenging team-building activity that encourages trust, communication, and support among team members.

It’s a physical and mental exercise where participants climb walls of varying difficulty, pushing their boundaries and overcoming fears.

This activity is great for building confidence and fostering a sense of achievement.

As team members climb, they often rely on their colleagues for encouragement and guidance, strengthening the bonds of trust and cooperation.

Indoor Climbing is an ideal activity for teams looking to engage in a stimulating and rewarding experience that combines physical activity with problem-solving skills.

Contact Parthian Climbing for more info.

10. Lunch and Learn

For companies keen on team-building without leaving the office, Lunch and Learn sessions are a fantastic idea.

These sessions combine the relaxed atmosphere of a shared meal with the opportunity for professional development and learning.

Employees can enjoy a catered lunch while engaging in a workshop or listening to a guest speaker.

This format is less formal than traditional training sessions, encouraging open discussion and interaction among team members.

It’s an excellent way for employees to gain new insights, share knowledge, and foster connections over a meal.

Check out our blog below for lunch and learn ideas.

27 Corporate Lunch and Learn Ideas


Map of Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading

Reading has a range of team-building activities that can help strengthen your corporate team.

Whether your aim is to boost morale, foster communication, or simply enjoy a memorable day out, these activities provide unique opportunities for growth and enjoyment.

If you’d like help with a tailored workshop for your corporate team building activity, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler is the founder of Loving Life and has helped support dozens of companies with their team away days and team building events by delivering fun, engaging and interactive sessions that align with company objectives.

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 10 Corporate Team Building Activities in Reading appeared first on Loving Life.

15 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Birmingham Mon, 15 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Birmingham is a busy city known for its important role in business and history and team building activities can help keep businesses thriving. Once famous for its role in making and inventing things during the Industrial Revolution, it’s now filled with all sorts of companies, from small startups to big international companies. With there being....

The post 15 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Birmingham appeared first on Loving Life.

Birmingham is a busy city known for its important role in business and history and team building activities can help keep businesses thriving.

Once famous for its role in making and inventing things during the Industrial Revolution, it’s now filled with all sorts of companies, from small startups to big international companies.

With there being many companies around, Birmingham offers lots of cool and fun activities that help with team building bringing colleagues together.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at 15 exciting things you can do in Birmingham that are perfect for teams to bond and build working relationships.


15 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Birmingham

  1. Interactive Workshops
  2. Birmingham Treasure Hunt
  3. Cocktail Making
  4. Group Bouldering
  5. Group Archery
  6. Wine Tasting
  7. Escape Rooms
  8. Go-Karting
  9. Boom Battle Bar
  10. Inflatanation
  11. Virtual Reality Experience
  12. Sixes
  13. Football Zorbing
  14. Crazy Golf
  15. Guided Tour of Birmingham

Map of Team Building Activities in Birmingham


15 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Birmingham

Team building activities are a great way to bring colleagues closer and with lots to offer in Birmingham.

We’ve decided to put together a list of 15 ideas and activities to help you create an amazing team building experience for you and your colleagues.

1. Interactive Workshops

Employee workshops are a great way to get colleagues together, boost morale, and teach new things.

Interactive workshops can be delivered in the comfort of a company’s office making it a team building activity that is convenient for everyone.

Workshops can be delivered around a range of topics, from coping with stress, setting goals and creating life-changing habits.

There are a range of workshops to help team building within any company.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of employee workshops to help improve the health and wellbeing of staff and bring teams together.

Workshops are fun, engaging, educational and interactive.

For more info get in touch!

2. Birmingham Treasure Hunt

A Treasure Hunt in Birmingham can act as great idea for your team.

This team-building activity invites you to explore the city while tackling puzzles and riddles.

It’s a fantastic way to see Birmingham’s landmarks, learn its history, and boost team collaboration.

Imagine the excitement as your team unravels clues and races around the city.

This treasure hunt combines fun, learning, and teamwork, creating unforgettable experiences.

Check out Treasure Hunt Birmingham for all the details you need to get your team’s adventure rolling!


3. Cocktail Making

Get ready to mix things up with a cocktail making session.

This engaging team-building activity allows everyone to learn the art of crafting delicious cocktails.

Led by skilled bartenders, your team will have the opportunity to mix, shake, and create their own signature drinks.

It’s a perfect mix of fun, learning, and friendly competition.

Bond over the thrill of concocting and tasting your creations, fostering team spirit in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

Visit Mixology Events for more information on how to add a twist to your team-building day with cocktail making!


4. Group Bouldering

Take your team-building to new heights with Group Bouldering in Birmingham!

This activity is all about climbing without ropes on low walls, where the challenge is as much mental as it is physical.

It’s a great way for your team to encourage each other and build trust, as they navigate through the climbs.

Group Bouldering isn’t just about strength, it’s about strategy, problem-solving, and working together.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned climber, this activity promises a fun and rewarding experience.

Check out Birmingham Bouldering Centre to get started!

Indoor rock climbing

5. Group Archery

Step back in time and channel your inner archer with Group Archery in Birmingham!

This team-building activity is perfect for learning a new skill while fostering team spirit.

As you and your team take aim, they’ll not only improve their archery skills but also learn the importance of focus, patience, and support.

Group Archery offers a unique blend of competition and collaboration, making it an ideal activity for teams looking to bond in a fun and challenging environment.

Visit NPF Bassetts Pole for more information and to book your group archery experience.


6. Wine Tasting

Uncork a world of flavour with a Wine Tasting team-building experience in Birmingham!

This sophisticated yet relaxed activity is ideal for teams looking to engage in something elegant and educational.

Guided by expert sommeliers, your group will explore a variety of wines, learning about their origins, flavours, and pairing options.

Wine tasting is not only about enjoying fine wines, it’s an opportunity to develop sensory skills and foster conversations in a laid-back setting.

Discover more at Birmingham Wine School, where your team can sip, savour, and socialise.


7. Escape Rooms

Dive into the world of mystery and problem-solving with Escape Rooms in!

In this team-building activity, groups are locked in a themed room and must work together to find clues, solve puzzles, and escape before time runs out.

It’s a thrilling race against the clock that tests teamwork, communication, and critical thinking.

Whether it’s a spy mission or a historical adventure, each escape room offers a unique and immersive experience.

Head over to Escape Live Birmingham to book your escape room adventure.

8. Go-Karting

Rev up your team’s spirit with an exhilarating Go-Karting experience!

This high-speed team-building activity is perfect for those seeking an adrenaline rush.

As team members race around the track, they’ll learn about healthy competition, quick decision-making, and the thrill of speed.

Go-Karting is more than just racing, it’s about pushing limits and fostering a sense of camaraderie among team members.

Speed over to TeamSport Karting to book your high-octane team-building event in Birmingham.

9. Boom Battle Bar

Experience a unique blend of fun and competition at Boom Battle Bar in Birmingham!

This one-of-a-kind team-building activity offers a variety of games like axe throwing, mini golf, and karaoke, perfect for teams looking for a mix of excitement and activities.

It’s a place where colleagues can unwind, bond, and engage in friendly contests.

Whether you’re aiming for a bullseye or hitting the high notes, Boom Battle Bar is all about laughter, teamwork, and creating memorable experiences.

Visit Boom Battle Bar Birmingham to plan your next corporate event.

10. Inflatanation

Bounce into action with Inflatanation in Birmingham, a team-building experience filled with fun and laughter!

This inflatable theme park is an unconventional yet thrilling way to foster team spirit.

It features giant slides, obstacle courses, and a variety of bouncy challenges, perfect for letting loose and encouraging teamwork.

Inflatanation is ideal for teams seeking a playful break from the norm, promoting collaboration, communication, and, most importantly, fun.

Visit Inflatanation Birmingham to book a team-building session that’s sure to be a hit!

11. Virtual Reality Experience

Step into the future of team building with a Virtual Reality Experience at MeetSpaceVR in Birmingham!

This immersive activity takes your team into astonishing virtual worlds, offering a unique way to collaborate and challenge each other.

From navigating through otherworldly landscapes to solving complex puzzles, VR provides a fresh and exciting platform for team engagement.

It’s perfect for tech-savvy teams or those looking to experience something truly cutting-edge.

Explore the possibilities and book your experience at MeetSpaceVR Birmingham.


12. Sixes

Hit a six in team building with Sixes in Birmingham!

This unique cricket-themed experience brings the excitement of the sport in a fun, interactive setting.

Whether your team members are cricket enthusiasts or new to the game, Sixes offers a blend of virtual reality and real-life batting to engage everyone.

It’s a great way to encourage teamwork, friendly competition, and sporting spirit.

Alongside the cricket action, enjoy a mix of cocktails and delicious food, making it a perfect spot for a relaxed yet active team outing.

Visit Sixes Birmingham to plan your cricketing team adventure.


13. Football Zorbing

Get ready for a hilarious twist on football with Football Zorbing in Birmingham!

This activity combines the fun of football with the thrill of zorbing – where players are encased in giant inflatable bubbles.

It’s an excellent way for teams to bond through laughter and light-hearted competition.

As players bump and roll around the field, they’ll need to cooperate and communicate to score goals.

Football Zorbing is perfect for teams looking for an active, fun, and out-of-the-ordinary experience.

Visit Roll Mania to book a football zorbing session that’s sure to be a hit with everyone!

14. Crazy Golf

Putt your way to team-building success with Crazy Golf in Birmingham!

This playful and engaging activity is perfect for teams looking for a relaxed yet challenging experience.

Navigate through creatively designed courses, each offering unique obstacles and themes.

Crazy Golf is a great way to encourage light-hearted competition among team members.

It’s not just about getting the lowest score but about enjoying the moment and creating fun memories together.

Head over to Golf Fang for a round of crazy golf that’s sure to delight your team!


15. Guided Tour of Birmingham

Discover Birmingham’s rich history and culture with a Guided Tour!

This team-building activity offers a unique opportunity to explore the city’s famous landmarks, hidden alleys, and historical sites.

Led by knowledgeable guides, your team will learn fascinating stories and facts about Birmingham, fostering a deeper connection with the city.

It’s a perfect way to encourage team bonding outside the usual office setting, offering a mix of education, exploration, and shared experiences.

Check out Explore Birmingham for guided tours that will enrich and inspire your team.


Map of Team Building Activities in Birmingham

As we wrap up our exploration of team-building activities in Birmingham, it’s clear that this city offers lots of unique and engaging options.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of employee workshops to help companies with team building.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like help with your next team building event!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 15 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Birmingham appeared first on Loving Life.

15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Bristol Wed, 10 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Ready to check out some super cool team-building activities in Bristol? This city isn’t just about cool sights, it’s a playground for fun team building activities and challenges. With a range of activities and ideas Bristol is full of surprises, and it’s a great spot to bond with your team. We’ve picked out 15 amazing....

The post 15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Bristol appeared first on Loving Life.

Ready to check out some super cool team-building activities in Bristol?

This city isn’t just about cool sights, it’s a playground for fun team building activities and challenges.

With a range of activities and ideas Bristol is full of surprises, and it’s a great spot to bond with your team.

We’ve picked out 15 amazing team building activities that will help strengthen team bonds and bring colleagues together.

Whether it’s having an emphasis on employee wellbeing or a boozy team night out, this list caters to all.


15 Fun Team Building Activities in Bristol

  1. Wellbeing Workshops
  2. Go Karting
  3. Cocktail Masterclass
  4. Chocolate Making
  5. West Country Games
  6. Escape Room
  7. Virtual Reality
  8. Air Hop
  9. Clip n Climb
  10. Wine Tasting
  11. West Country Water Park
  12. Axe Throwing
  13. Bristol Walking Tour
  14. Crazy Golf
  15. Leap of Faith

Map of Team Building Activities in Bristol


15 Fun Team Building Activities in Bristol

From corporate wellbeing to social outings, these 15 team building ideas and activities will help you create a moment that your colleagues will love.

1. Wellbeing Workshops

Wellbeing workshops are all about feeling good and working better together.

In these sessions, you and your team will learn cool ways to stay healthy and happy both in and outside the workplace

It’s not just about exercise, you’ll discover how to handle stress, create better habits, and find a good work-life balance.

These workshops are a fun, relaxed way to learn about staying well and prioritising health.

With the interactive delivery style of these sessions, they provide a great opportunity for colleagues to come together and connect.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of tailored wellbeing workshops to help companies support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Get in touch for more info.

2. Go Karting

Go Karting is a great team building activity filled with high speed fun!

It’s a thrilling race where you and your team zoom around on a track, trying to cross the finish line first.

Feel the adrenaline as you navigate twists and turns, competing against each other in a friendly but exciting race.

Go Karting is not just about speed, it’s about strategy, teamwork, and, most importantly, having a blast.

Whether you’re a pro or a newbie, it’s an awesome way to rev up team spirit and share some laughs.

Contact Team sport Bristol for more info

3. Cocktail Masterclass

Shake up your team building with a Cocktail Masterclass!

This is where you learn to mix, shake, and create amazing cocktails.

Led by expert mixologists, you’ll dive into the art of cocktail making in a fun and interactive setting.

It’s not just about making drinks, it’s about teamwork, creativity, and enjoying the delicious results.

Whether you’re crafting a classic or inventing something new, this masterclass at Milk Thistle Bristol is great for a memorable and engaging team experience.

Contact Milk Thistle in Bristol for more info.


4. Chocolate Making

Dive into a sweet adventure with Chocolate Making!

This delicious experience is not just about tasting, it’s about creating your very own chocolates.

Colleagues will learn from chocolate experts, discover different chocolate flavours, and get hands-on in crafting these delightful treats.

It’s a perfect mix of learning, teamwork, and indulgence.

Plus, you get to take home your chocolate creations!

This activity is a fantastic way to bond with your team and add a touch of sweetness to your team-building day.

Contact Chilli Sauce for more info.


5. West Country Games

Embrace the hilarity and fun at West Country Games!

This unique activity features a series of goofy and entertaining games that capture the spirit of the West Country.

You’ll be laughing and competing in team challenges like welly throwing, cider run, and tractor tyre rolling.

It’s a fantastic way to break the ice, encourage team bonding, and have an unforgettable time.

Perfect for groups looking for a light-hearted and action-packed day, West Country Games guarantees loads of laughs and some friendly competition.

Contact West Country Games for more info

6. Escape Room

Step into a world of mystery with an Escape Room experience!

Locked In A Room Bristol offers an exhilarating challenge where teamwork is key.

Your group will be immersed in a themed room, filled with puzzles and clues.

The goal?

Work together to solve the mysteries and escape before time runs out.

It’s a race against the clock that tests problem-solving skills, communication, and collaboration.

Whether you crack the code or not, it’s a thrilling way to build team unity and have a ton of fun.

Contact Locked in a Room for more info.

7. Virtual Reality

Step into a new world with Virtual Reality at Vertigo VR Bristol!

This unique experience takes your team on an incredible journey through virtual landscapes.

Whether you’re battling zombies, solving puzzles in space, or exploring new worlds, VR offers an immersive and unforgettable team-building adventure.

The VR games are about working together in a virtual environment to achieve common goals.

Perfect for tech-savvy teams or those looking to try something new and exciting, Virtual Reality at Vertigo VR is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Contact Vertigo VR in Bristol for more info.


8. Air Hop

Bounce into team building with Air Hop, Bristol’s ultimate trampoline park!

Here, you and your team can leap into a world of fun with wall-to-wall trampolines.

It’s not just about jumping high, it’s about team games, dodgeball battles, and foam pit challenges.

Air Hop offers a playful way to build teamwork, communication, and trust, all while having a blast.

This activity is great for those looking to add some energy and laughter to their team-building day.

Get ready to jump, laugh, and bond in a way you’ve never done before!

Contact Air Hop Bristol for more info.

9. Clip n Climb

Reach new heights with Clip n Climb at Bloc Climbing Bristol!

This activity is all about challenging yourself and your team on various climbing walls.

Each wall offers a unique test of agility, strength, and problem-solving.

It’s an exciting way to encourage teamwork, as you cheer each other on and conquer the climbs together.

Clip n Climb is perfect for teams seeking an adventurous and supportive environment to build trust and cooperation.

Get ready to climb, have fun, and create memorable experiences with your team.

Contact Clip n Climb for more info.

Indoor rock climbing

10. Wine Tasting

Indulge in the refined experience of Wine Tasting with your team at KASK Wine, Bristol.

It’s a journey through the world of fine wines, where you’ll learn about different grape varieties, regions, and winemaking processes.

This activity is not just about tasting exquisite wines but about building team camaraderie and enjoying sophisticated fun together.

KASK Wine provides a cozy and elegant setting, perfect for relaxing, learning, and engaging in thoughtful conversations.

Wine Tasting is ideal for teams looking to blend relaxation with a touch of class.

Contact Kask Wine for more info.


11. West Country Water Park

Splash into an exciting team-building day at West Country Water Park!

This water-based adventure is perfect for teams looking for a mix of excitement and relaxation.

Whether it’s tackling inflatable obstacle courses, engaging in water sports, or simply enjoying the serene lakeside, there’s something for everyone.

The park encourages teamwork and communication as you navigate through fun and challenging water activities.

It’s a great opportunity for team members to bond, laugh, and enjoy the great outdoors together.

Contact West Country Water Park for more info.

12. Axe Throwing

Experience the thrill of Axe Throwing at Whistle Punks in Bristol!

This activity is all about unleashing your inner warrior and learning a unique skill.

You and your team will get the chance to throw axes at targets, competing to see who can hit the bullseye.

It’s a great way to foster a sense of friendly competition and camaraderie.

The experienced instructors ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Axe Throwing is perfect for teams that want to try something different and exciting, making for an unforgettable team-building event.

Contact Whistle Punks Bristol for more info.

13. Bristol Walking Tour

Explore the rich history and vibrant culture of Bristol with the Ultimate Bristol Walking Tour.

This guided tour takes you through the city’s fascinating streets, uncovering stories from the infamous pirate Blackbeard to the iconic street artist Banksy.

It’s an educational and engaging way to learn about Bristol’s heritage while fostering team connections.

As you wander through the city, you’ll have the opportunity to bond over shared discoveries and insights, making it a perfect activity for teams looking to blend learning with leisure.

Contact Blackbeard 2 Banksy for more info.


14. Crazy Golf

Putt your way to team-building success with Crazy Golf at Jungle Rumble Bristol!

This isn’t your typical golf experience, it’s a wild and wacky adventure with fun obstacles and themed courses.

Whether you’re navigating through jungle ruins or avoiding cheeky obstacles, it’s a game that encourages laughter and light-hearted competition.

Crazy Golf is a fantastic way to get team members to interact, communicate, and enjoy some friendly rivalry.

It’s perfect for teams looking for a playful and relaxed way to spend time together, creating memorable moments one putt at a time.

Contact Jungle Rumble in Bristol for more info.


15. Leap of Faith

Dare to take the Leap of Faith in Bristol for an exhilarating team-building experience!

This high-adrenaline activity challenges you and your team to climb up and leap towards a target from a towering platform.

It’s not just about the thrill, it’s about building trust, encouraging each other, and overcoming fears together.

The Leap of Faith is perfect for teams seeking to strengthen their bond through a shared, heart-pounding adventure.

It’s a unique opportunity to step out of the comfort zone and into a world of excitement and teamwork.

Contact Leap of Faith for more info.

Map of Team Building Activities in Bristol

As we wrap up our journey through Bristol’s exciting team-building activities, it’s clear that this vibrant city offers something for every team.

From the adrenaline rush of Go Karting and the Leap of Faith, to the creative joys of Chocolate Making and the serenity of Wine Tasting, Bristol combines fun, learning, and teamwork in unique ways.

Each activity we’ve explored is more than just a day out, it’s an opportunity to strengthen bonds, foster collaboration, and create lasting memories.

At Loving Life, we help companies support the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Our wellbeing workshops are a fantastic addition to any team building event.

Get in touch for more info!

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler is the founder of Loving Life and has helped support dozens of companies with their team away days and team building events by delivering fun, engaging and interactive workshops that align with company objectives.

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 15 Fun Team Building Activities and Ideas in Bristol appeared first on Loving Life.

17 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Manchester Mon, 08 Jan 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Manchester is a city renowned for its vibrant culture and spirited history. It offers a range of activities for team building and we’ve decided to put together a list of the best ideas for you and your team. Whether it’s for a team away day or an annual get-together, these ideas will help inspire you....

The post 17 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Manchester appeared first on Loving Life.

Manchester is a city renowned for its vibrant culture and spirited history.

It offers a range of activities for team building and we’ve decided to put together a list of the best ideas for you and your team.

Whether it’s for a team away day or an annual get-together, these ideas will help inspire you to create a successful day.

From team workshops to unravelling mysteries together, this city transforms ordinary team activities into extraordinary experiences.

In this blog, we dive into a world where collaboration meets fun, where teams not only grow stronger but also share unforgettable moments.


Map of Team Building Activities in Manchester

17 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Manchester

  1. Wellbeing Workshops
  2. Breakout
  3. Flight Club Manchester
  4. Box Deansgate
  5. Sixes Cricket
  6. Go Ape Rivington
  7. Immersive Gamebox
  8. Football Zorbing Manchester
  9. Inflatable Park Manchester
  10. Virtual Reality Arcade Manchester
  11. Mobile Cocktail Making Manchester
  12. Wine Tasting Manchester
  13. Go-Karting Manchester Trafford Park
  14. Indoor Skydiving Manchester
  15. Parthian Climbing Manchester
  16. Corporate Archery
  17. Axe Throwing Manchester

What are the Benefits of Team Building Activities in Manchester?

Map of Team Building Activities in Manchester

17 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Manchester

Whether it’s as part of an away day or a team building experience, these 17 activites wil give you ideas to create an unforgettable experience.

1. Wellbeing Workshops

Employee wellbeing is at the heart of every company.

Without employee health, how do we expect teams to deliver their best!

That’s where wellbeing workshops can help.

These workshops are designed to be interactive, engaging, fun, and bring colleagues together.

Whether it’s a workshop to inspire life-changing habits or to reduce stress, there are a range of workshops that can help bring your team together for a memorable and enjoyable experience.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of workshops that can help your team building experience.

Whether the workshop is delivered at your office, or in an offsite venue, we’re happy to help.

Get in touch for more info.

2. Breakout

Why not immerse your team in a thrilling race against time at Breakout Manchester?

Teams are locked in a room filled with puzzles, mysteries, and clues.

The mission?

To escape before time runs out.

It’s a test of teamwork, problem-solving, and quick thinking.

Each themed room offers a unique storyline, making the experience exhilarating and unforgettable.

Will your team crack the code to freedom?

For more information visit Breakout Manchester

3. Flight Club Manchester

Step into Flight Club Manchester, where the traditional game of darts gets a fun, modern twist.

Located on King Street, this venue combines the excitement of darts with state-of-the-art technology.

Teams can engage in various dart games, suitable for all skill levels, fostering friendly competition and team building.

It’s not just about hitting the bullseye, it’s about bonding with colleagues in a lively atmosphere.

With delicious food and drinks on offer, Flight Club ensures an unforgettable team-building experience.

Perfect for those looking to add a playful edge to their corporate events.

Discover more about Flight Club Manchester.

4. Box Deansgate

Box Deansgate stands out as a versatile and vibrant venue for team building in Manchester.

Located at 125 Deansgate, it’s more than just a sports bar, it’s a hub for corporate events and team gatherings.

Offering tailor-made packages, it caters to various group sizes and budgets.

The space flexes to host both lively and more formal events, making it ideal for diverse team-building needs.

Whether it’s watching major sports events on the many TVs or engaging in friendly competitions, BOX Deansgate creates an atmosphere where teams can relax, bond, and connect.

Add to this their tempting food and drink menu, and you have the perfect recipe for a successful team-building outing.

Explore Box Deansgate for your next team event.


5. Sixes Cricket

Sixes Cricket in Manchester offers a unique spin on team building with its cricket-themed experience.

Nestled in the heart of the city, this venue invites teams to step into the world of social cricket, regardless of their skill level.

It’s not just about cricket, it’s about uniting teams in an energetic and enjoyable environment.

With state-of-the-art batting nets, participants can enjoy a friendly match, foster team spirit, and engage in some healthy competition.

The experience is rounded off with great food and drinks, making Sixes Cricket a perfect spot for an entertaining and bonding team outing.

Learn more about the Sixes Cricket experience in Manchester.

6. Go Ape Rivington

Just a stone’s throw from Manchester, Go Ape Rivington offers an exhilarating outdoor adventure, great for team building.

This isn’t just a day out, it’s a journey into the treetops, featuring high ropes, zip wires, and Tarzan swings.

Embrace the great outdoors as your team navigates through the canopy, encouraging each other along the way.

This experience is all about trust, courage, and teamwork, set amidst the stunning backdrop of Rivington’s natural beauty.

It’s an ideal choice for teams seeking a challenge beyond the city’s hustle and bustle.

Unleash your adventurous side and strengthen team bonds at Go Ape Rivington.

Discover more about this treetop adventure near Manchester.

7. Immersive Gamebox

Immersive Gamebox in Manchester Arndale brings a new dimension to team building with its cutting-edge interactive technology.

Located in the heart of the city, this venue offers a range of immersive and engaging group gaming experiences.

Teams can dive into a variety of virtual worlds, from high-energy block smashing to strategic coin collecting, and even space missions.

It’s an ideal platform for enhancing communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in a fun, dynamic environment.

Immersive Gamebox’s unique blend of technology and play makes it a standout choice for teams looking for an unconventional and memorable team-building activity.

Explore the exciting world of Immersive Gamebox in Manchester.

8. Football Zorbing Manchester

Football zorbing in Manchester offers a hilarious twist to traditional football, blending the game with the fun of zorbing.

Teams get strapped inside giant inflatable bubbles and play a unique version of football, where bouncing, rolling, and bumping into each other is part of the game.

This activity is not only a great physical workout but also a fantastic way to encourage team spirit and laughter.

It’s ideal for those seeking a playful, action-packed team-building experience that breaks the ice and builds teamwork.

Located in two venues around Manchester, Football Zorbing provides an unforgettable, energetic, and laughter-filled team-building session.

Find out more about Football Zorbing in Manchester

9. Inflatable Park Manchester

Inflatable park Manchester offers a vibrant and energetic environment for team building, located at Inflata Nation in Trafford Park.

It’s the UK’s first inflatable theme park, where adults can unleash their inner child in a fun-filled setting.

Picture a massive area filled with bouncing inflatables, including giant slides, obstacle courses, gladiator podiums, and ball pits.

Teams can engage in playful challenges, fostering a sense of unity and enjoyment.

It’s a perfect choice for groups looking to combine physical activity with light-hearted fun.

Inflatable Park Manchester is an ideal venue for creating lasting memories and strengthening team bonds in a unique and exhilarating way.

Explore more about Inflatable Park Manchester

10. Virtual Reality Arcade Manchester

Virtual reality arcade Manchester by DNA VR takes team building to a whole new level.

Located in the heart of the city, this arcade offers an array of virtual reality experiences that transport teams to incredible and diverse worlds.

From battling zombies in a post-apocalyptic landscape to exploring ancient pyramids, the options for adventure are limitless.

This immersive technology not only provides entertainment but also enhances team collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills in a thrilling, virtual environment.

Ideal for teams seeking a cutting-edge and engaging experience.

Virtual Reality Arcade Manchester presents a unique opportunity to bond and challenge each other in ways beyond the ordinary.

Discover the immersive world of Virtual Reality Arcade in Manchester.

11. Mobile Cocktail Making Manchester

Mobile cocktail making in Manchester offers a unique and delightful twist to team building.

This activity brings the art of cocktail making directly to your preferred location, whether it’s an office or a hired venue.

Guided by professional bartenders, teams learn to mix, shake, and create a variety of classic and innovative cocktails.

It’s not just about learning new skills, it’s about teamwork and creativity in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

This activity is perfect for teams looking to unwind and bond over a shared, hands-on experience.

Mobile cocktail making in Manchester provides all the necessary ingredients and equipment, ensuring a smooth and memorable team-building event.

Learn more about Mobile Cocktail Making experiences in Manchester.


12. Wine Tasting Manchester

For the wine lovers in your team, wine tasting in Manchester offers a sophisticated and educational team-building experience.

Hosted by the Manchester Wine School, these events are perfect for corporate groups looking to engage in a refined and enjoyable activity.

Teams are guided through the intricacies of wine tasting, learning about different grape varieties, regions, and wine-making processes.

It’s an opportunity to develop sensory skills, encourage discussions, and enjoy quality wines in a relaxed setting.

This activity not only enhances knowledge and appreciation of wine but also promotes team bonding through a shared cultural experience.

Whether you’re a novice or a wine enthusiast, Wine Tasting in Manchester caters to all levels and provides an elegant backdrop for corporate team building.

Explore the world of wine with corporate events by Manchester Wine School.

13. Go-Karting Manchester Trafford Park

Go-Karting at Manchester Trafford Park by TeamSport offers an adrenaline-pumping team-building activity that’s sure to ignite competitive spirits.

Located in Trafford Park, this venue boasts top-notch indoor karting tracks, providing the perfect setting for an exhilarating race experience.

Teams can engage in friendly competition, racing around the track, mastering turns, and striving for the fastest lap times.

This high-speed activity fosters team spirit, encourages healthy competition and is ideal for those looking for an action-packed team outing.

Go-karting at Manchester Trafford Park is not just about speed, it’s about collaboration, strategy, and shared excitement.

Experience the thrill of go-karting with your team at Manchester Trafford Park.

14. Indoor Skydiving Manchester

Indoor Skydiving at iFLY Manchester brings the thrill of skydiving within the safe confines of a state-of-the-art vertical wind tunnel.

This unique team-building activity offers the exhilarating sensation of freefall without the need to jump from an airplane.

Teams get to experience the thrill of flying as they are guided by experienced instructors, making it suitable for all, regardless of previous experience.

It’s a fantastic way to foster team spirit as colleagues encourage and watch each other defy gravity.

Indoor Skydiving is not just about the thrill, it’s about stepping out of comfort zones, building trust, and creating an unforgettable bonding experience.

Discover the excitement of Indoor Skydiving with iFLY Manchester.

15. Parthian Climbing Manchester

Parthian climbing in Manchester offers a unique and exhilarating team-building experience with its indoor climbing challenges.

Located in a vibrant and accessible area of the city, this venue provides a variety of climbing walls suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned climbers.

The activity focuses on trust, encouragement, and teamwork as colleagues help each other navigate different routes and overcome obstacles.

Climbing at Parthian not only tests physical strength and agility but also enhances problem-solving skills and boosts confidence.

It’s an ideal activity for teams looking to engage in a fun, active, and bonding experience.

Parthian Climbing Manchester creates an environment where teams can push their limits together in a safe and supportive setting.

Learn more about the climbing adventures at Parthian Climbing Manchester.

16. Corporate Archery

Corporate Archery is ateam-building experience that is different from the norm.

Hosted in Manchester by The Archertype, this activity introduces teams to the ancient skill of archery in a modern corporate setting.

Participants learn the basics of archery from skilled instructors, focusing on precision, concentration, and patience.

It’s a great way to foster a sense of achievement and togetherness as team members support and challenge each other to hit the bullseye.

Corporate Archery is not just about hitting targets, it’s about setting goals, enhancing focus, and building team spirit in a fun and relaxed environment.

Discover more about Corporate Archery for team building with The Archertype.

17. Axe Throwing Manchester

Axe Throwing at Whistle Punks in Manchester presents a thrilling and unconventional team-building activity.

Located in the heart of the city, this venue offers an opportunity for teams to learn and master the art of axe throwing.

Guided by expert instructors, participants engage in a safe and controlled environment, learning how to throw axes at wooden targets.

It’s an excellent way to relieve stress, encourage friendly competition, and foster team spirit.

Axe Throwing is not just a physical activity, it requires focus, coordination, and a steady hand.

This helps to make it a unique and memorable team-building experience.

This activity is perfect for teams looking for something out of the ordinary to bond over and challenge each other.

Experience the excitement of Axe Throwing with your team at Whistle Punks Manchester.

What are the Benefits of Team Building Activities in Manchester?

Team building activities in Manchester offer a range of benefits, both for the individual employees and for the teams as a whole.

These activities are designed to improve communication, build trust, and enhance collaboration.

They also provide an enjoyable break from the typical work environment.

Here are some key benefits:

Improved Communication

Team building activities often require participants to communicate effectively to achieve a common goal.

This can help break down barriers in communication and improve understanding among team members.

Enhanced Teamwork

By working together in a non-work context, team members can develop a better understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and working styles.

This can lead to improved collaboration in the workplace.

Increased Morale and Employee Engagement

Fun and challenging activities can boost team morale and engagement.

When employees feel more connected to their colleagues, they’re often more enthusiastic and invested in their work.

Problem-solving Skills

Many team building activities are centred around solving a problem or overcoming a challenge.

This can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills among team members.

Leadership Development

Team building activities often bring out natural leaders.

This can be a great opportunity for employees to develop and showcase their leadership abilities.

Stress Reduction

Engaging in fun and physical activities can be a great stress reliever.

It provides a break from the routine and can help in reducing work-related stress.

Building Trust

Activities that require team members to depend on each other can help in building trust.

This is an essential component of a strong team.

Networking and Building Connections

These activities provide an opportunity for employees to interact and network in a more relaxed setting.

This can lead to stronger interdepartmental relationships and better communication across the organisation.

Identifying Hidden Talents

Team building can reveal skills that may not be apparent in the workplace, helping management recognise potential and hidden talents within their teams.

Cultural Benefits

Manchester’s rich culture and diverse range of activities can add an extra layer of interest and engagement to team building exercises.

This makes them more enjoyable and memorable.

Overall, team building activities in Manchester can significantly contribute to the overall effectiveness, cohesiveness, and productivity of a team.

They’re also a great way to get colleagues together for some fun and enjoyment.

As we wrap up our exploration of team building ideas and activities in Manchester, it’s clear that this vibrant city has so much to offer.

From the adrenaline rush of indoor skydiving to the strategic challenges of escape rooms, each activity promises not just fun, but a chance to forge stronger bonds and create lasting memories.

Whether you’re a local business or visiting for a corporate retreat, these team-building activities are sure to energise, inspire, and bring your team closer than ever.

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler is the founder of Loving Life and has helped support dozens of companies with their team away days and team building events by delivering fun, engaging and interactive sessions that align with company objectives.

Portrait of Tyler Lowe Wellbeing Speaker

The post 17 Team Building Ideas and Activities in Manchester appeared first on Loving Life.
